
Encura is a nation that has captured the imagination of many with its rich history and unique way of life. Known as a nation of marine beastkin, they proudly rebelled against the oppressive rule of Dragsa and carved out their own destiny. Located on the coastal islands of the western part of the Kallonia continent, Encura is a partially submerged country, where the merfolk thrive in the damp climate. The beastkin inhabitants have adapted to the aquatic environment, as well thriving alongside the diverse marine creatures that call this place home.   Initially starting as a humble city-state, Encura has since expanded its reach by establishing smaller villages on the surrounding islands, creating a network of interconnected communities. What truly sets Encura apart is its remarkable geography. The capital and other settlements are situated on nearly submerged islands, with only the peaks of these landmasses peeking above the water's surface. This extraordinary environment presents an awe-inspiring sight, as the nation seems to emerge gracefully from the depths of the sea.


Encura Today

The beastkin inhabitants have seamlessly adapted to the aquatic lifestyle, embracing both the surface and underwater realms as their home. The coral reefs, adorned in vibrant colors, paint a mesmerizing tapestry, while schools of fish move in perfect harmony, their graceful movements captivating all who witness them. Light dances through the water, creating a spectacle of shifting hues and illuminating the depths with an ethereal glow. Encura is a place where the very fabric of nature weaves together into a breathtaking panorama, inviting you to explore the unknown and discover the hidden treasures of the sea. The surface area of Encura showcases its bustling nature with people's ports and temples. The cityscape boasts a harmonious blend of architectural marvels, combining elements of both land-based structures and designs suitable for underwater living. Ports teeming with activity provide a gateway to the nation's maritime trade and ensure their connection to the outside world. While there are some farms, carefully cultivated to harness the bounties of the land, most of the surface is still in firm grasp of nature. It is beneath the water's surface where Encura truly comes alive. As one descends into the depths, a captivating world awaits. Vast expanses of seaweed farms undulate with the gentle currents, cultivated to serve as a vital source of food and other resources. Intricate stone structures adorned with vibrant marine life form the foundation of the underwater cityscape. Since none of its citizens are obligated to stick with the ground surface, they access each building layer directly through windows or balconies. Thanks to this, towering buildings, like nothing I had seen anywhere else, rise majestically, their architecture reaching new heights—literally. The whole realm's unique culture is infused with a deep appreciation for the enchanting beauty that surrounds them.  

The Water Embrace Ritual

Life underwater in Encura is an enchanting and captivating experience that remains largely inaccessible to outsiders. While most visitors are limited to the surface, a privileged few who manage to earn the trust of the Encurans can be granted access to their sacred temples, where a truly magical ritual takes place. These hallowed ceremonies are performed in the pre-dawn hours by the revered priestesses known as “Waterbeast Summoners,” a title intricately connected to one of their religious festivals that marks the end of each season. But more on that later. Let us delve deeper into the ritual of Water Embrace and the fascinating customs surrounding it. The process of acquiring the ability to breathe underwater is not as swift or pleasant as one might imagine. It is a meticulously orchestrated affair, carried out with great care and precision. Yet, amidst the intricacies of the ritual, there is an undeniable sense of festivity. Picture yourself surrounded by the marine beastkin, their mystical presence accentuated by the aromatic marine herbs they employ during the ceremony. The air is thick with anticipation and excitement, and a profound sense of reverence pervades the atmosphere. As the ritual unfolds, time seems to elongate, stretching out into a realm of suspended anticipation. The priestesses guide the participants through ancient chants and elaborate gestures, invoking the very essence of the deep sea. The ambient light dims, giving way to a subtle luminescence that emanates from the enchanted artifacts adorning the temple walls. The transformative moment arrives as the culmination of the ritual draws near. A surge of energy courses through the participants, infusing their beings with a palpable connection to the vast underwater realm. It is at this precise juncture that the extraordinary occurs—temporary gills manifest on the necks of those partaking in the sacred rite. The physical sensations that accompany this metamorphosis are disorienting yet exhilarating. Equipped with these, the guests are now capable of navigating the underwater world. Or rather, venturing into its depths without suffocating. The sensation of breathing underwater is unlike anything experienced on the surface—a fusion of both awe and fear. Each inhalation fills the lungs with pristine, oxygenrich water, invigorating the body and mind. Though the experience of utilizing these temporary gills may be nerveracking initially, the rewards far outweigh any trepidation. Exploring the vibrant underwater landscapes of Encura, with its coral gardens teeming with exotic marine life, is an adventure that transcends the boundaries of the ordinary. Swimming alongside gracefully gliding creatures, witnessing the kaleidoscope of colors that dance upon the coral canvases, and feeling the weightless embrace of the water enveloping every movement—all contribute to an experience of unparalleled wonder. However, as with all things bestowed temporarily, the gift of water breathing bestowed by the ritual eventually fades. With the rising of the sun on the next day, the enchantment dissipates, and the initiated must bid farewell to their aquatic abilities until the next ritual comes around. If they will allow it again. Yet, even as the gills recede, the memories of this extraordinary journey linger, forever etched within the depths of their beings.  

Citizens of the Sea

Encura celebrates freedom and exhibits a diversity of groups within its borders. In their attempt to foster an environment where all can thrive and contribute their unique perspectives, they embraced individuals from various races and backgrounds. This resulted in a citizenry composed of diverse races from the enchanting, with their beautiful Jellymaids, as to the less captivating aquatic beastkin. However, the most prominent and varied group among them is known as the Slithers. The Slithers possess a unique physical form that combines a humanoid upper body with a mesmerizing fish-like tail as their lower half. Their bodies are adorned with scales, which display a captivating range of colors, from ethereal shades of light green to deep, almost black purples. This is one of the elements of Encura that travelers remember the most. But while the Slithers make up the majority in Encura, the realm also welcomes anyone who earns the trust of Encura and has chosen to make this underwater world their home. So the sight of some humans and Elves is not that rare. While the “Water Embrace” ritual is one of the options for anyone coming from outside, it is worth noting that many of the people seeking to stay there use other powerful transmutation magic, enabling themselves a more long-lasting form fit for the underwater life—all so they could thrive and coexist in the water’s depths.   Beyond the aforementioned races, Encura is home to many creatures of more ambiguous origins. These beings are usually the descendants of merfolk and other races, blurring the boundaries between species and forging new paths of existence. They showcase Encura's heritage, embodying the fusion of different lineages and backgrounds. These hybrids serve as a reminder of the endless possibilities that arise from the mingling of different races. But with such possibilities, comes a whole set of new problems.  

