
Pandemonium, the highest echelon of the Disciples of Chaos. They are generals commanding armies. Sovereigns of Disciples’ realms. Heralds and prophets leading followers of Chaos. Little is known about their exact numbers, as only a select few have traversed into this world. Let us delve into the tales of a few I've heard about.   Kaoz The Soul Harvester. With a name that echoes through realms, Kaoz stands as a powerful mage, consumed by fanatical devotion and dark sorcery. Infused with the essence of the god of Chaos, his corporeal form borders on the ethereal, rumored to be an avatar of Chaos itself. Revered as a high priest, Kaoz spreads the gospel and teachings of Chaos across the worlds. And on these unwilling to listen, he bestows death and destruction. His mastery over necromancy allows him to raise undead armies and harvest ssouls. He leaves nothing alive whenever he fights. Because the power of Chaos is too thin for him, he cannot fully manifest in this realm, which also limits his magical abilities. However, I have heard that he is close to finding a solution for this minor problem.   The Apostles of Fire. This elusive cadre of powerful sorceresses hails from a faraway world. They are tamers of fire wyrms, and some even command lesser dragons with immensely powerful mind magic. Unlike many other creatures, they seem to obey Chaos willingly and even channel its maddening influence as a form of mind-corrupting power. That power alone would put them high as potential threats, but on top of that, they are also masters of the arcane arts, specializing in devastating fire magic. Within the faction, they are both feared and respected, even though they are rather reclusive figures, preferring to spend time with their fire wyrms or on missions. And yes… the fire wyrms. Most of the Apostles are accompanied by a small group of human-sized fire wyrms at all times. Each member of this clan forms a telepathic link with them, keeping the closest one wrapped around her body. Because of that, she can flawlessly coordinate their attacks and support them with magic—be it tampering with someone's senses or just incinerating them with fire before the wyrms are able to. This combination makes for a formidable team, able to take on even the most powerful of foes. Surviving a meeting with them is a tale few can tell. The rest scatter on the wind as ash.   The Prophet of Chaos. The last in the group is an ex-paladin from lands conquered by Chaos in a faraway world. Endowed with tactical and battle experience, she often acts as the right hand of Kaoz, complementing the mage's destructive power with strategic brilliance on the battlefield. In the long past, she was a devout servant of a god forgotten by the time. Now, her form has been twisted by centuries of Chaos influence. She embodies the relentless march of darkness across dimensions. It is said that she is one of the most sane commanders in Pandemonium, somehow still adhering to her own morals. Or at least whatever was left of them.   Chaos Troopers. The most common members of the Chaos armies are usually referred to as Chaos Troopers. It is hard to say exactly from what world or race each one of them comes, as the influence of their god is slowly deforming them into more and more grotesque forms. They are the most numerous in the armies commanded by the Prophet of Chaos. She prefers to march along with their armies and attack from the frontline, staying with her troops no matter how harsh the battle becomes. It surely earned her respect, even from the enemies. Yet, I can't help but wonder if the reason is not much simpler. Maybe, somewhere deep down, she pushes herself into the fiercest of battles exactly because of what they offer—a promise of death.
Military Order
Ruling Organization

Cover image: by DALLE


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