Republic of Misty Waters

In every tavern, you can find at least one person whispering about the Misty Waters, a massive sea veiled in vapors. However, it is not the treacherous depths that captivate most of these tales. High above steaming waters, defying the laws of nature and reason, lies the archipelago of floating islands. What is even more astonishing, these ethereal islands are inhabited.   The residents of the floating archipelago bear the reputation of bloodthirsty pirates, useless vagabonds, or mad inventors. Who else would dare to embark aboard the flying contraptions they called airships? Tales of the untold treasures concealed on their islands captivate the imagination of many. Around is not just gold and silver that await discovery but also a trove of secrets.


Kings and Queens

In the expansive archipelago, each major island boasts its own ruler, self-styled as king, though this regal title is not inherited but earned through a test of strength. The islanders firmly believe that weak leadership is the root of all troubles, and bestowing the position by birthright only hastens catastrophe. Hence, an official duel is the prevalent method of selecting a new leader. Any citizen who commands their own airship possesses the legal right to challenge the current ruler to a fight, wherein the entire sky becomes the battlefield. These duels eschew rapiers or pistols in favor of clashing ships. The battle rages until one crew hoists a white flag. The triumphant claims the title of king and the defeated's ship, or what remains of it.   Should an old king meet their demise through means other than a duel, the selection of a new leader falls to the esteemed War Council. During this pivotal rally, substantial sums of money exchange hands, debts are conveniently forgotten, and numerous promises are made. Many perceive this method as more civilized than conventional duels, particularly those with deep pockets and influential connections. As time passed, a growing number of kings met their end, not on the battlefield, but in their cabins with daggers protruding from their backs.  

The War Council

Every month, all kings of Misty Water congregate in Medina, the capital of the Turtle Islands, to engage in discussions about prevailing matters. This gathering transpires within the hallowed remains of Nuestra, the legendary airship of the Sky Conqueror himself. As per age-old customs, decisions with potential ramifications for other islands must be made and sanctioned within these sacred halls, necessitating unanimous agreement from all kings. Voting holds no sway, and every decision must be reached through consensus, employing all possible means of persuasion. When words and bribes fall short, the time for fists and knives ensues. Even in times of peace, the name “War Council” remains fitting, for its members engage in intense deliberations where survival is not guaranteed. Suppose one or more rulers fail to endure the proceedings. In that case, the remaining council members select a new leader who, knowing the fate of their predecessor, is more inclined toward cooperation.  


The Minor Islands of the archipelago are governed by appointed governors who exercise considerable autonomy within their domains, provided they fulfill their tax obligations to their respective kings. The selection of governors occurs through highly anticipated events known as Auctions. During these occasions, aspiring candidates present their bids to the king, proposing the amount of taxes the island will contribute under their leadership. The highest bidder secures the position. While governors commit to collecting a specific sum of taxes, nothing prevents them from amassing additional funds, with the surplus finding its way into their coffers. Consequently, intelligent governors have the potential to amass great wealth, comparable to that of kings. The tenure of governors spans ten years, though this period can be curtailed if tax obligations are not met. Upon the expiration of their term, a new Auction is convened to select the next governor.  


In Scareguards Archipelago, any citizen who possesses their own airship can call themselves a captain, but with this honor comes a solemn duty: enlisting in a local king's fleet. Enlisted captains bear the responsibility of standing by their king's side in times of war, ready to engage in battle for the greater cause, and, in times of peace, to fulfill a tax, the amount of which is determined by the number of cannons adorning their vessel. How these captains earn their coins holds little interest for the kings as long as their payments are made promptly and their actions do not undermine the ruler's interests. Captains enjoy considerable autonomy, pursuing their chosen endeavors without undue interference. Many engage in the old practice of hunting down those who defy the laws or deliberately equip their ships with not enough cannons to evade their fair share of the tax burden.   While it is true that every crewmember has the right to challenge their captain to a duel for control over the ship, very few individuals dare to exercise this law. Even if a younger and stronger skyfarer manages to overpower their captain in such a duel, their triumph is short-lived. The life expectancy of this fortunate soul can be measured in mere hours, for the remaining crew members are sure to express their discontent with such an abrupt shift in leadership. The bonds of loyalty and camaraderie that tie a crew together are immense, and the crew's collective resistance to change can swiftly extinguish any flicker of rebellion, ensuring the status quo remains intact.