Clash of Cultures

Freedom stands as a cornerstone in Encura's society. A cherished value deeply rooted in their history. However, Encurans recognize that true freedom requires responsible governance, as unchecked liberty can devolve into mere sentimentality. In the merfolk's philosophy of life, freedom encompasses the ability to express oneself and pursue individual goals, but it also entails a duty to ensure the collective well-being of the entire community. Striving for a balance between individual autonomy and the greater good, they recognize that their actions impact not only themselves but also those around them. This keen awareness instills in them a strong sense of commitment to upholding values like compassion, fairness, and justice.   Yet, as with any society, Encura faces its share of challenges. Disparities persist, and tensions between different ethnicities are not unheard of. For the beastkin, descendants of captives altered in Dragsa's experiments, the longing to reconnect with their lost culture is always present. Meanwhile, an influx of outsiders with their own cultures poses a challenge to Encura's way of life. While the merfolk are generally welcoming, introducing foreign customs and traditions does not rarely clash with the established norms. Encura often faces the dilemma of finding a way to embrace the ones they accepted while preserving the essence of their own culture and values. Sometimes this is just impossible and conflict arises.


The Diseases that Plague Encurans

Life in Encura is hard and the country is poor. Everyone needs to work to feed themselves and work with their own hands and fins. Most of the citizens either fare in procuring food as hunters, gatherers, or caretakers of seaweed plantations. The sea is pretty merciful when it comes to food, so food shortages are rare. But the diet itself lacks variety, especially during the colder months when the land's bounties are scarce, and reliance on sea resources, like seaweed and fish, becomes vital.   Moreover, Dragsa never had the luxury to meticulously refine their created races, weeding out individuals with undesirable features. Whether these decisions were morally right or not, I leave to your own judgment. The undeniable fact remains that this lack of perfection has resulted in significant diversity among the aquatic beastkin, even extending to the slithers, who appear outwardly uniform. However, this diversity comes with a cost, including health issues, deformities, and hereditary diseases, as well as too many stillborns.   Both of these aspects resulted in one thing: a rise in diseases in their society. Encurans detest all things that take away their freedom—be it other people or nature itself. So they don’t even consider casting aside individuals who carry these ailments. This is, nonetheless, a significant problem facing Encura.   This situation is also not helped by the simple fact that there are not many people with good knowledge about medicine among Encura citizens, since most known herbs are from the land. The Listeners have been gathering knowledge about sea herbs only for the past few centuries. Meanwhile, they rely on the blessings of magic with their healers, but even the most powerful spells are unable to heal all diseases.   Their knowledge of herbs is limited to those found in the land, and while the Listeners have been diligently gathering information about sea-herbs for centuries, their healing capabilities are still reliant on the blessings of magic. Unfortunately, magic is not a panacea and it cannot cure all diseases, leaving many to suffer from afflictions that are resistant to magical healing.  

Life in the Shadow of War

Another problem that Encura is currently facing is the looming danger posed by Dragsa. Despite the ongoing war between the two, Dragsa has yet to acknowledge Encura as a country. Instead, they are preoccupied with their conflict with the Kutauri, which indirectly grants Encurans a semblance of peace. In other words, Encurans can enjoy peace because someone else is paying the price.   This leaves many Encurans feeling conflicted about their situation—that their peace comes at the expense of others and they do not deserve it. But while some citizens believe they should actively support the rebellion against Dragsa and not simply enjoy the distance and safety of their island's shores, the official stance remains hesitant to engage in direct military intervention. Encura does provide aid in the form of sending food and welcoming refugees from the continent. Still, when it comes to plans for the future, the notion of sending an army to actively assist in the war is dismissed. Encura keeps quite a large number of soldiers in the Shoal of Protectors, but they never send them anywhere, just keep them close to protect islands, in case the rebellion falls. Encura does maintain a significant number of soldiers within the Shoal of Protectors, ready to defend the islands should the rebellion reach their shores. However, these forces have not been deployed elsewhere to aid in the conflict beyond their borders.   As time passes and generations come and go, it seems that Encurans have grown accustomed to the war being far from their immediate concerns, accustomed to the sense of distance and detachment from the ongoing conflict—a false sense if you ask me.  

Unrest among the Younger Generation

As we already established, life in Encura is undoubtedly challenging. The country's rural nature becomes quite apparent to anyone familiar with other parts of the world. While some might envy the absence of food shortages, the lack of culinary variety in their meals leaves much to be desired. Overly salty dishes are a common occurrence, and the limited options can leave its citizens yearning for more. Moreover, there is a sense of stagnation in the daily lives of many. The more talented individuals are sought after by Listeners to carry the weight of Encura's history, become healers, or assist with administrative tasks. However, the majority of citizens find themselves engaged in routine roles as hunters, gatherers, or caretakers of seaweed plantations. The Protectors stand vigilant, shielding the community from dangers, while others venture into uncertain roles as Crafters, unsure if their creations will ever find buyers.   The prevalence of health problems, deformities, and hereditary diseases within Encurian society also leaves its mark. This reality evokes both tension and compassion among the citizens. Some provide unwavering support and care for those affected, while others harbor prejudices and stigmas attached to certain conditions. As Encura grapples with these issues, some have even begun labeling unmixed races as “pure” and others as “impure.” But most dismiss such distinctions as meaningless, especially due to the fact of how beastkin came to Encura. This internal division has caused a rise in tension within the community, as different viewpoints clash.   It has led some young beastkin to venture beyond Encura's shores in search of something else, even if it means becoming one of the Forgotten—a status viewed as shameful by the society they leave behind. Some are driven by the scarcity of effective cures for diseases plaguing their home and the desire to seek solutions. The allure of finding a remedy to their afflictions propels them to brave the unknown, no matter how perilous the path ahead may be. Others choose to leave simply to find a better life for themselves, seeking opportunities beyond the confines of their rural homeland. And one cannot really blame them for it.


