Recalde Perez, King of Mistrala

The leader of Mistrala carries a belief that runs deep within his veins—the belief that he is a direct descendant of the Sky Conqueror. In his eyes, this lineage grants him a divine right to be treated with the utmost respect and reverence. With enthusiasm and conviction, he openly challenges the existing political system of the republic, asserting that the scattered islands of the archipelago should be united under the rule of a single king. Who better to ascend to this position than a true descendant of the Sky Conqueror? He holds steadfastly to the tradition seen in the eastern kingdoms, where the title passes down to the eldest son as a matter of birthright. Recalde is met with a mixed reception on The War Council. While he may not be the most liked or admired member, many rulers view him as ineffectual and lacking the strength to turn his ideas into reality. Thus, they tolerate his aspirations, recognizing the impracticality of his grand plans.

Physical Description

Body Features

Tall and imposing with a regal posture, reflecting his royal aspirations.

Facial Features

A commanding face with sharp, aristocratic features. His expression often carries a haughty or disdainful look, a reflection of his firm belief in his divine right to rule.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears luxurious, ornate robes that signal his noble lineage and his belief in his divine right to rule. His attire is often embellished with symbols that reference his claimed ancestor, the Sky Conqueror.

Personality Characteristics


Assumed the throne of Mistrala as the eldest son, following the traditions of his kingdom that emphasize birthright over merit.

Representation & Legacy

Leadership Style: Authoritative and somewhat autocratic, believing strongly in the divine right of kings and the superiority of his bloodline. Temperament: Proud and often uncompromising, with a demeanor that can come across as aloof or even arrogant. Beliefs: Holds a deep-seated belief in his destiny as a ruler by divine right, which he believes should extend over the entire archipelago. Aspirations: To unite the scattered islands under his rule, restoring what he sees as the rightful order of governance. Current Position: King of Mistrala and a controversial figure on the War Council. Conflict: Faces opposition and skepticism from other council members who view his claims and aspirations as outdated and impractical. Goals: To gain enough support to expand his rule beyond Mistrala and bring the archipelago under a single monarchic rule.
Early 40's
Raised in the palace of Mistrala, ingrained from a young age with the belief in his noble lineage and destined rule.
Piercing blue eyes that convey both determination and the cold aloofness of someone used to getting his way.
Dark, meticulously groomed hair, styled in a manner befitting his royal status.
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by DALLE
Character Portrait image: by DALLE


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