Dangerous Travel Conditions


A roar of a Yeti or the sound of a Fire Ball’s explosion can easily trigger an avalanche. Characters who wish to survive need to succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw, otherwise the avalanche deals 3d10+2 bludgeoning damage, or half of that on a successful save. All creatures within the range of the avalanche are swept up by the snow 1d100 ft. down. The avalanche can have a small range of 30 ft. cone, a medium range of 60 ft. cone, or a big range of 100 ft.  


Insidious, the frost creeps up on unsuspecting travelers. It lulls them into inattention and then bites. Each creature that fails a DC 14 Constitution saving throw takes 1d4+1 every short rest, or 3d4+1 every long rest. Resting next to a campfire or sheltered from the biting wind, grants an advantage on the saving throw.  


• hailstones pelt the area, causing unsheltered creatures to take 1d4 bludgeoning damage at the start of their turn • open flames are extinguished • ranged attacks rolls at disadvantage • perfect conditions for Basilisk to attack  

Snowstorm, Blizzard

• vicious winds and snowfall obscure vision; disadvantage on Perception checks that rely on sight and hearing • movement speed is halved • creatures not adequately protected must make a DC 13 Constitution ST or suffer 1d6 cold damage every hour • perfect conditions for Yeti to attack  

Tricky terrain

One wrong step might turn deadly and reveal a hidden crevice, or unexpected stream of icy water. Successful DC 14 Perception check allows characters to remain cautious. A fall deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage for each 10 ft.; the icy water deals 1d12+4 cold damage per round unless an adventurer rolls a successful DC 16 Constitution saving throw.

Cover image: by DALLE


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