Rebellion Starts in One’s Heart

Like many stories throughout the annals of history, this one starts with a single child.   She belonged to the first generation of the race called slithers, born to Elves forever altered by the magic of the Roots of Life. Her mother chose to end her own life when the child was just an infant. Maybe the transformation was too overwhelming. Maybe life under Dragsa was unbearable. Or maybe it was her final act of defiance against Dragsa's tyranny. Maybe all of it. It was not an uncommon story at the time, as many elves were unable to accept what Dragsa did to them. It's a sentiment I find entirely understandable—I doubt I would have embraced it any differently. That was no mere shift in look, but a twisted corruption of their very essence and soul. Some were even driven mad by it, taking not only their own lives, but their children's, as well.   To deal with the issue of the rising number of orphans, the mages from Dragsa devised a controversial solution: they decided to use “leftover” elven captives who were deemed too old for physical labor or experiments. Thus, grand sages were reduced to mere nannies. Buildings that were given to them were jokingly called “nurseries.” Selene, along with four other children, was entrusted to the care of a pair of elves—Lasheal Enobril and Gaweyr Rash. Her mother did not leave her anything, not even a name. So the responsibility fell to them. They chose “Selene Ö Nen,” a name inspired by a goddess of the moon from a distant land.   When she grew older, they told her that it came to them when they first laid their eyes upon these changed children. Turquoise scales that gleamed in the light, delicately pink webbing between fingers and tail. A sight, unlike any creature. And no trace of elvishness. As they cried over how little remained of the noble elves' blood in them, Selene tugged at one of their robes and met their eyes. In her gaze they saw a sense of pride, strength, and determination. Her soul still emanated the essence of her heritage. She was akin to the moon, distinct from the sun in every way, yet radiating a brilliant and captivating light when the sun cannot. That was when they decided to take on the role of nurturing these children—to preserve the purity of their souls.   Lasheal Enobril was a former sage and possessed an extensive wealth of knowledge about magic and history. She shared with Selene elven legends, ancient myths, and timeless poems. Night after night, Lasheal sang to the children tales of the noble sirens who graced the waters of Deuslair long before the avarice of humans drove them away. On the other hand, Gaweyr Rash, an elderly elven warrior whose prime had passed, might have been unable to directly challenge the might of Dragsa, but her skills were far from rusty. From her foster siblings, Elion Cuendel learned about it with his own skin. Though later he became her best pupil as she taught them combat and strategy, passing down tactics known only to the elves from a time of past glory. Selene showed an insatiable thirst for knowledge, eagerly absorbing everything she could about the world around her.   As Lasheal and Gaweyr poured their wisdom, experiences, and love into nurturing Selene, they unknowingly shaped the course of her destiny. Under their watchful gaze, Selene's potential began to bloom and as she grew older, the world around her began to change. Dragsa’s mages created something akin to a military academy for merfolk, where children underwent rigorous training. This served two purposes—developing capable soldiers and purging unwanted individuals. Those deemed unfit were condemned by Dragsa “for the good of the new race.”   At the same time, tensions between Dragsa and the Hyste Talma's forces were escalating. Around the time Selene was a teenager, the declaration of war resonated through the elven communities, igniting a mixture of fear and hope. As Dragsa had anticipated, naval battles became more common, and merfolk involvement evolved from mere observation to active participation. Selene found herself drawn into this escalating conflict. Through her bravery and strategic prowess, she ascended the ranks of the army. From her patchwork family, Elion Cuendel showed even more promise as he single-handedly tipped the scales of a few battles. They both demonstrated leadership and tactical brilliance, earning the recognition of Dragsa's officers. Soon, they were sought after for their strategic insights and asked to design entire battle plans.   With growing respect, Selene began to earn more. Better quarters and presents were bestowed upon her and her foster family. She was overjoyed, making every effort to prove her worth while Elion fought braver than anyone. Yet each time she brought more food to the tables than usual or Elion shared a new battle story, they were only met with distant stares. The house, once full of songs, now echoed with Selene's frustrated cries and the silence of the nursemaids. She did not understand why. But then again, she was very young.   In the midst of Selene’s battles, Dragsa captured even more elves and dwarves. All of them were transported to laboratories that were built below the Fortress of Dragsa, even before any work on the walls had begun. In one of the transports, Elion Cuendel took pity on a young dwarven woman who was pregnant. He tried to sneak her out of the prisoners’ convoy but was apprehended. Selene naively pleaded with the officers who commended her battle plans and showered her with so many gifts in the past. However, despite the accomplishments attributed to both of them, as well as all the efforts they exerted, her pleas only earned laughs and curious stares. Then came the decision of punishment. Death. Seeing all of her frantic efforts to save someone who opposed Dragsa, the officers decided to give her the role of the executioner during the public execution. Should she refuse, her entire makeshift family would be labeled traitors, and they would all suffer the same punishment. Selene found herself facing a horrifying dilemma. Summoning all her resolve, she made the excruciating choice. To end the life of her own family member.   This traumatic event would haunt her for years to come. Yet it was also a turning point in her path. No matter what she did, how much praise she garnered, or benefits she earned, she would never be regarded as their equal. In their eyes, she was naught but an animal—a devoted dog. She understood her parents’ empty stares.   The turmoil in her heart crystallized into a single desire. The desire to break free.  

Against the Current

As Selene grieved the loss of her family, a plan began to take shape in her mind. She understood that confronting Dragsa head-on would be futile, if not suicidal. However, she was no ordinary soldier. In her grasp were the strategic prowess and historical knowledge of the elves. Furthermore, after demonstrating her “loyalty” to Dragsa, she was promoted— a gift that must have felt like a sick joke to her. But this promotion gave her access to information known only to higher-ranking officers. And she was determined not to waste any advantage.   She needed allies. The Redoe Alliance, of which Hyste Talma was a part, seemed to be the obvious choice. However, direct communication with them was out of the question. Even if she managed to arrange it, they would likely view it as a trap. Given how many of their kind she had sent to Dragsa's dungeons, it was hard to envision any other outcome.   However, within the classified documents, she discovered something peculiar about the dwindling numbers of Medusas deployed on the frontlines. According to rumors, it seemed that the inland battles had been progressing positively for years, leading the Queen to opt for a gradual withdrawal of Medusas, reserving them only for the most critical situations. But it was all a fabrication. The truth was that they had rebelled in the very same year when The Kingdom of Hyste Talma had declared war on Dragsa. It was impossible to dismiss this as a mere coincidence.   And so, she had her first target: the reclusive and mysterious Medusas of Kallonia. Rumors were whispered of their arcane powers of illusion and their tendency to avoid interaction with crowds. On top of that, she needed to contact them under the nose of Dragsan officers. Yet, Selene knew they were her best shot at finding an intermediary to Hyste Talma. With determination coldly burning in her eyes, she embarked on a treacherous journey to locate the Medusas and seek their alliance. After a few fruitless years, she finally made contact with one of them in a port city where her platoon was stationed. Initially reluctant, they started to treat her more seriously after Selene shared her own story and spoke of the atrocities committed by Dragsa. The suffering of their people was one thing they undoubtedly shared. After hearing her plan, they agreed to join the cause.   With the Medusas' pledge of support, Selene's next step was to contact the Dwarves of the Redoe Alliance. After careful planning, she managed to arrange a meeting with one of their leaders—Brandur Rockhustle, an ancestor of Tidor, who currently serves as the chieftain of the Redoe Alliance's attacking forces. She shared her vision of overthrowing their common oppressor and reclaiming the freedom of their people. The negotiations were not easy, but the dwarves eventually agreed to lend their aid.   Together, they began crafting plans. The merfolk's most significant advantage undoubtedly lies in their mobility at sea. However, even they would eventually fall prey to Dragsa's naval forces with enough time. To counter this, they needed to cripple Dragsa's naval power for years. As sharing these plans with all merfolk could be disastrous, they had to gather scattered forces in one location. The final piece of the puzzle involved securing a safe passage for the younger generation of merfolk—especially those from nurseries like the one in which Selene's foster parents were raising another group of children. At the same time, the dwarves' involvement was not entirely altruistic here—they aimed to deliver a decisive blow to Dragsa' supremacy with this battle.   As the rebellion's momentum grew, Selene found herself at the helm of a diverse coalition—merfolk, medusas, and dwarves united by a shared purpose. They meticulously crafted their assault, exploiting Dragsa's overconfidence and enticing their ships into a carefully devised trap. Dwarves would craft intricate naval traps while aquatic beastkin would guide Dragsa's vessels into these traps. The medusas' role would be to provide support through their illusion magic, to both create confusion on ships and secure safe passage for the children from nurseries.   After years of meticulous preparation, the long-awaited day finally arrived. Beneath gathering storm clouds, the dwarven fleet assembled near the shores of the Fortress of Dragsa, which was still under construction. In response, Dragsa gathered their scattered merfolk and ship forces from various fronts. Selene's heart raced as she observed from her vantage point atop the rocky cliffs. The Medusas' magic marked the start of the operation, engulfing the ships in dense fog. The merfolk divided into two groups—the first spreading the word of the revolution among all, while the second, under Selene's command, swam towards the Dragsan ships. Then under the pretense of navigating them in these conditions, they were lured directly above the traps. In the distance, fires burst from nurseries—an illusion woven by the medusas to veil the escape. At the same time, it signaled the second phase of the plan. The merfolk swiftly plunged into the sea, as the masterful creations of the dwarves unleashed devastating salvos. As the magical fog dissipated, the coalition beheld a sea speckled with floating wrecks—or so they anticipated. Some vessels remained unscathed, and protective barriers shone from below the water's surface. Upon these ships, merfolk were seen talking with the army officers.   In her quest for freedom, Selene never imagined that some merfolk would choose Dragsa over their own kind.   Selene was still naive.   What's worse, fires in the distance started to spread over the city in ways that were not included in the plan. With horrifying realization, her eyes widened as she understood— these were real flames.   What followed is known to historians as “Kins' Bloodbath.” Information about the details is obscure, as none of the sides wanted to reminisce much about that day. What is known is that merfolk fought on both sides of the conflict. Waters became crimson with all the blood spilled, while the air filled with the pungent stench of burning bodies. In the end, neither of the fleets could be called victorious. Though thanks to their mutual annihilation, Selene’s goal of crippling Dragsa's naval forces was met. The same could not be said about evacuation—less than one-third of merfolk survived the onslaught and just a bit under half of the kids from the nurseries. None of the elves survived. Selene was told that her foster parents carried children from the smokes till they collapsed in their last attempt.  
For Selene's Followers, nature is a grand cathedral, and every creature is like a single note in the sacred song of life. Thus all acts of kindness and stewardship toward nature are seen as acts of devotion to the divine. Similarly, finding fruits outside of season or receiving something from an unknown animal are considered to be signs of luck.

