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Knights of Elda

The Knights of Elda are a knightly order formed in 744 P.U. within the Zeran Duchy by noble knights seeking to right the injustices of Beregan and to defend the citizens from the vile denizens of the dark. The order was granted autonomy by the Duke of Zeran to operate outside of the bounds of national loyalty and to intervene in unjust wars and conflicts across the continent. The order refuse all offers of payment for their involvement in a conflict and look down upon mercenary companies who fight for coin. Knights of the order often take periods of time away from the Lavendar Fort to wander Devorn helping the citizens of the world on a smaller scale, these knights are referred to as Hedge Knights.   Initially the membership of the order was exclusively from knights of Zeran as the order grew however knights from across Beregan have come to join the order. Knights of the order train heavily and take vows of brotherhood/sisterhood that place the order and its ideals above those of any previous affiliations. These vows do not preclude knights from having families or attachments but ensures those attachments never take precedence over the order. The Knights of Elda make heavy use of runes and glyphs on their weapons and armour and the Runesmiths of the order are considered some of the most skilled on Devorn.


The leader of the Knights of Elda is given the title Knight-General and are in command of the Lavendar Fort in Elda. As well as managing the order the Knight-General is expected to lead from the front whenever the order is involved in conflict. There is only one Knight-General at a time and they serve for as long as they are able of fighting before bestowing the position on another.   Beneath the Knight-General are the Knight-Commanders who lead each of the divisions of the Knights of Elda. Each of these divisions are named after flowers and in 934 P.U. include the Rose, Lavender, and Peony divisions. Each of these divisions has between 200-400 soldiers allowing the Knights of Elda to intervene in multiple conflicts across the continent at once. Knight-Commanders are also the point of contact for the numerous Hedge Knights who wander Devorn.   Beneath the Knight-Commanders are the Knights, including the wandering Hedge Knights, who make up the bulk of the fighting force of the order. Knights either serve in one of the divisions or wander Devorn as Hedge Knights. Most knights are trained as either infantry or cavalry though a select few join the ranks of the Runesmiths and learn to craft and imbue runes and glyphs.   Beneath the Knights are the Squires who have joined the order at a young age with little experience and spend between 5 to 10 years assisting and training before they join the ranks of the order proper.

Fight for Justice

Founding Date
744 P.U.
Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Flower Knights


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