Carnival of the Wind

Every late summer, the west winds surge with renewed vigor. During this brief period, the misty veils that shroud the archipelago are swept away, revealing a clear, sun-kissed sky. With such strong air currents rendering flying conditions nearly impossible, many captains seize the opportunity to grant their hardworking crews a well-deserved rest. Crewmembers return to their homes, reuniting with families, while others seek more indulgent diversions in the lively taverns and brothels.   Yet, it is not just the skyfarers who revel in the joyous atmosphere. The entire community joins in the festivities, for these cherished sunny days hold a special significance. Overhead, thousands of kites take flight above the bustling settlements. While most fly under the guidance of children, ambitious young engineers partake in spirited competition, crafting intricate and technologically advanced kites. Miniature fleets grace the heavens, each endeavoring to showcase its prowess by ascending to greater heights and maintaining unwavering stability. Truly, a sight to behold.


Conquerer of the Sky

They say that Nuestra, a behemoth among airships, could fracture the sky in half. Its hull was able to eclipse the sun, while its thunderous broadside salvo threatened to bring the moon crashing down. Yet, the most formidable force aboard this legendary airship was none other than its captain—Francisco Perez, the Sky Conqueror. Where did this individual and his airborne marvel emerge from? Most will weave tales of their origin in the East, but can these claims be true? Eastern seas beyond Herja and Redoe are a desolate expanse of treacherous waters. Surely, no one could inhabit such a place. Wherever they came from, the airship Nuestra and its escorts of smaller units landed upon Turtle Island, the biggest landmass of the floating archipelago. Not long after that, the raids commenced.   For years, fleets of airships instilled terror upon the seas of Misty Waters. Cannons of regular vessels proved futile against agile aerial adversaries. With Nuestra joining the fight, the best recourse was to raise a white flag and pray that the infamous Sky Conqueror was in a benevolent mood. Astonishingly, more often than not, he was. Each captive was given an opportunity to join the ranks of his fleet. Those who declined were often left alive to spread Francisco’s message—“Scareguards Archipelago welcomes all.” The Sky Conqueror was not a mere pirate driven by a thirst for quick wealth; he was constructing a kingdom of his own, one airship at a time—each being a piece of his domain, a testament to his unwavering ambition.   As the years passed, the Sky Conqueror's influence grew, and his ranks swelled with loyal allies. Men and women from all walks of life were drawn to his cause, enticed by the promise of adventure, riches, and the chance to be part of something truly extraordinary. With each passing decade, the legend of the Sky Conqueror grew stronger, shrouding him in an air of mystery that only deepened his allure. People whispered among themselves, wondering about the man behind the legend. Who was he truly? Was he an immortal, blessed by the gods? Some even claimed he had made a pact with dark forces, granting him eternal youth in exchange for his soul. Speculation ran wild, and the truth remained elusive. The Sky Conqueror's appearance, however, offered little insight into his true nature. He lacked the ethereal beauty of the long-lived elves or the rugged strength of the dwarves. Yet, despite the passing of the years, there was no trace of aging upon his face. His beard remained untouched by gray, his eyes devoid of the fog of time. Only the scars etched upon his weathered visage told the story of his countless battles and unwavering determination. Legends and myths entwined around him, creating an aura of fear and reverence. Some saw him as a devil, a harbinger of chaos and destruction. Others believed he was a chosen one… as silly as it sounds. But the truth remained elusive, lost in the vastness of the sky.  

Francisco’s Death

The demise of the Sky Conqueror did not unfold on the battlefield but within the frigid embrace of the Medina docks, the very heart of the fledgling kingdom. Many individuals flocked to join the armada led by Francisco Perez, the Sky Conqueror. It was only natural that within this sea of faces, a few dozen desired to witness the downfall of captain Francisco. Many had attempted to end his life, only to be met with failure. The captain would mock these feeble endeavors,inviting all who sought his demise to make their move swiftly, for he is very busy and doesn’t have time for such nonsense.   For nearly two centuries, the captain had defied death's grasp, skillfully eluding its icy touch. But fate is a persistent adversary, and after 167 years following the initial landing on Turtle Island, death finally caught up with the Sky Conqueror. His foes infiltrated the ranks of the fleet's flagship, Nuestra. When the opportune moment arrived, they sabotaged the vessel's main engine, claiming the lives of the better part of the crew, including their captain. With the demise of Francisco Perez, his former officers fought for supremacy. Yet, their struggle lacked a clear victor, ultimately resulting in the fragmentation of the Kingdom of Misty Seas into several smaller island states. The wreckage of the Nuestra stayed in the Medina. Regardless of how his tale ended, the legacy of the Sky Conqueror endured. Songs were sung, and stories were told, passing down the legend of Captain Francisco Perez to future generations.  