Drifting Toward the Future

With Dragsa's naval dominance shattered, Selene's reputation as a valiant leader only grew stronger. While it was never formalized, she was treated as the leader of the whole nation. Only her three remaining siblings still treated her in the same way as they did in the past. Under Selene's guidance, they embarked on a journey to find their new home. They started with the search for the elusive true sirens. While they proudly called themselves merfolk, according to whispered elven nursemaid tales somewhere in the vast ocean, these beings still existed. Selene was unsure about their credibility, but she allowed it anyway—after what had happened, her people needed that glimmer of hope. And the search for a suitable place would take years. So Selene's group journeyed through the deep waters and explored uncharted territories. Some were driven by the belief that they would uncover the truth behind the legends, some with the hope of bringing a new era of prosperity for their kind. However, as the years passed and their quest continued, doubts began to creep into their minds. Wherever they swam, there were no signs of such a being and potential clues often lead to dead ends. As the years turned into decades, the realization dawned that perhaps the sirens were nothing more than a beautiful myth. Selense's health was also deteriorating. For a few years, she had trouble with moving her muscles the same way as in the past.   On a day when scouts brought Selene promising news of newfound islands near the Kallonia shore, she decided to end this quest. She gathered her people on the shore of a nearby island and waited till the sun's rays painted the ocean in hues of gold. With a heavy heart, Selene spoke the truth they had all come to accept. “It is time for us to shift our course,” she said with a mixture of sadness and resolve. “The true sirens, if they ever existed, remain a mystery we may never solve. But let us not despair, for our journey was not in vain. Behold our new home. Behold Encura!” When asked where the name came from, she smiled and said that she wanted to honor her deceased family. So that their spirits would remain with their people.   Soon the island's shores and shallow waters started to buzz with construction and people's everyday lives. Meanwhile, Selene settled down in small quarters on the outskirts. Her health was not getting better and her skin started to fill with white patches resembling stones. Making any movements started to become painful for her. When she was barely able to speak, Selene summoned her three remaining siblings. She felt her end was near and asked them to protect her people, to provide for all their needs and craft a better future together. They divided tasks between themselves, which later gave rise to the Four Shoals.   After that, Selene remained in her quarters with a few caretakers. Many merfolk visited her during these last days, sharing stories with her about newly created homes, visions of happy children floating among vibrant fish’ shoals, or their own worries. She listened to them all and gave them advice. When she became unable to speak, her caretakers took that role while she silently listened—until her last breath.   Though Selene never witnessed the full glory of Encura, many believe she didn't need to. She knew what the future held.

Demography and Population

Choosing One’s Way of Life

The citizens of this underwater kingdom are divided into four groups, or castes, if you prefer, called Shoals. After the Feast of the Fading Moon ends, a new generation of merfolk is faced with the big choice for their future—choosing which Shoal they will join. In Encura it is called choosing your Way of Life. This choice is also given to anyone who wants to stay in Encura as its citizen.   When someone reaches the age of becoming an adult, which differs for each race, they are given the choice of joining one of the four Shoals: Providers, Protectors, Listeners, and Crafters. Each Shoal has its unique responsibilities and purpose within the underwater kingdom.   After making their selection, they have one cycle to find and begin working under a master of their choosing. Sometimes, they choose a master from among their parents, but this is not always the case. At the end of the subsequent Feast of the Fading Moon, they have the option to either confirm their initial choice or change it. This flexibility results in many young merfolk exploring different roles and occupations for a few years before settling on a permanent path. However, once they confirm their decision, it becomes a lifelong commitment.   The system ensures a balance of responsibilities and allows the young merfolk to explore different paths before committing to their chosen Shoal for a lifetime. But not everything in this solution is perfect. One cannot disobey this rule of Encura nor change their decision after confirming it—at least unless they are ready to being citizens entirely—these individuals are referred to as “The Forgotten.” They become people who shall be erased from the collective memory of Encura, losing the blessings and benefits of citizenship. However, there is also a less pleasant-sounding name which many folks there use for these people—scraps, akin to being the discarded remains of a fish that serve no purpose.  

