Dragon Turtle

Dragon Turtles are magnificent creatures that swim gracefully through the waters. They boast colossal sizes.   The older individuals’ shells amass minerals and moss from the sea. Together, they create swirls of iridescent opals and glimmering crystals, peeking out from the centuries-old moss. Truly a sight to behold, mesmerizing many who see it for the first time.   Life cycle. Adult Dragon Turtles make appearances only every few years, but their legacy is secured through the hatching of their offspring's eggs on the sandy beaches of Encura. There, they lay dozens of eggs. They are pretty massive, which makes them an easy prey to other animals. So, to safeguard their offspring, adult Dragon Turtles bury the eggs deep within the sandy shores. However, nature blends beauty with danger. When the eggs hatch, the beaches come alive with the birth of the young Dragon Turtles. These cow-sized creatures resemble adorable miniatures of their future grandeur, filled with a longing for adventure.   Small but deadly. However, this awe-inspiring natural process is not without its perils, as just after hatching, they are stricken with hunger. And as numerous Dragon Turtle hatchlings emerge simultaneously, there's fierce competition for food—they voraciously attack and consume everything in sight, which turns the initial marvel at their appearance into chaos along the coastline.   Big but gentle. While the hatchlings are driven by primal instincts that lead to fierce battles for food and survival, the adult Dragon Turtles are more gentle and peaceful beings. Most of the time, these gentle giants seem indifferent to the presence of humans and other humanoid species. They pay little attention to ships or coastal settlements, often allowing sailors to marvel at their sheer size from a distance. Some local legends and folklore speak of adult Dragon Turtles as protectors of the seas, watching over the delicate balance of marine life. It is said that they possess an innate connection with the ebb and flow of the tides, and their presence is believed to bring harmony to the ocean ecosystems. Thus, it is no surprise that they are generally considered a sign of good luck by sailors and are respected as iconic symbols of the sea.   The Wrath of a Gentle Giant. Still, despite their generally placid disposition, adult Dragon Turtles are not to be underestimated. Enraging one of these colossal creatures can have catastrophic consequences. When provoked or threatened, they can react with surprising speed and force, unleashing powerful strikes with their massive jaws and formidable claws.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by DALLE


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