House Minot Organization in Devonmire | World Anvil
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House Minot

House Minot is one of the oldest and most respected noble families in Myst, tracing their lineage back to the times of the gods. They are known for their incredible resilience and endurance, which allows them to endure physical challenges that would break ordinary people. As a result, the Minot family is often associated with qualities such as toughness, perseverance, and tenacity.   Despite their tough exterior, the Minots are also known for their kindness and empathy. They have a reputation for being fair and just rulers, and many of them have dedicated their lives to public service. Their motto is "Through Endurance, We Endure," which reflects their belief in the power of perseverance to overcome even the greatest challenges.


Own and rent out most of the farmland in Gulling. A manor in the village. Various public works around town.

The Wisdom to Endure

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