Four Shoals

The four shoals differ in what they are meant to do.   Providers are tasked with ensuring that Encura is forever abundant with food and other vital resources. They take on various roles, such as hunters, gatherers, and caretakers of seaweed farms. Additionally, they scavenge the remains of ships that have crashed on the ocean floors, gather animal bones and corals from the reefs, and occasionally search for precious minerals in caves. That last one, however, is not that often practiced as Encura rarely uses them. Their dedication ensures the sustenance and prosperity of the kingdom.   Protectors are warriors responsible for keeping the safety and security of Encura. They ensure the country's safety by scouting both the sea floors and surface for any potential dangers and responding with appropriate means, if needed. The Protectors are also responsible for enforcing the laws, dealing with severe crimes, and maintaining order within the society. Lesser misdemeanors are dealt with by the individual Shoals themselves. From among the Protectors, the one with the sharpest mind, strongest fighting skill, and exceptional magical abilities is chosen as the leader and bestowed with the prestigious title of “Merfolk Shaman.” As the leader, the Merfolk Shaman is entrusted with making quick decisions during crises and dealing with threats from outside forces. They are trained not only in combat and tactics but also in diplomacy, as they often have to interact with outsiders and handle potential conflicts with grace and wisdom. Their role is vital in maintaining the security and well-being of the kingdom.   Listeners are chosen from individuals with a deep connection to the sea. As their name suggests, their primary role is to listen—to the problems of their fellow merfolk, to the voices of the sea, and to the propositions of visitors from other lands. From the perspective of land-dwellers, the Listeners can be seen as the religious leaders of Encura, serving as diplomats and healers. Within the kingdom, they provide counseling for both mental and physical health issues, utilizing their knowledge of herbs and magic to help with diseases and ailments. Their empathetic nature and ability to connect with others make them trusted advisors and healers, offering solace and guidance to those in need.   For outsiders, the Listeners serve as a bridge between Encura and the rest of the world. They act as the kingdom's representatives during interactions with visitors, conveying the will of the Encura's council and ensuring that communication flows smoothly. Their insights and understanding of the sea's secrets make them valuable resources in establishing alliances and trade relations with other civilizations.   Among the Listeners, a select few who exhibit the highest connection to nature's voice are chosen to perform critical tasks. These individuals are bestowed with the prestigious title of “Waterbeast Summoners.” The name originates from one of their most significant responsibilities—the Ceremony of Summoning. During this ancient ritual, the Waterbeast Summoners call upon the powerful sea creatures and spirits to bless the kingdom, protect its shores, and ensure a bountiful harvest from the sea. In addition to their spiritual duties, the Waterbeast Summoners are also entrusted with preserving the kingdom's history and traditions. They keep detailed records of important events, maintain sacred rituals, and pass down their knowledge to the next generation. This ensures that the merfolk's customs and heritage are not forgotten and are faithfully upheld with the passage of time.   Crafters are among the most diverse groups in Encura, responsible for creation. They create tools for everyday use, weapons for the warriors or hunters, and even art that touches the hearts of the merfolk. Encura does not differentiate between the ones who make tools and the merchants who sell their creations, so many Crafters are also involved in trading. It is common to find entire families engaged in the process, with one family member acting as the face of their shop. Some Crafters choose to set up shops in the Submerged Bazaar, a bustling area near the island's edge where trade between the underwater realm and the outside world thrives.


Scars from the Past

The scars of their rebellion against Dragsa run deep. Because of this, Encurans strive to distance themselves from any lingering ties to their oppressors. The mere thought of their similarities makes them sick even today. This sentiment echoes the doubtful stance they adopted toward the true meaning of religion, especially in the context of Dragsa's Church of Order and its teachings.   In Dragsa, the Church of Order staunchly believes that their ruler, Queen Anara, is the divine messenger—the embodiment of Order itself. They worshipped her with unwavering devotion, as she holds divine authority given by the gods. The Church upheld the benevolent god of Order, who had triumphed over the god of Chaos in the past. According to their teachings, Chaos was a malevolent force, tainting Order’s creations with evil desires and lust. Corrupting the perfect world given to us by the Order.   However, after the merfolk's rebellion, they encountered the wise Dryads of the Banewood, who shared a different narrative of creation. In their version of this tale, Chaos was the original creator of life, and Order took on the role of providing purpose to all of its creations. The Dryads revealed a fascinating perspective—Chaos and Order coexisting in harmony, unbound, and at peace. Chaos sculpted the landscape as it roamed, shaped the earth and the elements, and created beings roaming these lands. Order followed, naming and giving purpose to every creation, giving the plants destiny to grow, or the animals a purpose to live and provide.   With these vastly incompatible images, they began to question the rigid beliefs they once knew. Question even the very idea of religion itself. But as they lack any answer themselves, and the ones given to them hold no certainty, they decided to never impose answers.   Where Dragsa gave clear answers, Encura sees places to wonder.   Where Dragsa ordered strict discipline, Encura asks for permission.   Where Dragsa sought to discard your desires, Encura seeks answers within them.   Thus you won’t find any forced religions in Encura. You can find believers of many different gods—some from far away lands, some from travelers who settled in this place, and some who don't believe in any. Everyone is free to believe in what they want, as long as they don’t impose it on others. Encura's merfolk embraced a philosophy that reveled in the unknown and the myriad wonders of existence. Instead of seeking concrete answers, they simply cherish the freedom to wonder, to question, and to seek their own truths.  

Selene’s Followers

While Encurans have no enforced religion in their country, you can find a group of beastkin that are unified by a certain philosophy of life. They call themselves “Selene’s Followers” as they try to follow the example of “Selene Ö Nen”, the Encura's founder. The core of this philosophy lies in how they perceive desires. While Dragsa saw desires as potential distractions, urging their citizens to suppress these yearnings and focus solely on serving the state, Selene took a completely different approach. She viewed them as guides of the soul. The only thing that separates us from controlled puppets.   Thus her followers try to embrace desires as essential aspects of being alive. They believed that desires held the keys to discovering one's true self and finding a deeper connection with the world around them. Instead of discarding desires, they encourage introspection and reflection, seeking answers and wisdom within the core of each longing.   Selene’s Followers take it even further and believe that these desires are fragments of the gods who created the world. This notion says that all life possesses a fragment of divinity within it, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. As they tend to say, “Gods are nowhere. Gods are everywhere.” They view the gods not as separate entities but as inherent aspects of the natural world surrounding them. To them, the gods are present everywhere and should be revered in all forms of life. Their philosophy emphasizes cherishing and respecting all living beings.  

