Wurgar and the Godless lands

Wurgar, the formidable stronghold that now looms over conquered lands. Its foundations are laid upon the ashes of civilizations, once vibrant and independent, now subdued into slavery. This stronghold serves as a chilling reminder of the cruel way the invaders conquer new lands and how they transform thriving territories with their own values into subservient realms of their followers.   Venturing beyond Wurgar's grim walls, the landscape reveals the aftermath of the initial onslaught by the Disciples of Chaos. The once-prosperous lands now stand as haunting memorials, the charred remnants of what used to be bustling cities and villages. This desolated region has earned the grim moniker of the “Godless Lands,” a place where the touch of Chaos has extinguished the vitality of life. While not many things are known about this cursed place, a handful of relations of those fortunate enough to escape their grasp have reached the ears of a few individuals.


The Godless Lands

In the simplest terms, the Godless Lands are harsh, unforgiving, and ominous. The air is heavy with magic, creating an atmosphere punctuated by flashes of unpredictable energy and perpetual, unnatural winds. Rain, though sporadic in some areas, does little to alleviate the aridity of the land. The soil, blighted by suffering, struggles to support any semblance of normal life. Wastelands cover half of the landscape, while dark mountains cast shadows over the desolate plains.   Godless Lands are far from welcoming. The very essence of the place seems to repel life, leaving it barren and foreboding. Those who dare to traverse its unforgiving terrain must contend not only with physical challenges but also with the magic that hangs in the air like an oppressive shroud. It is a place where the scars of chaos run deep, etched into the very fabric of the land.


Souls Ash

One of the cruelest aspects of the land of Wurgar is its atmosphere. The Souls Ash has an ambiguous meaning. The most dangerous aspect of it is that the air in the Godless Lands seems normal. It allows for easy breathing despite the ominous aura of the whole place. Unfortunately for those traveling to Wurgar, this is an illusion. The air of this land is contaminated with the Souls Ash—small particles infused with Chaos energy that both erodes the lungs and acts addictively. These effects work a bit differently on its inhabitants and the reckless explorers daring enough to set foot there. The latter are affected by both effects, but the erosion takes their life quicker. Meanwhile, the inhabitants are protected by the power of the Disciples, which convert the magic of Chaos into a less harmful form to negate its corroding effects. Subsequently, they gain resistance to it, though full immunity usually takes a few generations. These effects also vary on the density of these particles—air that is less dense is still as addictive, but the effect of erosion drastically drops. The closer one is to Wurgar, the more particles there are in the air. Spending just a few weeks on the land is enough to become addicted to the Souls Ash. Breathing this deceptively dangerous air for a short time leaves living beings seemingly unchanged, except for one thing—the irresistible desire to return to the land. Many claim that this is precisely how the Disciples of Chaos utilize the atmosphere to lure their victims. Others wonder if the Souls Ash is not just a direct result of the presence of Chaos magic in the region, arising by coincidence. The truth remains unresolved.  

Bone Hurricanes

…and they create air funnels, devoid of feelings, consciousness, and everything related to life, traversing the vast fields of Wurgar.
Anonymous Geographer from Eldania   Another danger and consequence of the presence of the SoulsAsh are the horrifying bone hurricanes. Wurgar is the only place in the Deuslair where this phenomenon occurs. When the energy present in the land combines with the Souls Ash, powerful blasts of winds are created, which results in immensly strong winds. They produce deadly winds that sweep away everything that lives or used to live. The remnants of creatures, monsters, plants. This results in phenomenon known as bone hurricanes.   The rapid swirling causes any living organisms caught by the wind to meed their end, leaving nothing but their bones, which is how a “bone hurricane” grows stronger. They are incredibly rare but can also last for several days. Sometimes, two or three hurricanes pass through the land simultaneously. For all living beings in their way, this means death. Fortunately or unfortunately, some areas of the land are free from these phenomena.  

Black Rock

The rock has sharp edges. It remains rocky in its rockiness, and its beauty hides its wealth.
A proverb from miners of the black rock mines   If Wur'Gar were not famous for the Souls Ash, the orcs would undoubtedly name the Stronghold they were building after the black rocks. The tall, sharply pointed and shadowy rocks which invoke a sense of reverence even in the new inhabitants of these lands. The highest range of mountains, known as Morny's Hor with high volcanic activity covers around one tenth of the entire land's surface. In the southern wall of these dark mountain peaks, a single circle of pure blue unnaturally calls one's attention. This lake was recently renamed to the “Eye of Emissaries” as it resembles a single eye cast on a vast, black mask of the rocky peaks, which never change their color. They have always been and will remain in the hue of radiant, albeit somber, black. Surely, their incredible color and steadfastness owe themselves to some complex alchemical reaction, but what exactly that is has not been found yet.  
How beautiful the black pearl of your majesty is…
Famous quote of one of the Bards serving the Disciples of Chaos during a banquet.
He who has never visited Wurgar, let him never do so. And he who has visited Wurgar, let him return.
  The name “Godless Lands” is something that was created by the captives from the Kingdoms of Herja. As the lands were forsaken by the gods.

Articles under Wurgar and the Godless lands

Cover image: by DALLE


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