Woods Terrain

Native Plants are ... Common Plants include ...   Some other Plants found in this climate includes:
  • Aldaka (Uncommon)
  • Alether (Common)
  • All-Heale (Very Common)
  • Angakara Tree (Very Rare)
  • Angel's Stammerwort (Very Common)
  • Arcasa (Uncommon)
  • Ardulan (Uncommon)
  • Asarabacca (Uncommon)
  • Ash (Common)
  • Ashline (Uncommon)
  • Ashvein (Common)
  • Astir (Common)
  • Azure Leaves (Rare)
  • Barberry (Very Common)
  • Barisc (Uncommon)
  • Basil (Very Common)
  • Bija Tree (Rare)
  • Bilberry (Very Rare)
  • Bison-Gourd (Common)
  • Blackberry (Very Common)
  • Black Rose (Common)
  • Bloodgrass (Common)
  • Blueleaf (Very Common)
  • Borneas (Rare)
  • Bronzewood (Common)
  • Butterspice Weed (Uncommon)
  • Cassil (Very Common)
  • Chervil (Common)
  • Cinquefort (Uncommon)
  • Coldwood (Common)
  • Constrictor Vine (Uncommon)
  • Cotsbalm (Rare)
  • Cow-Wheat (Very Common)
  • Crimson Ladies (Rare)
  • Dainaberry (Common)
  • Darkberry (Rare)
  • Darmanzar Stalk (Uncommon)
  • Darnell (Common)
  • Deadroot (Very Rare)
  • Delrean (Common)
  • Deva’s Tears (Common)
  • Dittany (Very Common)
  • Dog Rose (Very Common)
  • Dragons-Eye Oak (Uncommon)
  • Duskwood (Common)
  • Dwarf Hops (Very Common)
  • Dwarven Oak (Rare)
  • Elven Willow (Very Common)
  • Elvish Galingale (Very Common)
  • Ember Root (Common)
  • Falsifal (Common)
  • Febfendu (Very Rare)
  • Felsul (Rare)
  • Fey Cherry (Very Rare)
  • Fumitore (Uncommon)
  • Gallowbrush (Uncommon)
  • Gardenflax (Very Rare)
  • Goat’s Rue (Very Common)
  • Goblin Rogue (Very Common)
  • Golden Crown (Very Common)
  • Golden Lungwort (Uncommon)
  • Goldenweb (Uncommon)
  • Gulthias Tree (Legendary, Exceedingly Rare)
  • Halfling Thistle (Rare)
  • Hands of Laretha (Rare)
  • Hangman Tree (Rare)
  • Harpy Nest (Common)
  • Hart’s Crown (Rare)
  • Hate Gartlet (Common)
  • Hawkweed (Uncommon)
  • Healing Apple Tree (Common)
  • Hidden Hibiscus (Very Rare)
  • Hiexel (Common)
  • Hiljirat Pepper (Uncommon)
  • Hyperia (Very Rare)
  • Iraster (Very Rare)
  • Ironhard (Rare)
  • Jaffray (Common)
  • Juniper (Very Common)
  • Kae’la (Rare)
  • Kieros (Rare)
  • Kilmakur (Rare)
  • Kingsfruit (Very Rare)
  • Kylathar (legendary)
  • Laishaberries (Common)
  • Larnurma (Very Common)
  • Laspar (Very Common)
  • Leopard’s Bane (Very Common)
  • Lish (Uncommon)
  • Livewood (Very Rare)
  • Locust Needle (Very Common)
  • Lordinberry (Very Rare)
  • Luhix (Uncommon)
  • Maiden’s Hair (Very Rare)
  • Mar’kerlan (Rare)
  • Marigold (Very Common)
  • Maruera (Rare)
  • Mirenna (Rare)
  • Myrthis (Common)
  • Orticusp (Very Rare)
  • Osira (Common)
  • Pallast (Very Common)
  • Pennyroyal (Rare)
  • Phandar (Very Rare)
  • Pixie Table (Rare)
  • Quare (Very Common)
  • Rampalt (Common)
  • Ripplebark (Common)
  • Rosecork (Common)
  • Rose of Forgetfulness (Legendary)
  • Ruby Apple (Very Rare)
  • Ruby Blushrose (Uncommon)
  • Sable Fir (Common)
  • Scarlet Heart Mushrooms (Uncommon)
  • Shadbush (Very Common)
  • Shadowtop (Very Common)
  • Silverwood (Uncommon)
  • Sparkleberry (Common)
