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Nobles are the wealthy elite of Devorn, not necessarily born from noble blood but wielding powers only dreamed of by the peasants of the world. The landowners, business magnates, and peerage of the world. Nobles are beholden to their lieges and must play the games of court politics and social etiquette perfectly or risk losing their grasp on power. The wealth and power of a Noble comes primarily from their estate, the focal point of their lands. These estates can vary greatly in what they produce or own from logging camps in the deep forests of the world to property holdings within major cities.   Nobles are almost entirely born into their station, very rarely does an individual become both wealthy and powerful enough to join their ranks without being born into it. The children of Nobles are, excluding those from the Divine Republic of Aspua, taught by the scribes at the scriptoriums ran by The Order of the Broken Tome. This vaunted education gives Noble children a leg up on their peasant competition and introduces them to their peers to begin making connections from an early age.  
Nobility, whether earned by noble deeds or conferred by birth, grants a person a grandeur that must be acknowledged. Peasants may curse a noble’s name and mock them in the safety of their hovels but most dare not insult a noble to their face. A Noble adds their Notoriety value to their Reputation score when in their home country or a country allied with their homeland. If a Noble travels to a kingdom or territory that is actively at war with, or neutral toward their homeland, they gain only half their Notoriety value.
The Dilettante The Leader The Knight
Dabble Command (WILL) Resolute
Each time a Noble buys a rank in Dabble, they gain two free skill points to spend. These points must be spent to buy a rank in a skill the Noble has zero ranks in and cannot raise a skill’s value beyond rank one. To buy a Difficult skill at rank 1, the Noble must spend both free points. As an action, a Noble can command a target to perform a specific task on their next turn. If the Noble’s Command check beats a DC equal to the target’s WILLx3, the target gains a bonus to one check involved in this task equal to one-half the Noble’s Command value (minimum 1). A Noble can add their Resolute value to their Courage and Resist Coercion checks. If they succeed a Courage or Resist Coercion check, any ally who witnesses them do so gains a bonus on their own Courage or Resist Coercion check equal to one half the Noble’s Resolute value (minimum 1) until the end of the scene.
Expert Guise (EMP) Servants Chevalier (EMP)
By rolling Expert Guise against a target’s Resist Coercion, the Noble can permanently convince a person of the Noble’s expertise in a specific subject. The target then defers to the Noble and the Noble gains a +3 to Deceit checks against the target when that specific topic is involved. A Noble gains a number of servants equal to half their Servants value (minimum 1). These subjects follow the Noble’s orders to the best of their ability but must be commanded or persuaded to risk their lives. If a servant can no longer serve for any reason, the Noble can request a new one from their household be sent. By taking an hour, a Noble can make a Chevalier check against a mount’s WILLx3 to permanently bond with it. When being ridden by the Noble, the mount’s Control Modifier is raised by half the Noble’s Chevalier value. The Noble can also lower the result of a control loss by half this value.
Host (EMP) Estate Armoured Buffer (REF)
By taking a day and spending an amount of money equal to their Host value times 100, a Noble can arrange a festive gathering. While at this gathering, the Noble gains a +3 to Charisma, Seduction, and Persuasion. Anyone the Noble invites must make a Resist Coercion check against the Noble’s Host check to not attend. A Noble personally owns an estate that consists of a main house, a stable, and a parcel of land. The Noble decides where this estate is located (within reason). The Noble serves as the land’s manager and gains benefit from it. Anyone living on the land is their subject. More details can be found on page 12. If an enemy scores a critical wound on a Noble, the Noble can immediately make an Armoured Buffer check against a DC equal to the enemy’s original Attack Check. If the Noble succeeds, they can negate the critical wound by sacrificing the armour in the hit location. The armour suffers 1d10 ablation damage per level of the critical wound to the hit location.


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