Divine Republic of Aspua Organization in Devorn | World Anvil
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Divine Republic of Aspua

The Divine Republic of Aspua is situated beneath the Eastern arm of The Corsan Peaks along the coast of the Stygian Abyss in the Eastern Reach of Beregan. Within the borders of the Divine Republic the Zhodron Grasslands and Bezra Plains meet leaving a dry expanse of land mostly unhospitable for civilization. The majority of Aspuans instead live along the fertile band of land that runs beside The Corsan Peaks and near the White River in the East. The Divine Republic is ruled by the reigning Pontifex of the Blessing of the Shining Star from the holy seat of Mayev.   The Divine Republic of Aspua is a wealthy nation with a strong economy based on lumber and mineral exports. Many of the settlements of Northern Aspua are devoted to mining the resources of The Corsan Peaks and the lumber harvested from the Bredensano and Terrensor forests is considered the finest in Beregan. The Divine Republic mints their own silver coins that are sanctified by the Blessing of the Shining Star called Aspuan Cleansed Silver. The Aspuans formally trade with the nation of Xocrusia, though their goods can be found in markets across Beregan. The Divine Republic invaded Gollaca in 930 P.U. and has fought border skirmishes against neighbouring Thermark.


The people of the Divine Republic of Aspua are singular in their devotion to the Blessing of the Shining Star. Those Aspuans who do not believe in the Blessing are intelligent enough to never speak of it. Citizens of Aspua must be constantly prove their faith to the Priors of the Blessing and are well versed in resisting the rhetoric of those who do not understand the Shining Brilliance. The Divine Republic of Aspua is the only nation on Beregan to refuse The Order of the Broken Tome permission to open a Scriptorium within their lands, instead the children of Aspua are taught by the Priors of the Blessing.


On the 19th day of Mier in 296 P.U. the Kingdom of Aspua went to war with Thermark and the Estarin Empire in the Reckoning War. By the conclusion of the war the Kingdom of Aspua was in ruins, the lands devastated and the people hopeless. A light shone in the darkness and Prophet Azza of the Blessing called to the people of Aspua to follow the Blessing of the Shining Star to glory. In late 314 P.U. following the conclusion of the war the Divine Republic of Aspua had formed, with guidance from the Blessing.   The reigning Pontifex of the Blessing of the Shining Star acts as the head of state for the Divine Republic, while the Marshall of the Army acts as the head of the government. The Pontifex serves for life and is chosen by the High Priors of the Blessing. The Marshall of the Army serves up to an eight year term though most are dismissed by the Pontifex before they reach their term limit. Nine of the previous Marshalls have been executed by the Blessing for transgressions ranging from blasphemy to incompetence all at the command of the reigning Pontifex.   The Divine Republic of Aspua has fought one formal war since establishing itself, the ongoing War of Light against Gollaca which began in 930 P.U.. The Divine Republic has however tested the border strength of many of their neighbours looking for weaknesses many times over the centuries. Between the years of 722 P.U. and 789 P.U. the Divine Republic was afflicted by the Rending Plague which killed thousands upon thousands of citizens.

Fire and Faith

Founding Date
314 P.U.
Geopolitical, Country
Head of Government
Government System
The Divine Republic of Aspua accepts only the use of Aspuan Cleansed Silver.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

Friendly and Trade Partners

Border Skirmishes

Neutral though unpleasant due to historical issues

War of Light


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