  • Spectreflower (Rare)
  • Spiderwort (Common)
  • Spotty Dragonfire (Common)
  • Spring Adonis (Common)
  • Strawberry (Very Common)
  • Stygian Pumpkin (Common)
  • Suaeysit (Legendary)
  • Suth (Very Rare)
  • Takara Bulb (Very Common)
  • Tempin (Uncommon)
  • Tephrosia (Uncommon)
  • Thimbleweed (Very Common)
  • Torchstalk (Uncommon)
  • Troll Poppy (Common)
  • Trueroot (Legendary)
  • Twilight Birch (Very Rare)
  • Varenia (Legendary, Exceedingly Rare)
  • Vinuk (Uncommon)
  • Waredan (Very Rare)
  • Waxtree (Very Rare)
  • Waxworm (Very Common)
  • Weeping Tree (Very Common)
  • Weirwood (Uncommon)
  • White Byrony (Common)
  • Wispstalks (Very Rare)
  • Wittlewort (Very Common)
  • Woodrose (Rare)
  • Wood Sorrel (Common)
  • Wormwood (Rare)
  • Xitluchi (Uncommon)
  • Yagdav Bush (Very Common)
  • Yaran (Rare)
  • Yarpick (Common)
  • Young Lad’s Love (Very Common)
  • Zalanthar (Rare)
This climate is home to iconic animals like ...  


  • Abominable Beauty ( Fey ; Forest )
  • Adult Gold Dragon ( Dragon ; Forest, Grassland )
  • Adult Green Dragon ( Dragon ; Forest )
  • Ala ( Fey ; Farmland, Forest )
  • Alseid ( Monstrosity ; Forest )
  • Amphiptere ( Beast ; Forest, Hill )
  • Ancient Gold Dragon ( Dragon ; Forest, Grassland )
  • Ancient Green Dragon ( Dragon ; Forest )
  • Ankheg ( Monstrosity ; Forest, Grassland )
  • Annelidast ( Monstrosity ; Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Underdark, Urban )
  • Apau Perape Demon ( Fiend (Demon) ; Forest, Planar )
  • Ape ( Beast ; Forest )
  • Arboreal Grappler ( Aberration ; Forest )
  • Archdruid ( Humanoid (Druid) ; Forest, Mountain, Swamp, Underwater )
  • Archer ( Humanoid ; Forest, Urban )
  • Aridni ( Fey ; Forest )
  • Asanbosam ( Aberration ; Forest, Hill )
  • Autumn Eladrin ( Fey (Elf) ; Forest )
  • Awakened Shrub ( Plant ; Forest )
  • Awakened Tree ( Plant ; Forest )
  • Baboon ( Beast ; Forest, Hill )
  • Badger ( Beast ; Forest )
  • Bagiennik ( Aberration ; Forest, Hill, Swamp )
  • Bandit ( Humanoid (Any Race) ; Arctic, Coastal, Desert, Forest, Hill, Urban )
  • Bandit Captain ( Humanoid (Any Race) ; Arctic, Coastal, Desert, Forest, Hill, Urban )
  • Bandit Lord ( Humanoid (Any Race) ; Desert, Farmland, Forest, Grassland, Urban )
  • Banshee ( Undead ; Coastal, Forest )
  • Barghest ( Fiend ; Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Underdark )
  • Bear King ( Fey (Shapechanger) ; Forest, Planar )
  • Bearfolk ( Humanoid (Bearfolk) ; Arctic, Forest, Hill, Mountain, Urban )
  • Behtu ( Humanoid ; Forest )
  • Berserker ( Humanoid (Any Race) ; Arctic, Coastal, Desert, Forest, Hill, Mountain )
  • Berstuc Demon ( Fiend (Demon) ; Forest, Planar )
  • Black Bear ( Beast ; Forest )
  • Blemmyes ( Monstrosity ; Farmland, Forest, Hill )
  • Blink Dog ( Fey ; Forest )
  • Blood Hawk ( Beast ; Arctic, Coastal, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain )
  • Boar ( Beast ; Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Boggle ( Fey ; Forest, Hill, Underdark, Urban )
  • Brontosaurus ( Beast (Dinosaur) ; Forest, Grassland )
  • Brown Bear ( Beast ; Arctic, Forest, Hill )