Birth of the Republic

The struggle for control over the remnants of Francisco's kingdom culminated in a state of impasse. None of his former officers managed to rally the others under their banners. Yet, each claimed the title of king and considered themselves the sole rightful heir to the Conqueror's legacy. Such a state of affairs could not persist. Years of internal conflict within the archipelago had weakened its overall strength, and opportunistic enemies sought to exploit this vulnerability.   One of Francisco's officers—Hugo Oquendo, seizing the chance for personal gain, used his airships to ferry foreign troops from Dum Ramil to Turtle Island. He planned to conquer the capital and assert his alleged worthiness of the title of king. However, fate intervened. Miguel, the Sunbringer, leader of Celestia Island, knowing that his domain might be next, set aside old animosities and rushed to aid Alvaro Cruz—the leader of Turtle Island. Together, the combined forces of the two kingdoms repelled the first wave of attacks. In the wake of this victory, Miguel successfully persuaded the remaining leaders to unite against the common enemy.   Thus, The War Council came into existence. The united kings convened at the wreckage of Nuestra to discuss their military endeavors. To everyone's surprise, they found common ground, forged solid strategies, and ultimately triumphed over the invaders. Even after the war, these meetings persisted. They shifted focus towards reconstruction projects and devised strategies to prevent the recurrence of similar events in the future. While the frequency of the Council's gatherings has diminished, regular sessions continue to be organized to this day.

Demography and Population

Citizens of the Republic

The average citizens of the floating islands in the archipelago lead lives shaped by the unique challenges and opportunities of their exceptional environment. They are a diverse mix of individuals, each with their own aspirations, dreams, and struggles.   Many citizens are involved in the skyfaring industry, either as members of an airship crew, engineers, or workers in dockyards. Skilled skyfarers are well-versed in navigating the skies and flying their airships with finesse. They are experts in plundering and raiding tactics, honing their combat skills and strategizing to outwit their adversaries. Despite their reputation as pirates, they are not solely focused on pillaging. Many trade and barter, using their airships to transport goods between islands and establish economic networks. They possess a deep knowledge of the archipelago, its trade routes, and the best hiding spots amidst the shifting mists.   While citizens of the republic hold a reputatation that may evoke images of lawlessness and danger, the islanders maintain their own code of honor and loyalty. They operate under camaraderie and mutual respect, forging strong bonds within their pirate crews and fostering a sense of unity among their fellow skyfarers. Their allegiance to their respective kings or governors, who hold dominion over the islands, forms the backbone of their pirate society. However, it is essential to note that not all citizens may actively participate in acts of piracy. Most are forced to choose different occupations, such as artisans, traders, or craftsmen, providing essential services and goods to support the pirate community.   Life on the floating islands is not without its hardships. The constant threat of marauders' raids and the unpredictable nature of the skies require resilience and resourcefulness. The citizens must navigate the delicate balance between self-preservation and cooperation, ensuring their own safety while fostering unity within their communities. Their collective strength lies in their ability to adapt, innovate, and support one another in the face of adversity.  

Bleeding Islands

The citizens of the floating archipelago dream of caressing the gentle winds, entwining their fingers in the clouds, and breathing the cold air of the vast beyond. Alas, these aspirations have quite a blood price to pay, and for many, they remain unfulfilled.   During the republic's early years, the citizens of Misty Waters were urged to join the crews of flying vessels or even construct their own. The fledgling country faced numerous adversaries, and the contribution of every able hand was deemed crucial. Looking at it from today, this proved to be a grave misjudgment. Traditional sea voyages can claim countless lives.   Long ago, Francisco's words echoed across The Scareguards Archipelago like a glorious message of freedom and dreams. A promise that all who sought refuge in the floating republic would be embraced with open arms. Yet, with the passage of time, the once-pristine message has transformed into a twisted caricature of itself. With each passing year, the return of ships from their inaugural voyages dwindles, leaving ports bustling with the desperate task of constructing new vessels to replace those lost. The republic finds itself in a perpetual state of losing resources and manpower. It is constantly bleeding. Thus the unending influx of newcomers from far-off lands is the sole lifeline keeping the floating realm afloat.   “Scareguards Archipelago welcomes all.”   Because it has to.   Francisco's message now carries the weight of both blessing and curse upon these islands. It serves as a reminder of the necessity to welcome all who come seeking refuge, regardless of the consequences. The Scareguards Archipelago no longer has the luxury of choosing who enters, as it must receive any who come, or risk sinking into oblivion.  

