Harrat Wing

Harrat Wing took its name after Medi’s first squad of trained warriors and much like their predecessors, they carry hatred in their hearts. They embrace those whose wounds could not have healed amongst the peaceful Harras; whose only road to freedom leads through the fields of corpses of Dragsans. To join them, one must prove their worth by the trial of blood. The highest in value is the head of a slaver, though the leaders of Harrat Wing are known to accept kobolds, basilisks, or other monstrosities. The Kutauri serving in the Harrat Wing do not suffer nincompoops or weaklings. The rules are strict and those who break them are heavily punished, without exception. If a fledgling is found hesitating to kill a human, they are whipped in front of everyone; treated like the slave they obviously still are. Yet, through hardship and pain, Harrat Wing creates bonds stronger than any other—bonds that they’ll gladly kill and die for.   The Harrat Wing is a military organization set on abolishing the slavery of beastkin and eradicating the Dragsa.   Justice or glorified violence? They welcome with open arms those who seek bloody justice for the crimes committed against the Kutauri and glorify violence as a means to an end. To join their ranks, a young Kutauri—or, on a rare occasion, another beastkin—must prove their worth by completing a trial of blood. To gain the most renown, one has to bring the head of a slaver, though hunting down Kobolds, Basilisks, or other dangerous monsters is also acceptable. The Harrat Wing operates from Banewood Asylum, their safe haven, though they spread further and further in-land, trying to kill as many Dragsan soldiers as they can. It’s not uncommon for them to attack Woodhaven’s trade routes or move towards the coastal area south of the forest. If there’s a chance to free slaves or kill high-ranking Dragsan officials, the warriors will risk travelling great distances to take their revenge. North of the Banewood Asylum, The Harrat Wing took over Lake Forth and made it their unofficial fort.   Versatile and tactical. Harrat Wing squads tend to be versatile, with at least two or three regular warriors, an archer, and a druid. Hunters work more independently and get swapped around to different groups as needed. The warriors will attack in close range, dealing the most damage and taking the most hits, whereas the archers will protect the healer and pick off targets in long and medium range. Their tacticians utilize the forest or the land around them. If they can get an environmental advantage over their enemies, they will endeavor to do so. They’re not above using dirty tricks or luring monsters to deal with Dragsan soldiers in their stead. They have survived and thrived for many years due to their cold calculations. Though their blood runs hot and they thirst for battle against the Dragsa, they plan beforehand and unleash their rage in a controlled manner. The captain of each squad of Kutauri will scout the potential skirmish area, send spies to learn about the weaknesses of their adversaries, and order hunters to prepare traps.   Harrat Skirmishers. The members of this organization can be divided into three categories. The Hunters are tracking and trapping specialists. Their skills balance both magic and physical prowess, though the Kutauri who choose this profession are usually the descendants of racing centaurs. Their survival instincts are beyond compare, and only the Yv’anda know more about Banewood Asylum than they do. In their favored terrain, they can sneak unnoticed and spread mayhem at the behest of their captains. The Sharpshooters are the biggest advantage of Harrat Wing squads. They use bows, crossbows, and even throwing knives. Those fighters, taught by the Yv’anda how to hide their presence and aim true, are capable of wreaking havoc from the sidelines of the battlefield. Yet, it is their unique ability to craft and use healing arrows that makes them invaluable when a Druid isn’t easily available. The Warriors are the most common soldiers of the Harrat Wing. Brutal and strong, they are masters of various weapons, from great axes, swords, and hammers to pikes and simple hand-to-hand combat. They know how to take a hit and how to stand their ground. Fighting one might be a challenge, but facing more than two is like challenging the force of nature.
Geopolitical, Clan

Cover image: by DALLE


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