Harran Ezoratt Character in Devorn | World Anvil
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Harran Ezoratt

Harran Ezoratt was one of the foremost Mages of the Darkened Years and certainly the Mage that The Order of the Broken Tome knows the most about. Harran Ezoratt was born in the small village of Ulstermoor and quickly discovered his innate talent to harness the magics of Devorn. Ezoratt moved to the city of Natharis when he came of age and began investigating the mysteries of magic.   At some point during his studies the threat of monsters became more prevalent and he began to study methods by which to counter their advancing numbers. Harran began experimenting on individuals and attempting to mutate them so they would better be able to combat the creatures. This line of study would eventually produce the method known as the Trial of Grasses which creates Witchers. Following the discovery and its widening use Harran would retire to his manor within Natharis eventually passing away peacefully at the estimated age of 141 in his sleep.  
Date of Birth
Unknown Date, Darkened Years
Year of Death
62 P.U.
Circumstances of Death
Harran Ezoratt died peacefully in his residence in Natharis.

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