A Rainy Season

As the summer comes to a close, the winds from the west and south surge with vigor, heralding the arrival of the muchawaited rainy season. This period brings forth a few weeks of heavy downpour, accompanied by awfully hot and humid air, creating an ethereal atmosphere that envelops the islands. It is during this time that an extraordinary phenomenon occurs—a spectacle of nature that locals and visitors alike eagerly anticipate—the Animal Mating Season.   The seas surrounding Encura immediately teem with an abundance of fishes and various creatures, all drawn to the beaches for their annual mating. Schools of fish glide gracefully through the waters filling it with every color imaginable—sapphire blues, emerald greens, fiery oranges, and coral pinks. Their bodies adorn intricate patterns as if each fish were wearing a unique and iridescent coat—nature truly is an artist of the finest strokes. In this vibrant seascape, larger marine creatures make their appearances, like proud dolphins dancing with grace as their bodies glisten in a fusion of silvers and blues. While their actions seem playful, they tirelessly weave through the currents showing off their skill to their partners. And it is no wonder why all of these things happen, as only the best can count on getting a mate to pass on their blood.   Among these marvels, majestic dragon turtles sail through the waters. These colossal beings possess shells, encrusted with swirls of iridescent opals and glimmering crystals, which peek out from the centuries-old mossy greens growing on their backs, creating a mesmerizing sight.   The dragon turtles' life cycle is also quite remarkable. While the adults show themselves only every few years, their legacy is secured through the hatching of their offspring's eggs on the beaches of islands around Encura. The eggs are huge and sturdy, buried deep within the sandy shore to protect the precious life within.   All of that would be just a spectacle for the eyes, filling the hearts of travelers and inhabitants with warm joy. But nature has a terrible knack for mixing beauty with danger.   As the eggs hatch, the beaches come alive with the birth of the newborn dragon turtles. These cow-sized wonders, resembling adorable miniatures of their future grandeur, emerge with a true longing for adventure—and an insatiable appetite. Their hunger knows no bounds, and they voraciously attack and devour everything within their sight, which turns the initial marvel of this event into mayhem along the coastline.   After the creation of Encura, their rampage was a natural disaster feared each year. But nowadays they learn how to safeguard their island paradise from the unintentional destruction caused by these ravenous infants. They call upon the gifted Waterbeast Summoners. These priestesses possess a unique connection to the sea, and through their magical bond with the aquatic world, they can speak with nature itself. Thanks to them, it is possible to guide most of the newborn turtles away from citizens and make them venture into deeper waters. The rest who hatch too close to Encura buildings or for some reason reject the Summoners' gentle guidance are dealt with by the hunters and warriors. Eat or be eaten, as the saying goes.  

Feast of the Fading Moon

When the Raining Season concludes and the dragon turtles have safely set sail in the vast ocean, the people of Encura come together to celebrate the bountiful blessings of nature. During this time, everyone joins in a sense of unity and gratitude, and the islanders hold a grand feast to honor the majestic creatures and their life-giving environment. The festivities span from the Full Moon to the New Moon, with each day marked by laughter, music, dancing, and an array of delectable dishes made from the abundant seafood that the sea has so generously offered, along with bounties of the land like berries and other fruits. Countless visitors from around the world also gather during the Feast, either to witness it firsthand or to present their exotic wares—ranging from dishes unseen in Encura to luxurious clothing and tools—thus transforming the entirety of Encura into a magnificent festival.   Each evening, the grandest event unfolds on the Shore of The Seasons’ Dance. As the name implies, this beach becomes the focal point, where people gather and kindle campfires, initiating enchanting dances to the tune of music. Throughout this Feast, the air in Encura resonates with music and is filled with cheerful people singing melodious songs in harmonious voices. These songs frequently recount tales of grand battles and historic events from times of yore. The merfolk have a deep-rooted appreciation for storytelling, a tradition through which they pass down myths, legends, and narratives of their ancestral heritage from one generation to the next. These stories often interweave elements of their rich history with the wonders of the sea.

Foreign Relations

Stance Toward Other Nations

Because of the Redoe Alliance's assistance in the creation of Encura, the country maintains a strong bond with the alliance and plans to remain a part of it. Ships bearing the alliance's markings are welcomed as allies, and favorable trade deals are offered to them. The relationship with both Banewood and Yv’anda Dryads is also one of warmth and cooperation whenever contact occurs.   Encura engages in trade with countries to the south and north, taking advantage of its strategic location along their shipping routes. However, many potential visitors are hesitant due to Encura's history with Dragsa. While some are drawn to the allure of the wondrous place, others fear the beastkin or are simply wary of angering Queen Anara.   With regard to the Republic of Misty Waters, Encura adopts a neutral stance. Although their allegiance to Dragsa contributes to a somewhat colder attitude.   Nevertheless, the emergence of the Disciples of Chaos has disrupted the balance in Deuslair, and many Encurans view this as an opportunity. Some see the potential of forming an alliance with this group, hoping they might act as a force to challenge Dragsa either independently or in conjunction with Encura in the future. This perspective might appear unthinkable to those with a broader understanding of the world and the Disciples' actions. However, the same does not apply to Encurans, who spend most of their lives within the safety of their islands. They just lack knowledge of the invaders' true nature.   Their awareness of the Disciples of Chaos is limited to the fact that these forces are conquering kingdoms in the south—the same kingdoms that never lifted a finger when their people suffered under Dragsa's rule. Nor now, when centaurs' blood soaks in the groves of Banewoods. In the words of the Ecurians, you could say they are just “dead wood” to them.


The Law of the Sea

Freedom is a cornerstone of Encura’s society and is held as an essential value. Looking at their history, it is no wonder why they cherish it so much. But while it is a good value for any civilization, without any rules to govern it, it becomes only a nice sentiment. In their philosophy of life, true freedom entails not only the liberty to express oneself and pursue individual goals, but also the responsibility that comes with it—responsibility for ensuring the collective well-being of the whole community.   That’s why the central and most important laws for Encura are: I. Never take away anyone’s freedom of choice. II. Never take away anyone’s freedom of growth. III. Never take away anyone’s freedom of thought. IV. Never take away anyone’s freedom of belonging.   These four laws as a whole are called “The Gift of Freedom.”   The rest of the laws in Encura are as fluid and ever-changing as the water itself. So the citizens are not bound to respect them to the letter. Instead, they try to balance between individual autonomy and the greater good, recognizing that their actions impact not only themselves but also those around them. This keen awareness instills in them a strong sense of accountability and a commitment to upholding the values of compassion, fairness, and justice. This might sound like a perfect society to some, but at the same time, they are quite strict with one another. Every citizen keenly observes others and judges their actions. If they are not happy with what they see, they are quite quick to go to the Hall of The Voices to say what is on their mind.

Agriculture & Industry

The Animal Mating Season

One of the less obvious threats to unwary visitors of Encura is the Animal Mating Season. Every year, when the Rainy Season arrives on the surface of Encura, warm currents lead an abundance of fish and other animals to this region—of all sizes. During this period, marine life is teeming with activity, as various species gather to mate and lay eggs. The influx of creatures can lead to unexpected encounters, and even normally docile creatures may act aggressively during this time to protect their territories or nests. The predators in the area become more active and aggressive as they search for abundant prey, which can make it dangerous for those who are not well-versed in navigating these waters. Large sharks, deadly young Krakens, or even venomous amoebas—the list just goes on.   For Encurans, this season is an essential part of their cultural and ecological balance, providing an opportunity to sustainably harvest all kinds of fishes for their livelihood. However, visitors to the region must exercise caution and seek guidance from the local experts, such as experienced hunters, who are knowledgeable about the behaviors and dangers associated with the Animal Mating Season. But even with their help, proper preparation and respect for the natural environment are crucial here.  