Hungry Skies

In the shadow of the magnificent floating armada, life on the islands of the Scareguards Archipelago is far from paradise. Sustaining such a great number of flying ships is daunting, demanding countless hours of preparation on land for every hour spent in the sky. While some take to the heavens, others remain rooted to the earth, supporting the airborne armada by ensuring a constant supply of essential resources. The relentless demand for resources to sustain the ships leads to an ever-deepening hardship for those rooted to the land. Faced with the harsh reality of scarcity, hunger becomes a constant companion. In many of the islands' once vibrant marketplaces, you can see merchants with meager supplies, often asking for absurd prices. A stark contrast emerges between those who are airborne and those who are landbound, leading to an ever-widening gap between the privileged skyfarers and the forgotten islanders.   For the fortunate few who possess extraordinary skills or relentless determination, there exists a glimmer of hope. They can navigate the treacherous winds of survival and eke out a modest living. Such individuals stand a chance to stay afloat amidst the ongoing struggle, where each day becomes a battle for sustenance. Not the say one dignity as a living being. However, for the vast majority, life unfolds within ever-growing slums, where despair and deprivation create a relentless cycle of hardship.   In an attempt to combat this, some Kings and Queens of the islands decided to resolve the problem with more conventional means. Similar to one of their allies, they ask the ship captains to bring not only goods but also people as valuable commodities. This could be a task given directly as part of their skyfaring title or in exchange for a promised high reward. Money always speaks the loudest. Thus, the sight of slaves on the plantations of the underislands is not uncommon. It is rather a stark reality in the quest for survival and prosperity. Nonetheless, the Scareguards Archipelago remains a place where dreams and nightmares intertwine, where the sky battles the harsh reality of life on these rocky islands.

Technological Level

The citizens of The Scareguards Archipelago are renowned for their remarkable technological advancements, surpassing those found in many other regions of Deuslair. While the awe-inspiring airships may be the archipelago's most famous creations, their ingenuity extends far beyond this. The inventiveness of the republic’s engineers has led to the creation of various other groundbreaking contraptions, from clockwork mechanisms that power everyday devices and steam engines that drive heavy machinery to many forms of exotic armaments.  


In battle, striking your foes from a distance is a priceless advantage, though not easily attained in the vast realms of Deuslair, where heavily armored soldiers pose a severe challenge, even to the most skilled archers. While many turn to the power of magic or magic-infused weapons, the resourceful citizens of Misty Waters have chosen a different path—the path of gunpowder.   The crews aboard the airships of the Misty Waters Republic are armed with muskets and pistols, embracing the explosive potential of firearms. Handguns utilized by the republic require a loading before every shot, a process that, even under optimal conditions, can take up to a minute. Many pirates carry multiple loaded pistols to circumvent this time-consuming task instead of relying on a single musket. The most skilled gunsmiths can create special revolvers with rotating clusters of barrels that can be fired in succession. Even if not very accurate, those weapons could generate a whole avalanche of bullets.   While it is undeniable that a devastating magical blast unleashed by an experienced wizard holds more power than a gunshot, the people of Misty Waters have chosen a more accessible approach. They understand that teaching the average person to aim using iron sights and to pull a trigger is a far more attainable feat than imparting the arcane arts required to conjure fireballs. By embracing the simplicity and effectiveness of firearms, the citizens of Misty Waters empower their crews to engage in battle with a level of proficiency that can be attained by the many, not just a few killed in the intricacies of magic.  


Standard handguns have a fearsome reputation, but when the need arises to penetrate the hull of an enemy ship, they prove inadequate. In such situations, a more formidable weapon is required—the popper cannon. However, aiming these bulky monstrosities, particularly during encounters with other airborne vessels, poses quite a challenge. Recognizing this, the gunsmiths of Ragna have devised a more portable variant of board cannons. Though the term “portable” may be generous, as they demand the strength of only the hardiest crewmembers to bear their weight, the true value of those weapons lies in their remarkable accuracy, compensating for reduced size.   Yet, finding a skyfarer who possesses the necessary strength to handle one of these cannons is merely the first step. The user must learn to align the weapon with the intended target and compensate for the cannonball's trajectory. Proper positioning before firing is paramount; the cannon must be firmly braced against the marksman's shoulder, for any deviation in grip or posture risks the weapon flying from grasp.  


The warships of other nations are not defenseless against the airships of the Scareguards Archipelago. While standard cannons and arrows may pose a limited threat to airborne vessels, the presence of wizards and their magical devices can present significant challenges.   Many airship captains opt for a strategic approach to avoid direct engagement with these potentially dangerous weapons, flying high above their adversaries and bombarding them with a relentless barrage of incendiary grenades. Although this tactic may not yield immediate success, it gradually weakens the opponent, making it possible for the airship to descend to a lower altitude.   In closer-range encounters, grenades are unleashed with devastating effects. While they may not be the optimal choice for open-field combat, their efficacy is demonstrated time and again on the confined decks of a ship, where there is not enough room to escape the destructive blast.  


