Witchers Profession in Devorn | World Anvil
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Witchers are the primary defence against the dark creatures of Devorn. Though many nations employ soldiers and send them against any beasts they hear of, often an expert is required. Witchers wield weapons of both steel and silver and have over the years created a wide array of tools and alchemical concoctions to help defeat monsters in battle. Witchers work on a contractual basis often hired to hunt a singular monster terrorising a town, though occasionally they are placed on retainer by wealthy patrons and called upon whenever a monster pops up.   Witchers were created after many years of experimentation in 312 P.U. by Harran Ezoratt a Mage of considerable talent in Natharis to combat the monsters that had slowly started to consume Devorn. These newly created Witchers were trained to kill these monsters and have only gotten better at it over time.   The work of a Witcher is incredibly dangerous and requires them to study the strengths and weaknesses of the many monsters of Devorn. Requiring many years of study and training within one of the many schools spread across Beregan. Even with all the skill and preparation Witchers have the highest mortality rate of any profession in Devorn and few experience any real moments of peace.    
Witcher Training (INT)
Most of a Witcher’s early life is spent within the walls of their keep, studying huge, dusty tomes and going through hellish combat training. Many have argued that the Witcher’s greatest weapon is their knowledge of monsters and their adaptability in any situation. When in a hostile environment or difficult terrain, a Witcher can lessen the penalties by half their Witcher Training value (minimum 1). Witcher Training can also be used in any situation that you would normally use Monster Lore for.
The Spellsword The Mutant The Slayer
Meditation Iron Stomach Parry Arrows (DEX)
A Witcher can enter a meditative trance which grants all the benefits of sleeping but allows them to remain vigilant. While meditating a Witcher is considered awake for the purpose of noticing anything within double their Meditation value in meters. After decades of drinking toxic witcher potions, witcher bodies adapt to the toxins. A witcher can endure 5% more toxicity from drinking potions and decoctions per 2 points they spend on Iron Stomach. This skill can be trained like other skills. At level 10, a witcher’s maximum toxicity is 150%. A Witcher can roll Parry Arrows at a -3 to deflect physical projectiles. When parrying, the Witcher can choose a target within 10m. That target must take a defense action against the Witcher’s Parry Arrows roll or be Staggered by the flying projectile.
Magical Source Frenzy Quick Strike (REF)
As a Witcher uses signs more often their body becomes more used to the effort. For every 2 points a Witcher has in Magical Source they gain 1 points of Vigor threshold. When this ability reaches level 10, your maximum Vigor threshold becomes 7. This skill can be trained like other skills. When poisoned, a witcher goes into a frenzy and deals an extra 1 melee damage per level in Frenzy. While in a Frenzy, a witcher finds it difficult to tell friend from foe and will attack the creature nearest to them. A witcher underneath the effects of this Frenzy may make a DC:15 Awareness roll to prevent themselves from attacking an ally though this still takes up their normal action for that round. When the poison wears off, the Frenzy ends. You can attempt to end the Frenzy early with a DC:15 Endurance roll. After a Witcher takes their turn they can spend 5 STA and make a Quick Strike roll at a DC equal to their opponent’s REFx3. On success, they make another single strike in that round. This attack must be made against the opponent they rolled against, but can include disarms, trips, and other attacks.
Heliotrope (WILL) Transmutation (BODY) Whirl (REF)
When a Witcher is targeted by a spell, invocation, or hex, they can roll Heliotrope to attempt to negate the effects. They must roll a Heliotrope roll that equals or beats the opponent’s roll and expend an amount of Stamina equal to half the Stamina spent to cast the magic. When taking decoctions a Witcher can roll Transmutation at a DC:18. A success allows their body to assimilate slightly more of the mutagen than usual and gain a bonus based on which decoction they take. The decoction lasts half as long as it normally would. The extra mutations are too subtle to spot. By spending 5 STA per round, a witcher can enter a Whirl, where the witcher makes one attack against everyone within sword range each turn, with their Whirl roll acting as the attack roll. The witcher can only maintain this Whirl, dodge, and move 2m each round. Doing anything else or being hit halts the Whirl.
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