Noormani, The Lost Light Character in Devorn | World Anvil
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Noormani, The Lost Light

Noormani is the God who, according to his most devout believers, ruled over all that was good in Devorn before he was banished during the Great Unshackling. During his banishment Noormani has become the patron deity of the Penitent of the Lost Light and the secrets and pain of all upon Devorn. Noormani is often worshipped by those who have recently suffered great loss and by those who would hide themselves from the world, all of whom join the Penitent. Priests of Noormani amongst the Penitent wear robes of white cloth stained red from their own blood.

Divine Domains

Noormani has domain over Pain, Loss, and Secrets.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Noormani's divine symbols are a silver goblet filled with blood and a black coin.
Divine Classification


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