Aerothium is a mythical substance used to power the engines of the republic’s airships. These crystals can interact with the aetheric currents in the atmosphere, generating an anti-gravitational effect that enables airships to fly through the skies.   The first step in creating Aerothium involves collecting the dense mist that blankets the archipelago. Specially designed mist collectors, capture the swirling mist particles. These collectors utilize a fine mesh and a network of condensation chambers to gather and concentrate the mist into a liquid form known as Mist Essence.   Once collected, the Mist Essence undergoes an alchemical transformation. Skilled engineers blend it with various catalysts and alchemical agents to stabilize its properties and enhance its energy potential. Through refinement and purification, impurities within the Mist Essence are removed, leaving behind a concentrated mist solution.   To solidify the mist solution into the desired Aerothium substance, engineers utilize a unique combination of alchemical reactions and infusion techniques. This process involves exposing the mist solution to a carefully calibrated alchemical apparatus, where it is subjected to specific energy frequencies and infused with additional alchemical essences derived from rare plants and minerals. The mist solution gradually undergoes a phase transition, transforming from a liquid state into a solidified form called Aerothium Crystals. Then in the airships themselves, the process is reversed, creating gravity— defying steam.


On the floating islands of the archipelago, you won’t find any form of organized religion. Nonetheless, citizens of every island have a rich tapestry of beliefs and ceremonies that they participate in. While no single dominant faith exists, several key elements and common themes emerge across the various traditions observed on the islands.   Islanders often engage in ceremonies to ensure luck and safety during their voyages. These rituals rarely involve prayers and chants and, more often, take the form of simple gestures like carrying a splinter from your house rooftop during a whole journey or throwing off the board a single coin before embarking.   The act of flight, integral to the islanders' lives, carries profound symbolism. It represents physical transportation, spiritual transcendence, and liberation from earthly constraints and worldly concerns. Wings, feathers, and other avian motifs frequently appear in the republic’s iconography.

Foreign Relations

In the wake of the Disciples of Chaos invasion, life in The Scareguards Archipelago has begun to undergo a profound shift. The once bustling trade routes dwindle, and the scarcity of ships forces them to travel in heavily guarded convoys. Meeting tax obligations becomes increasingly challenging, affecting all levels of power within the archipelago. The gravity of the situation weighs heavily on everyone's minds, yet finding a viable solution proves to be an overwhelming task.   The pirate kings, who once reveled in their autonomy, now face a dilemma. Should they wait for the tides of fortune to turn in their favor? Should they seek potential allies who may aid them against the Disciples of Chaos? Or should they consider the unthinkable and align themselves with the invading forces? Their knowledge of the invaders and their treacherous nature make such a proposition highly dubious. Trusting the Disciples of Chaos would be akin to inviting a magpie into one's nest.   The War Council, tasked with making crucial decisions for the archipelago, still hasn't made a call.   The Republic of Misty Waters maintains a rather fragile nonaggression treaty with the Fortress of Dragsa. The treaty's original purpose was to ensure safer passage for ships bearing appropriate documents and markings through the Republic’s waters, with the agreement that a “passage tax” would be collected by any ship requesting. However, as time passes, the treaty has gradually lost its significance in the eyes of the Republic's skyfarers.   Yet, some leaders believe that an alliance with the Fortress of Dragsa is the best option for them. But none are willing to bet much on uncertain outcomes. The tension between them has been growing for a while, and the diminishing significance of their treaty has not gone unnoticed in Dragsa either. The Fortress, once imposing and unwavering, now finds itself dealing with a growing number of incidents involving Republic ships attempting to overexert their rights. It makes all the potential proposals even more difficult.   As of today, a sense of cautious neutrality has settled upon the Republic of Misty Waters as they observe the conflict from a distance, reluctant to entangle themselves in a war they cannot yet navigate.


