Dragons Hoard Gallery

Purpose / Function

A place for the arts to florish. The gallery accepts art of all types, they have a hall for performing art. One of the rooms is filled with the work of children who've come to the gallery throughout the year.
Art is on display throughout the masive property. Some art is garden art or statues. So they utalize the gardens. Others are paints hanging on wall.


The building has been expanded several times, and every time they remodel the outside so that the building remains uniform.


The facade of the building changes from time to time, so it is ever flowing.
But there is a large playground, for children to play outside. Some of the structures mimic facades of historical buildings. There is even a mini castle built from stone, and is actually able to be lived in if some needed to with little modification.


There are magical Wards on the property. To protect the art from damage. As well as protect the land iteself.
Also the owner might be an actual dragon.


Dragon's Hoard Gallery is free to the public, as funding comes from anymous donors.
The collection of the Gallery is vast and they try to display as much of the work as possible, and will rotate pieces.
One of the rooms is dedicated to children drawings. These are drawings brought to the gallery during the year, from the first month to just before the end of the year. Just before the new year each peice is carfully packaged and returned to the child or childs family. On the first of the year the walls in that room are a brand new canvas. To begin the process again. Thousands of childrens art work goes up.
Any money from the gift shop goes towards local programs, ranging from helping families have food, getting clothes, rehabilitation, to even building houses for those in need.
People will travel from all over to visit the Dragon's Hoard.
Art gallery


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