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Priests are those individuals who have devoted their lives to following the Gods they worship. Priests and their more primal cousins, Druids, believe that their ability to channel the chaotic magic of Devorn comes from the Divine. Priests and Druids both access their magic by casting invocations, preparing and performing rituals and weaving hexes. Exemplars of faith and determination these Priests or Druids, through their force of will and personality lead their congregations and followers to improve their lives in the eyes of the Gods and to protect the natural order of things respectively.   Priests are common across the length and breadth of Devorn worshipping one of the Gods of the Pantheon and operating places of worship for their followers. Druids on the other hand are rarer and many people go their entire lives without knowingly meeting a Druid, they are often found in deeper wilderness holding small conclaves and protecting natural spaces from poachers or those who would unbalance the natural order of things.   Both the Priests and Druids follow the same pantheon of Devorn and choose to or are called to follow one of the eleven gods:
Initiate of the Gods (EMP)
The churches of the world are often warm and inviting places, helping their communities and welcoming new converts. A Priest can roll Initiate of the Gods at a DC set by the GM at churches of the same faith to get free lodging, healing, and other services at the GM’s discretion. Initiate of the Gods also works when dealing with members of the same faith, though they will likely be able to offer less than a fully supplied church. Keep in mind that Initiate of the Gods doesn’t work with members of other faiths.
The Preacher The Druid The Fanatic
Divine Power Nature Attunement Blood Rituals (WILL)
A Priest can become more in tune with their god, gaining 1 point of Vigor threshold per skill level in Divine Power. This brings your Vigor threshold to a total of 12 at level 10. Divine Power can be trained like other skills and stacks with Nature Attunement. The Vigor thresholds are not separate. A Priest can become more in tune with nature, gaining 1 point of Vigor threshold per skill level in Nature Attunement. This brings your Vigor threshold to a total of 12 at level 10. Nature Attunement can be trained like other skills and stacks with Divine Power. The Vigor thresholds are not separate. A Priest casting a ritual can make a Blood Ritual check against the casting DC of the ritual. If they succeed, they can cast the ritual without required alchemical substances by sacrificing 5 HP in blood per missing alchemical substance. This blood can come from others, but must be spilled at the time of the ritual.
Divine Authority (EMP) Read Nature (INT) Fervor (EMP)
Peasants and the common folk of the world see Priests as agents of the gods’ will. A Priest can add their Divine Authority to their Leadership rolls if they are in an area where their religion is worshipped. Even when outside such areas of worship a Priest adds half their value, due to their presence. When in a purely natural environment a druid can roll Read Nature at a DC set by the GM. On a success, the druid reads the signs around them to learn everything that passed through that area and what they did in the area. Read Nature renders a very localized picture and cannot track things. A Priest can roll Fervor against a target’s current INTx3. On success, the rallying power of the Priest’s words grants 1d6 temporary health for every point rolled over the DC (maximum 5). This lasts for as many rounds as their Fervor x2 and only works once per target per day.
Precognition (WILL) Animal Compact (WILL) Word of God (EMP)
At the will of the GM, a Priest can be overcome by visions of the future, sending them into a catatonic state for 3 rounds. After this time the Priest can roll Precognition at a DC set by the GM to decipher the visions that they are stricken by. Such visions are composed of symbolism and metaphors. A Druid adds Animal Compact to any Wilderness Survival rolls they make to handle animals. A Druid can also make a compact with an animal. By taking a full round and rolling Animal Compact, they make one Beast or animal their ally for a number of hours equal to their Animal Compact value. Monsters are unaffected. A Priest can roll Word of God to convince people that they are speaking directly for the gods. Anyone who fails a Resist Coercion roll sees the Priest as a messiah and follows along as an apostle. A Priest can have as many apostles as their Word of God value. In combat, use bandit stats for apostles without stats.


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