To conquer the problem of a dwindling populace, the law of Skycall was created, comprising a list of requirements to become accepted as a skyfarer, whether as a member of an airship crew or as a pilot of one's own vessel. Those who fail to comply with the Skycall law are labeled as marauders and are cast away from the brighter side of republic civilization.   The Skycall law outlines three simple rules for granting one the title of a skyfarer:   To be granted the privileges and obligations of a skyfarer, one shall prove themselves capable of flying in the sky by either: I. Killing another skyfarer. II. Being accepted by at least half of the airship crew. III. Being granted the title of skyfarer by the island's ruler.   These rules were devised by The War Council during the early days of the republic with the intent of mitigating losses during voyages.   Originally, the privilege of being a skyfarer solely entailed the act of flying the ship, and their primary obligation was piloting the vessel. Over time, the list was expanded to include new elements. But even then, it was meant to enlist anyone who defeated pirates during an “abordage,” making the crew stronger while maintaining a similar number of individuals. However, this also meant that if a drunkard was killed in a bar fight, the unfortunate soul holding the weapon was also conscripted into the crew.   The second point of the Skycall law opens up opportunities for people from the islands to join the ranks of the skyfarers. Should they prove themselves capable and gain the crew's approval, they can become a part of the crew. While this rule was intended to ensure that only skilled and capable individuals fly the ships, it has also paved the way for shrewd individuals to convince the crews with something other than skills. Bribes and various forms of persuasion have become all too common. Some individuals have found creative ways to gain acceptance into the ranks of the skyfarers through unorthodox approaches, such as being granted the title of skyfarer by a crew of merely four people, disregarding the common sense calling for a larger crew.   As for the third rule, it is self-explanatory. Rulers always seek out ways to be above any law.   Those who attempt to deceive the law of Skycall by sneaking onto a ship without proper adherence to the law, are at the mercy of the crew. This way countless naive youngsters, dreaming of a shortcut to their aspirations, find themselves facing the crew's judgment. The common practice is to tether such individuals to the airship, casting them overboard and dragging them behind the vessel for as long as the crew demands—sometimes even for the duration of the whole journey. Should these hapless souls survive the scorching mists and merciless winds, they earn the chance to join the crew as full-fledged members. Few have ever received such a blessing, yet each season witnesses a handful of individuals, whether by choice or coercion, attempting to test their luck. No skyfarer would question those who willingly partake in those trials. Life holds little value if one cannot spread their wings and touch the sky.  

Enforcing the Law

The Republic of Misty Waters lacks a unified code of law, with each island possessing its own codex. Generally, these rules revolve around respecting the law of Skycall, obeying the king, and avoiding harm to fellow islanders. Despite the simplicity, some individuals still find these rules too restrictive. However, those who break the law within the republic will not escape unpunished.   Rather than employing a permanent police force, the kings of the republic rely on bounty hunters as a more costeffective solution. Apprehending lawbreakers and bringing them before the nearest judge results in well-deserved compensation. This system has proven successful, although the scarcity of bounties means that only a few can sustain themselves as full-time bounty hunters. Nonetheless, completing a bounty or two provides an opportunity to earn extra coins for those in dire need.   The form of punishment varies across the islands. In less civilized regions, criminals are pushed off the island without much ceremony. More civilized regions opt for less entertaining methods, such as compelling offenders to pay substantial fees as reparations.  


While many bounties within the Republic of Misty Waters are typically fulfilled within a matter of days, a significant number remain unresolved. Some lawbreakers avoid the hunters by banding together in larger groups. If they access an airship, a new group of marauders is born.   These marauders often establish bases on inhabited islands below the mist line, sustaining themselves by preying on the trading ships of the republic. Rarely do these groups venture beyond The Scareguards Archipelago, as the reputation of the republic extends throughout Deuslair. A lone airship and its crew will unlikely find many allies beyond the republic's borders.

Trade & Transport


Airships fly through the heavens, defying gravity and embracing the vast unknown. Yet, these magnificent vessels require the touch of skilled engineers to keep them roaring. The consequences can be dire for those suspended hundreds of meters above the sea, stranded with a malfunctioning engine with no one to repair it. That is why certified engineers hold a special place in the republic, exempt from the constraints of Skycall law. If you possess the knowledge to sustain an airship, you are welcomed aboard, particularly if your services come without exorbitant hourly fees.   However, becoming a certified engineer is a challenging feat. The republic boasts only a single school, nestled on Trotule Island near the settlement of Sidonia, dedicated to imparting this invaluable trade. The entrance exams are rigorous, and the tuition fees are even more so. Many aspiring engineers can only complete their education with the patronage of wealthy sky captains, but such support comes at a price. In exchange for tuition, young engineers must serve on their captain's ship for up to five years, an apprenticeship that shapes their skills and forges strong bonds.   As engineers gain experience and expertise, their demands grow. They command superior wages to other crew members and often negotiate new contracts mid-mission. What will you do if an engineer insists on claiming half of the spoils for themselves? Fly onward without them? Good luck with that, for on an airship, something is bound to break every passing hour. Expressing gratitude upon reaching a port is also not recommended. The islanders deeply respect engineers and do not take kindly to those who mistreat them. After all, without their unrivaled expertise, traversing the skies would become an impossible task. Most captains, therefore, prefer to accept the cost and, when needed, ensure everyone is well aware of the engineer's exceptional cooperation.  