Food Supply

The feeding habits of Encura's inhabitants are linked to both the land and the bountiful depths of the sea—nothing surprising here.   While there are some plantations and smaller farms on land, primarily managed by refugees from non-aquatic races who have made Encura their home, the majority of the land remains as it was in the past, untouched by any intelligent races, dense and vibrant forest full of life. The merfolk, being denizens of the water, did not cultivate the land and never really adapted the skill to farm. They primarily rely on the natural offerings found within these lush green havens. In other words, they just take advantage of the abundant resources already present, such as nuts and berries, or savor the flavors of the surface fruits. Occasionally, during hunts, they may also capture birds that traverse the land, providing a supplementary source of meals. A change in diet is always welcome.   However, it is beneath the shimmering surface of the water where Encura truly comes alive, offering a cornucopia of nourishment. Out there, a vast expanse of seaweed farms awaits. All are carefully cultivated by the Shoal of Providers, who keep it in good condition, forever undulating gracefully with the gentle currents. These seaweed farms serve as a vital source of food, offering a diverse array of nutrient-rich marine plants. The merfolk have developed almost a symbiotic relationship with these underwater farms, tending to the seaweed to ensure its growth and sustainability. They understand the delicate balance required to nurture the crops and maintain the health of nature. From colorful kelps to nutritious algae, the seaweed farms provide an abundant and reliable food source for the population of Encura.   Beyond seaweed, the merfolk from the Providers are skilled hunters and fishermen. With their unique bodies, they easily navigate the waters. The merfolk employ their natural talents and keen senses to engage in successful hunts, capturing fish and other aquatic creatures to supplement their diet. Schools of fish, brimming with life and vibrant hues, grace theunderwater landscape. Later, the dishes made out of them, grace the houses of Encura citizens.   In this way, the feeding habits of the merfolk of Encura reflect a harmonious integration of land and sea. They appreciate the offerings of the land while recognizing that their true sustenance lies in the depths below. Through their careful cultivation of seaweed farms and their prowess as hunters and fishermen, they ensure a steady supply of food for their population, sustaining their thriving civilization in harmony with the natural world that surrounds them.  

Sea Cuisine

While this harmony with the world is something we could all learn from, and the seaweed farms of Encura provide a reliable and abundant food source, which could bring envy to more starved regions of the world… I cannot say the same for their cuisine.   The flavors and textures of the seaweed-based dishes are unique, to say the least. Frankly speaking, I wouldn’t call it the most delicious food I've ever had. Quite the contrary, their food is excessively salty and lacking in texture variety.   Be it a necessity or just upbringing, the merfolk of Encura have become accustomed to the distinct flavors of the seaweed they cultivate. Nourishment and sustenance in these nutrient-rich plants are for sure to be found. At least from what I have been told. However, the taste may be difficult to accept for landdwellers, and it hardly offers the same diversity as land-based cuisine. The fact that meals are entirely raw, as lightning fire underwater is not really an option, doesn’t really help with that either. The seaweed itself varies in texture, presenting a range of characteristics. Some varieties may be meaty, yet tough and thick, requiring considerable effort to chew. On the other hand, certain types of seaweed can be excessively soft and lack the desired texture. There’s hardly anything inbetween. They incorporate the catches from their hunts, such as flavorful fish and other marine delicacies, which surely provide a break from the predominant taste and texture of seaweed. That's about it, however.   Recognizing the limitations in their primary food source, the merfolk of Encura have created quite a few creative ways to infuse flavor and diversity into their meals. They complement their fish and seaweed-based dishes with an array of other ingredients that help to enhance the overall culinary experience: nuts and berries from the surface, natural herbs and spices found within the underwater realm—allinfusing their dishes with aromatic flavors to add depth and complexity, and sometimes, fruits, though they are treated more like delicacies given to children or akin to desserts served on occasion.   While the cuisine of Encura may not be the most pleasing in terms of taste, its significance transcends mere flavors. Mealtimes are more than just a means of satisfying hunger in this place. They are cherished occasions. The main meal of the day takes place at dusk, as the sun begins to paint the water surfaces with a gentle, dim, red light, signaling the approaching night. This atmospheric setting adds a touch of magic to the communal gathering. The merfolk come together during this time, forming a close-knit community, to share in the abundance provided by the ocean. It is a time when they express gratitude for the bountiful offerings of the sea and celebrate their interconnectedness with the underwater realm that sustains them. The meal becomes a collective experience, fostering a sense of unity and belonging among the merfolk. During these gatherings, conversations flow freely, stories are shared, and laughter fills the air. The merfolk take joy in each other's company and relish the opportunity to strengthen their bonds through shared experiences. Whether grand battles fought by warriors, weird discoveries made by scouts, or just normal happenings from their daily lives, they recognize that mealtimes serve as more than just a moment to replenish their bodies; they are opportunities to nourish their souls and reinforce the sense of community that defines Encura.   The shared appreciation for their connection to the sea and the recognition of their reliance on the ocean's generosity elevate mealtimes to a sacred tradition. In this way, mealtimes in Encura transcend the notion of a mere culinary experience. They embody a celebration of unity, gratitude, and the interplay between the merfolk and their watery home. As the sun sets, casting its serene glow upon the waters, the merfolk of Encura gather around, forging stronger bonds and finding solace in the shared warmth of their communal feasts.

Trade & Transport

Trade with Neighbors

The citizens of the submerged islands of Encura often engage in trade with travelers who stop with their ships on longer voyages or come from nearby settlements. The place where most of these exchanges take place is the “Submerged Bazaar,” an area near Selene’s Temple with a very shallow sea level. Here, merfolk have created countless smaller semi-open buildings or plain old stalls where they exchange goods produced in the kingdom’s depths. Encura's society thrives on creativity, and the merfolk express themselves through various forms of art. The shops are brimming with intricate seashell sculptures, coral jewelry, and trinkets made from wood found on the sea floor. They also fashion tools and weapons from the resources available to them. In addition, the bazaar offers an abundance of fish and other foods— everyday essentials that can be found in many places. Though they hold significance for the underwater realm, they are not things of much value to most travelers.   On the other hand, the merchants of Encura eagerly welcome goods from outsiders. They readily accept tools made with sturdy metals, weapons crafted by land-dwellers skilled smithies, or books and scrolls containing knowledge unattainable to them through other means. They also delight in receiving herbs, spices, or preserved foods that enrich the variety of their diet.   Encura lacks many things that cannot be produced underwater. As a result, the merfolk are more than willing to acquire imported wares, especially if it is something unique or not typically found in their underwater homes.

