Technology of Barsamin

Before the The Fall of Barsamin it is rumored that the descendants could harness the magic of the gods and create anything they wanted. The myths from the times of Barsamin talk about how the descendants could change water into food. The myths say that they could plant seed and it would grow into a goat. Much of the myths are devoted to the wondrous devices that the inhabitants of Barsamin could create. One myth tells of how the gods created a stair case that allowed people to walk of to the Palace of Barsamin in the sky. Some scholars have argued that these myth were created in story telling competitions around day 100-800. They claim that the point of the competition was to tell a more outlandish story then the previous storyteller.   Many people assume that these myths are just fantastical stories that have no basis in reality. However, those who have seen The Tablets of the First Decedents are not as convinced that these myths are just fantastical stories. The tablets themselves seem to be constructed in a manner that defies current manufacturing techniques, let alone techniques that were used thousands of days ago. Also people who study the tablets see that contain many descriptions of discoveries that Yeni, Cradcressian, and Eralian craftsmen have just discovered. How could these modern crafting techniques be known by the first descendants thousands of years ago. Could this indicate that some of the more outlandish myths are actually true. The guilds of the Sol-Cid say that their manufacturing techniques come from the descendants and have not changed in thousands of day. They would argue that all of their current technology comes from the descendants. However, they would dismiss some of the more outlandish claims of the myths as pure fiction.

Cover image: by Cory Brooke-deBock


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