The construction of airships is the biggest secret of the republic. Even captains of those magnificent vessels have no idea how their machines work. Only certified engineers are allowed to obtain this knowledge.   At the heart of every airship lies the Enchantor Core, a remarkable device that acts as a power source. This core, infused with a unique alchemical concoction known as Aerothium, can manipulate and control the essence of the air itself. By tapping into the fundamental properties of Aerothium, the Enchantor Core generates a powerful steam that is pumped directly into balloons. It possesses unique anti-gravitational properties, allowing the ships to defy the natural order of things, allowing them to float effortlessly in the sky.   Additional smaller cores are strategically positioned throughout the vessel to further enhance the maneuverability and propulsion of airships. These engines, when activated, release controlled bursts of stored steam, creating thrust and propulsion, enabling the airship to navigate the skies with agility and speed.   Additionally, a network of intricate mechanisms and gears ensures the precise control and stabilization of the airship. These mechanisms, driven by clockwork systems, allow the pilot and crew to manipulate the airflow around the ship, adjusting its altitude, direction, and speed.  


Gliders are the primary means of transportation between islands for those who lack their own airships and cannot afford passage on a ferry. While initially appearing precarious, locals learn how to use them before they pick up on how to eat with a fork and knife. Well, quite a few never learn that.   Gliders come in various types and designs. The simplest ones utilize the warm air currents found above the Misty Waters, allowing them to ascend and float gradually toward their intended destination. Ingenious engineers have developed more advanced gliders with small thrusters, providing greater control and maneuverability.   Gliders are essential equipment aboard every airship, primarily serving as emergency safeguards in the event of critical malfunctions. However, they are also used as boarding tools during encounters with other vessels, whether airborne or floating on the water. When an airship approaches its target, it dispatches dozens of these contraptions toward the intended vessel. Pilots of the gliders are armed with an array of tiny grenades, which are dropped upon reaching the target. Following the initial barrage, the boarding team descends gradually, opening fire with handguns upon any survivors. Once the aggressors set foot on the attacked vessel, they often encounter little resistance.  

Traversing the Sky

When most people hear the phrase “to traverse the sky,” they usually think about a fleet of bloodthirsty pirates ready to sink their ships and plunder seaside settlements. That is not true to reality, however. Not always, at least. Often, when a captain of the airship looks for a crew to traverse the sky, they are planning just that—to sink ships and plunder settlements. In the speech of the archipelago, however, “to traverse the sky” means “to earn money with your airship.” Some decide to make a fortune by raids and plunder, some by trade and barter. For the islanders, it's all the same.  


On the agricultural front, farmers work diligently to make the most of the limited land available on the floating islands. They have adapted their farming techniques to suit the unique environment, growing crops such as Skyroots and other resilient plants that thrive despite the challenges posed by mist and irregular weather patterns. Local farmers contribute to their respective islands' food security and self-sufficiency, ensuring that their communities have sustenance amidst the vast expanse of the open sky.  

Not for Sale

Trading, an undeniably lucrative endeavor, entices merchants and their crews with the promise of wealth. However, there exists a treasure far more precious than any cargo carried by any airship—the weapons of its crew. These armaments possess a value that surpasses the desires of many common traders. Alas, fortune does not favor them, for these weapons are not for sale. Technologies created in the republic are a closely guarded secret, a commodity beyond any bargaining table.   Occasionally, rare occurrences unfold where foreigners find themselves possessing the weapons of skyfarers. Some are lost amidst the chaos of battle, while others fall prey to the greed of unscrupulous merchants. In rare instances, fragments of these armaments are bestowed as gifts upon foreign monarchs and nobles. Bestowing one's weapon upon another, especially to outsiders, symbolizes the utmost trust, a gesture often misconstrued by those beyond the islanders' society.  

Trade Goods

The citizens of the archipelago often exchange goods with nearby regions. They may acquire imported wares such as grains, spices, and preserved foods through trade, enhancing the variety of their diet.



The architecture across the archipelago islands displays remarkable diversity. The distinctive character of islander architecture is shaped by the varying altitudes and climatic conditions prevalent in different regions.   On the highest islands, tall edifices pierce the skies like outstretched fingers. The most affluent citizens occupy prestigious residences nestled in the highest reaches of these islands. Atop these abodes, rooftop terraces provide respite from the veiling mists that often enshroud the lower realms. Here, the affluent few find solace, gazing upon the landscapes that stretch beneath them.   In contrast, the lower islands, shrouded in mist and rainfall, evoke a sense of acceptance and adaptation. The resilient people eschew lofty aspirations and instead favor stout, robust structures fortified against the whims of the everpresent elements.   Notably, on Turtle Island, a distinct architectural trend emerges. Inspired by the king's regal abode, many residents seek to emulate the grandeur of old airships in their homes. These houses are adorned with intricate details and embellishments reminiscent of the majestic vessels that dominate the skies. Through this homage to the past, they honor the enduring legacy of their rulers and embrace the spirit of adventure and exploration that defines their culture.

