Din Huine

You have probably heard the stories of Din Huine and how beautiful they look bathed in the blood of their enemies. As they lack any formal hierarchy, nor hold any significant power within the walls of Hyste Talma, it's hard to define their place in the Radoe Alliance.   Din Huine, the elites of Vindu warriors who fearlessly hunt down monsters—and make it a point of honor to wear Yeti's fur!—have no leader, hold no rank. Yet, they are as essential for the Alliance to function as air is for breathing.  


For centuries, Din Huine remained detached from the political structure of Hyste Talma. Over the course of history, many assassinations have been ascribed to their swift blades, but no one has ever connected an ideology or even a strong opinion to them. As far as the general populace was concerned, Din Huine followed the money and the thrill of a challenge. Killing a particularly vicious Yeti is as important as quietly slipping poison to the King's supper.   It stands to reason then, that when the Redoe Alliance made itself known in Hyste Talma, Din Huine would ignore the political upheaval and continue to serve as they please and whom they please. Not this time, however. No one knows what exactly pushed these lethal elves to unify behind the Alliance—was it a child of their own, captured by Dragsa? Or did they see the laboratories? Or perhaps it was a faint trace of Order, pushing them towards seeking justice? Whatever reasons they have for joining in, Din Huine's presence in the Inner Circle of Hyste Talma grows each decade. The members of the Redoe Alliance know how to call for them and what to expect from their service.   As for the rest of the world, there's but a simple question to ask: if even the most bloodthirsty assassins decide your actions immoral and unite to kill you, what crimes must you have committed?   Din Huine's involvement in the Redoe Alliance is perhaps the strongest proof of how deprived Queen Anara's heart has become.  

Half-feral bad omens

There are many legends about Din Huine. Most of their members are women—daughters, sisters and wives. There is, of course, no gender preference and if you meet enough of them, you will eventually encounter a male Din Huine. However, there's no denying the imbalance. Many Vindu scholars have wondered why women tend to be more brutal, more violent of their species. Some think it has to do with protecting their children, some think its the societal pressure that builds over centuries and pushes them into the role of extraordinary huntresses.   None of the scientific theories are as popular or believable as the legends told at the inns. It is said that the first Din Huine was a Vindu woman blessed by the spirit of a wolf, and that the animal's instincts and skills were a gift. It is said that a Vindu can become a Din Huine only after they discover, within themselves, their feral, wild side, when they let go of their inhibitions and allow their emotions and heart to lead them. Whether that path ends up following a Yeti or a Bear from the Deep, or a crafty merchant, seems irrelevant.


The snow falls in hushed whispers, each delicate flake pirouetting through the frigid air. When they move, their magic keeps them from disturbing even one of the snowflakes, allowing them to fall with a soft, muffled sigh. Cloaked in white, they resemble vengeful wraiths more than the Vindu. Yet, the world holds its breath when they draw their blades.   Din Huine are a secretive network of the Vindu, the snow elves. They specialize in hunting and tracking. Most of them take assassination jobs as a side hustle, especially during colder months when most animals and monsters near Hyste Talma hibernate. Din Huine have no particular political agenda, nor formal structure, besides following their sharp instincts.   Most of the Din Huine are women, though men are welcome in their ranks. Daughters, sisters, and mothers find immense pleasure in the power they hold over the life and death of their prey. Quiet on their feet, with deadly reflexes, they have no equal outside of the warm halls of Hyste Talma. The mark of Din Huine is a piece of jewelry made from Yeti’s bones or clothes adorned with its white fur.   Elite Assassins. The Vindu elves are capable and lethal in battle, but Din Huine are the elite amongst them. If you need a job done quickly and discreetly, look for the subtle marks of Yeti’s paws painted on the corners of the Middle Circle of Hyste Talma. Or, if you are unfortunate enough to be outside the city, search for small bone beads hanging from trees. They will not lead you to Din Huine, but following them will bring their attention to you.   Morbid Mementos. Perhaps it has to do with the gender disproportion amongst them, but the Din Huine love to keep mementos of their victims. Whether it’s a particularly nasty monster that they’ve managed to hunt or a corrupted politician, they turn parts of their prey into rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, or even clothes. If you manage to garner their respect, the Din Huine are known to gift their unique trinkets.   Poison Specialist. Not many are brave enough to share a meal with a member of the Din Huine. They are infamous for the potions they ingest in their meals in order to become immune. However, should you, by any chance, happen to have a rare or exotic potion on you, you’d quickly find out how sociable and charming those Vindu can be to get what they want. The Din Huine often coat their weapons in poison and love to sneak it into their victim’s food or drinks.   Battle Tactics. The Din Huine value their lives and don’t often fight till their last breath. They have many reasons to live for and as much fun as hunts and assassinations may be, they aren’t worth their lives. The Din Huine prefer to work alone, though if the job requires it, they’ll pair up or even organize into more numerous groups. They prefer to hit fast and hide from their opponents.
Military Order
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization

Cover image: by DALLE


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