Water Embrace

Life underwater in Encura is an enchanting and captivating experience that remains largely inaccessible to outsiders. While most visitors are limited to the surface, a privileged few who manage to earn the trust of the Encurans can be granted access to their sacred temples, where a truly magical ritual takes place. These hallowed ceremonies are performed in the pre-dawn hours by the revered priestesses known as “Waterbeast Summoners,” a title intricately connected to one of their religious festivals that marks the end of each season. But more on that later. Let us delve deeper into the ritual of Water Embrace and the fascinating customs surrounding it. The process of acquiring the ability to breathe underwater is not as swift or pleasant as one might imagine. It is a meticulously orchestrated affair, carried out with great care and precision. Yet, amidst the intricacies of the ritual, there is an undeniable sense of festivity. Picture yourself surrounded by the marine beastkin, their mystical presence accentuated by the aromatic marine herbs they employ during the ceremony. The air is thick with anticipation and excitement, and a profound sense of reverence pervades the atmosphere. As the ritual unfolds, time seems to elongate, stretching out into a realm of suspended anticipation. The priestesses guide the participants through ancient chants and elaborate gestures, invoking the very essence of the deep sea. The ambient light dims, giving way to a subtle luminescence that emanates from the enchanted artifacts adorning the temple walls. The transformative moment arrives as the culmination of the ritual draws near. A surge of energy courses through the participants, infusing their beings with a palpable connection to the vast underwater realm. It is at this precise juncture that the extraordinary occurs—temporary gills manifest on the necks of those partaking in the sacred rite. The physical sensations that accompany this metamorphosis are disorienting yet exhilarating. Equipped with these, the guests are now capable of navigating the underwater world. Or rather, venturing into its depths without suffocating. The sensation of breathing underwater is unlike anything experienced on the surface—a fusion of both awe and fear. Each inhalation fills the lungs with pristine, oxygenrich water, invigorating the body and mind. Though the experience of utilizing these temporary gills may be nerveracking initially, the rewards far outweigh any trepidation. Exploring the vibrant underwater landscapes of Encura, with its coral gardens teeming with exotic marine life, is an adventure that transcends the boundaries of the ordinary. Swimming alongside gracefully gliding creatures, witnessing the kaleidoscope of colors that dance upon the coral canvases, and feeling the weightless embrace of the water enveloping every movement—all contribute to an experience of unparalleled wonder. However, as with all things bestowed temporarily, the gift of water breathing bestowed by the ritual eventually fades. With the rising of the sun on the next day, the enchantment dissipates, and the initiated must bid farewell to their aquatic abilities until the next ritual comes around. If they will allow it again. Yet, even as the gills recede, the memories of this extraordinary journey linger, forever etched within the depths of their beings.

Cover image: by DALLE


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