Great Unshackling Myth in Devorn | World Anvil
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Great Unshackling


The Great Unshackling is the Devorn changing event that began in the year 12,878 S.Y. when two beams of moonlight shot from the smaller of Devorn's two moons, Dakn. These beams of moonlight would strike the largest of the Lost Isles and northern Beregan devastating the lands and leaving them almost entirely uninhabitable. Shortly following the beams it was noticed that Dakn had stopped rotating, permanently shining a slightly dimmed full moon. The people of Devorn reported feeling a surge of energy across the world within days of the beams striking the world, that seemed to infuse with not only the people of Devorn but the plants and animals as well. In the 60 years that followed the destruction and energy surge more changes became apparent and the very nature of magic on Devorn shifted. The Great Unshackling would unfortunately lead to the variable period of time known as the Darkened Years from which little is known.


Finding an individual on Devorn who is unaware of the Great Unshackling is a near impossibility, though there are some who see an event from so long ago as unimportant to their current lives so they give it little thought.

Variations & Mutation

The people of the Lost Isles claim that a towering vision of Noormani, The Lost Light appeared above one of their largest cities shortly before the Great Unshackling. They claim that it was Noormani who brought about the destruction and changes that were to follow.    In comparison many people of the Gemello Twins believe that Dakn was simply at the end of one phase of its' existence and in a death throe granted new life to Devorn.    The people of Beregan have a wide variety of beliefs on what caused the Great Unshackling some of the prevalent theories being the Gods battling and causing the destruction, a powerful magical ritual that went wrong, or a natural evolution of Devorn.

Cultural Reception

The Great Unshackling is perhaps the most important historical event to have ever occurred in Devorn as such it is a cultural touchstone shared by all peoples of the world.
Date of First Recording
27 P.U.
Date of Setting
12,878 S.Y.


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