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The Orcfolk are humanoids standing between 6 ft and 7 ft tall when fully grown with skin tones ranging from green to grey. All Orcfolk are born with a pair of tusks growing from their lower jaw, the size of these tusks will vary in fully grown adults between 2 and 5 inches in length. During the Darkened Time that followed the Great Unshackling many Orcfolk returned to their simpler ancestral pursuits and lived nomadic lives raising pack animals upon the plains and grasslands of Devorn. Orcfolk reach maturity at 14 years of age and they live between 70 and 80 years comfortably.   Racial Traits (Pick 3):
  • Savage Blood: +3 to all Close Combat Skills (Melee, Small Blades, Swordsmanship, Staff/Spear) when below half health. Some say the Orcfolk are the favoured children of Pethwyn and that's none more obvious than when they're in danger.
  • Bestial Bonds: +2 Riding and +2 to Charisma when dealing with animals. Raising pack animals on the open lands of Devorn have seen many Orcfolk forge bonds with animals most other races could only dream of.
  • Hard Labour: +1 Physique and +10 Encumbrance Rating. Gain an additional +2 Physique when carrying heavy objects or performing manual labour. Physically fitter and stronger than most races Orcfolk can often be found as physical labourers.
  • Wayfarers: +1 Awareness and +1 Wilderness Survival. The nomadic upbringing of many Orcfolk teaches them to be wary of their surroundings and to know where to gather food and water when desperate.
  • Violent Countenance: +1 Intimidation and when they critically succeed on an Intimidation roll they may roll 2d10 instead of 1d10 and take the better result. Some Orcfolk are blessed or perhaps cursed with a resting face that puts others on edge, even worse when they're angry.
According to The Order of the Broken Tome Orcfolk make up around 6% of all known sentient humanoids on Devorn.


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