Divine Origins

Journey to the East

The origin of the Sky Conqueror has always been a topic of speculation and wonder among the people of the floating archipelago. The vast expanse of the Eastern seas has sparked curiosity about the existence of different landmasses and kingdoms beyond. The question that lingers in the minds of many is whether it is possible to reach these distant lands and unveil their mysteries.   Numerous expeditions have set out to venture across the eastern seas, driven by the thirst for knowledge and the desire to explore the unknown. However, most of these daring endeavors have been met with challenging fates. Some return battered and disheartened, while others simply vanish, leaving behind nothing but unanswered questions.   Nevertheless, there have been accounts from sailors and seafarers who claim to have witnessed peculiar objects flying near the eastern horizon whenever they leave continents far behind. These sightings have ignited hope and speculation among the people of the archipelago. Could these reports be the first glimmers of evidence that another civilization lies beyond the seas? Or are they merely tricks of light and imagination?

Scareguards Archipelago welcomes all.

Sayings from Misty Waters:   On these islands, you sail the skies or sink into obscurity. We've chosen the former. We will sway to the rhythm of adventure and sing the shanties of the high skies!   Gold in the hand is as fleeting as the wind, but the legend that echoes through these isles is eternal.   A morning jellybird brings no rain.  

Local Cuisines

Misty Greens

In the lower regions of the islands where mists and rains prevail, hearty and resilient plant species known as misty greens thrive. These leafy greens have adapted to the moisture-rich environment and are rich in vitamins and minerals. Islanders harvest them for salads, stir-fries, and other vegetable dishes.  


The archipelago's skies are teeming with various species of flying fish adapted to the misty atmosphere. These skyfish have evolved to glide through the air, and their nutritious meat provides a staple protein source for the islanders.  

Aerial Shellfish

Along the edges of the islands, peculiar shellfish species have adapted to thrive. These aerial shellfish cling to the rocks and feed on airborne microorganisms. Islanders carefully collect and prepare them, often incorporating them into skyfood dishes or using their shells for decorative purposes.  


Growing in the higher regions where sunlight is more abundant, the cloudfruit is a unique fruit that possesses a sweet, juicy flavor. It is a coveted delicacy known for its refreshing taste and high water content.  


Beneath the surface of the floating islands, there exist special tubers known as skyroot. These starchy root vegetables are well-suited to the archipelago's soil and can be harvested for cooking. Islanders use skyroot in various dishes, from soups and stews to roasted vegetables.
Geopolitical, Republic
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Of Wind and Rain

The climate across the archipelago islands is varied, offering many atmospheric conditions. Each island presents its own microcosm of weather patterns, influenced by altitude, proximity to other islands, and prevailing winds.   On the higher islands that hover above the mists, the air is often crisp and cool. These elevated regions are frequently kissed by gentle breezes that carry a refreshing vitality, providing respite from the sweltering heat that engulfs the lower realms. Sunlight bathes these lofty peaks, casting vibrant hues across the landscape, while intermittent mists create an ethereal ambiance, giving rise to tales of hidden treasures and ancient mysteries.   In contrast, the lower islands bear witness to a more temperamental climate. Shrouded in perpetual mist and veiled in a rain cloak, these islands experience a moody, atmospheric character. Dense clouds hang low, casting a soft diffused light over the landscape and giving the surroundings an otherworldly aura. Rainfall is a constant companion, nurturing lush vegetation and transforming the islands into verdant havens. Yet, occasional bursts of sunlight piercing through the mist offer fleeting moments of warmth and illumination, creating an interplay between light and shadow that captivates the senses.  


The Scareguards Archipelago is shrouded in an omnipresent mist, a sight as familiar as the islands themselves. While the higher islands may often bask in the sunlight, descending to lower altitudes reveals a landscape where sunny days grow increasingly scarce. This atmospheric phenomenon reaches its zenith at the line of the mists, an altitude where light struggles to penetrate. Navigating through this dense mist becomes a difficult task, causing airships to venture into this treacherous territory rarely. These mist-veiled islands, known as underislands, largely remain uninhabited, as the inhospitable conditions deter all but the most intrepid explorers.   Many legends exist about mysterious encounters that took place below the line of the mists. Whispers speak of ghostly apparitions, eerie voices carried by the wind, and unexplained occurrences that defy rational explanation. Some airships fly into mists only to vanish without a trace, swallowed by their murky embrace. Some believe these unfortunate souls fell victim to the Mistwraiths, lured into their clutches by illusions and deceit.
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Articles under Republic of Misty Waters

Cover image: by DALLE


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