Zeran Duchy Organization in Devorn | World Anvil
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Zeran Duchy

The Zeran Duchy is situated on the Western side of The Sheltered Mountains, beside the beautiful Bay of Zeran for which the nation was named. Contained within the Duchy are the delightful lavender fields of Elda, about which many a Bards ballad has been written. The Zeran Duchy is ruled by a Duke or Duchess who chooses on their deathbed the bravest and most chivalric knight to replace them.    Even with the impressive natural beauty of the region, the Zeran Duchy is amongst the poorer nations of Beregan. The limited space and relatively low amount of precious minerals within their side of The Sheltered Mountains do little to improve the situation. Zeran Duchy retainers however are considered among the greatest assets a foreign ruler can possess and many of them send tithes back to the Duchy in return for their services. The Zeran Duchy trades what meagre resources it produces to the Estarin Empire, Untolek Republic, and Kingdom of Jothor and imports much of the food required to feed its people.


The people of the Zeran Duchy are often derided by others of The Sheltered Mountains for being naïve and short-sighted, Zeranians however see their devotion to chivalry and honesty as central to their identities. Art and beauty hold more important positions within the lives of the average Zeranian than most other people on Devorn.


The Zeran Duchy was formed in 671 P.U. when the Estarin Empire declared they had no further need of the region and released their oversight of the lands. Duke Direcris Pyraxitallinost of Feraz, who was the former governor of the province when it was under Empire control, refused to allow the region to fall into anarchy and marshalled his soldiers to maintain order. With public opinion of Duke Pyraxitallinost at an all time high, the majority of the populace demanded the Duke lead them forward as a new nation. When Pyraxitallinost died in 688 P.U. he proclaimed that the bravest knight who had exemplified the ideals of chivalry should become the new leader of Zeran.   The Zeran Duchy has been a part of a single war during its relatively short existence, The War for the Isles over the independence of the Tornett Isles. The Zeran Duchy has however throughout it's history proclaimed its willingness to join any conflict against unjust oppressors and ruthless tyrants.

Beauty and Chivalry

Founding Date
671 P.U.
Geopolitical, Duchy
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
The Zeran Duchy accepts the use of Mestor Crowns and Oasian Drin.
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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