Tenets of Faith

Some believe that the transformation due to Marble Fingers disease is a divine blessing from Selene, turning the afflicted into living statues that stand witness to the goddess's eternal grace. In certain rituals, worshippers might use the dust from these marbled beings, believing it holds a sacred connection to Selene's realm.   Artists and sculptors hold a superstition that if they mix into their work materials taken from a Marble Fingers victim, their creations will carry a piece of Selene's essence. These works are believed to possess an otherworldly beauty but are also considered haunted, as if the suffering of the original victim echoes through the art

Gods are nowhere. Gods are everywhere

Slang and Idioms

  “The Gift of Freedom is wasted on you” This means that someone's choices are wrong, or just a more polite way to call them stupid. It is referring to the core laws and beliefs of Encura.   “Dragsa Blood runs deep in you” This is used when you call someone a traitor, but it can also be used as an insult to provoke someone.   “The Forgotten” and “Scrap” These two terms are used for people who left or were banished from their Shoals and are no longer under Encura protection. The first term is an official name for them while, the latter is an insult, as they are equal to the discarded remains of a fish that serve no purpose.   “Your voice will be heard” This is a more official way of saying that someone will not be forgotten or that their duty will be carried out by others. Usually said to dying, sick or very injured people.   “You kelp” and “Nothing gets inside your shell” These are two cheerful ways of saying that someone made a stupid mistake or is not very smart.   “Share your waters” This can be translated as “sit with me and tell me what’s new in your life.” It is used both when meeting old friends or meeting new people from afar.   “Dwarves would be proud” This is used when someone makes a really good deal, usually by shrewdly selling something. For some reason, Encura citizens see dwarves as the best merchants in the world.   “Outsider” and “Dead Wood” These two terms are used for anyone who is not a citizen of Encura. The first one is pretty polite and commonly used, while the latter is a derogatory nickname. It comes from the fact that many slithers mockingly say that drowned people look like dead wood floating on the surface of the water.   “Never row over a slither” This term is used only toward outsiders. It roughly means that you should not try to trick anyone from Encura.   “Are your fingers cracking?” This can be translated as “are you getting old?” or “are you not up to the task?” It refers to one of the common diseases in Encura, where calcium and other minerals slowly deposit on the skin. It usually starts with the fingers.   “Did your gill shut?” and “Don’t shut your gill” These idioms are used when asking someone if what they just heard shocked them or telling them to not be shocked by what they will see or hear.   “May the Selene soul guide you” This is used used when you are wishing someone luck or a safe journey.   “May the water be clear and the land foggy” Similar to the saying before, this can be used when wishing someone good luck. Unlike the earlier term, however, it is less about one's safety and more about success. In the past it was used more before dangerous situations or going to war, but now it is more commonly used for mundane tasks.   “Never catch shells when sharks are waiting” This Encuran saying roughly means that you should not do something that can wait, while a more urgent matter needs your attention.

Time and Changing of the Seasons

In the morning after the Feast of the Fading ends, the echoes of music gradually fade, allowing the vibrant notes of the festival to drift into the past. This day, often referred to as the “Dawning of the Cycle,” signifies the start of a fresh chapter in the merfolk's life As the sun rises on this day, Encurans witness the dawning light with a mixture of contentment and anticipation as their daily routines await.   Encura undergoes a literal reset, for this day heralds the inception of a fresh “cycle.”   Encurans do not count years like in other parts of the world as the date of the “new year” is not really set in stone. Their time's cadence is gauged by the moon's graceful dance. Each month features a central Full Moon and continues until the emergence of the New Moon. Subsequently, a new month commences the following day. This lunar ebb and flow crafts a year that comprises 13 distinct months, where the second half of last month is the Feast of the Fading Moon.  
  The act of sharing dreams under the moon is considered a sacred ritual among Selene's Followers. They believe that dreams, being the subconscious manifestation of desires, hold special significance. Dream-sharing sessions are said to strengthen the spiritual bond within the community and invite Selene's blessings.  
    Stat Blocks
Geopolitical, Country
Legislative Body

Council of the Voices

Encura does not possess a single governor, king, or queen; instead, they uphold their own unique tradition, which traces back to the early days of their country's history. It began with a meeting of the founders of Encura and, over time, evolved into what is now known as the Council of Voices. This Council is responsible for establishing laws and shortterm orders that govern the citizens of Encura.   The Council is created by choosing representatives from among the Shoals—three from each of the groups. These representatives are called Voices. Positions are not permanent, and they are chosen for only one cycle during the Feast of the Fading Moon. However, if they prove themselves capable and effective in their roles, they have the chance to be chosen again in subsequent cycles.   They serve as the voice of the people, advocating for the needs and concerns of their respective Shoals. This ensures that the perspectives and interests of all merfolk are considered in the decision-making process.   The selection process for becoming a Voice is a highly anticipated event in Encura. During the Feast of the Fading Moon, which is a time of celebration and reflection, the eligible candidates present themselves to their fellow merfolk. They showcase their achievements, demonstrate their commitment to the well-being of the community, and share their visions for the future of Encura. Becoming one of the Voices is seen as an honor and a duty, but it is not like a matter of personal ambition and gains is not playing a role here. Wherever there are positions of power, corruption seeps in.   The Voices gather regularly to discuss the needs of the merfolk and address any issues that arise. They deliberate on matters of law, community welfare, and the overall harmony of Encura. Their gatherings take place two times during the month, once during the New Moon and once during the Full Moon. For a meeting to proceed, more than half of the Voices must be present; otherwise, the entire session is dismissed.   Each meeting typically spans three days or longer.   On the first day, they propose potential solutions to the problems faced by the citizens of Encura. These solutions can range from new laws to orders given to the different Shoals, or the retraction of existing laws.   On the second day, the Voices engage in discussions, providing their insights and thoughts on the proposed solutions. These discussions are essential as they allow the Voices to consider different perspectives and weigh the potential outcomes of their decisions. In the evening of the same day, a vote is held to determine the acceptance or rejection of each proposition.   On the third day of the meeting, the Council of Voices receives reports detailing ongoing problems and challenges within the kingdom. They are tasked with finding effective solutions to address these issues until the next meeting.   Additionally, if there are any grave crimes committed in Encura, the assembly can be extended beyond the initial three days to judge and decide upon the appropriate actions. However, such cases are rare and typically involve only the most severe atrocities or complex dilemmas.  

Request from the People

Whenever the Council is not in session, the same building serves as a gathering place for requests from Encurans. Throughout the day, anyone can visit and submit an official request to one of the workers designated by the Voices themselves. To accommodate this process, the entire Hall is divided into four sections, with each section dedicated to one of the Shoals to receive and address requests from their respective groups.   All the requests are carefully assessed and if the problem or issue is deemed to be within the purview of the Voices' concern, it is passed on to them. However, if the matter can be handled by someone else, the request will be added to the list along with an official task from the Voices themselves.   Many outsiders see it as a good place to earn money through small odd jobs, though some of the requests are not small at all. As a result, many citizens and travelers alike tend to frequent this Hall, seeking something extra to do.
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
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Articles under Encura

Cover image: by DALLE


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