  • Bugbear ( Humanoid (Goblinoid) ; Forest, Grassland, Underdark )
  • Bugbear Chief ( Humanoid (Goblinoid) ; Forest, Grassland, Underdark )
  • Bukavac ( Monstrosity ; Forest, Underwater )
  • Burrowling ( Humanoid (Burrowling) ; Farmland, Forest )
  • Cat ( Beast ; Desert, Forest, Grassland, Urban )
  • Cave Bear ( Beast ; Forest, Underdark )
  • Centaur ( Monstrosity ; Forest, Grassland )
  • Centaur Skeleton ( Undead ; Forest )
  • Chelicerae ( Aberration ; Badlands, Forest )
  • Child of the Briar ( Plant ; Forest )
  • Choker ( Aberration ; Forest, Mountain, Underdark )
  • Cikavak ( Fey ; Farmland, Forest )
  • Citrullus ( Plant ; Desert, Forest, Hill )
  • Clockwork Bronze Scout ( Construct ; Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain )
  • Clockwork Iron Cobra ( Construct ; Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain )
  • Clockwork Oaken Bolter ( Construct ; Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain )
  • Clockwork Stone Defender ( Construct ; Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain )
  • Cold Snap Spirit ( Elemental ; Arctic, Forest, Mountain )
  • Commoner ( Humanoid (Any Race) ; Arctic, Coastal, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Urban )
  • Constrictor Snake ( Beast ; Desert, Forest, Swamp, Underwater )
  • Corpse Flower ( Plant ; Forest, Swamp, Urban )
  • Corrupting Ooze ( Ooze ; Forest, Swamp, Urban )
  • Couatl ( Celestial ; Desert, Forest, Grassland, Urban )
  • Crimson Drake ( Dragon ; Farmland, Forest )
  • Darkling ( Fey ; Forest, Swamp, Underdark, Urban )
  • Darkling Elder ( Fey ; Forest, Swamp, Underdark, Urban )
  • Death Butterfly Swarm ( swarm of Tiny Beasts ; Farmland, Forest, Urban )
  • Deer ( Beast ; Forest, Grassland )
  • Deinonychus ( Beast (Dinosaur) ; Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Demon Lord Mechuiti ( Fiend (Demon) ; Forest, Planar )
  • Demonfeed Spider ( Fiend ; Forest, Underdark )
  • Demonfeed Spiderling ( Fiend ; Forest, Underdark )
  • Dipsa ( Ooze ; Forest )
  • Dire Troll ( Giant ; Arctic, Forest, Hill, Mountain, Underdark )
  • Dire Wolf ( Beast ; Forest, Hill )
  • Displacer Beast ( Monstrosity ; Forest )
  • Druid ( Humanoid (Any Race) ; Arctic, Coastal, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark )
  • Dryad ( Fey ; Forest )
  • Dullahan ( Fey ; Any, Forest )
  • Duskthorn Dryad ( Fey ; Forest )
  • Eel Hound ( Fey ; Forest, Underwater )
  • Eidolon ( Undead ; Coastal, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Mountain, Urban )
  • Elder Shadow Drake ( Dragon ; Forest, Underdark )
  • Elemental Locus ( Elemental ; Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain )
  • Elk ( Beast ; Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Elvish Veteran Archer ( Humanoid (Elf) ; Forest )
  • Erina ( Humanoid (Erina) ; Forest, Grassland )
  • Erina Defender ( Humanoid (Erina) ; Forest, Grassland )
  • Ettercap ( Monstrosity ; Forest )
  • Faerie Dragon (Blue) ( Dragon ; Forest )
  • Faerie Dragon (Green) ( Dragon ; Forest )
  • Faerie Dragon (Indigo) ( Dragon ; Forest )
  • Faerie Dragon (Orange) ( Dragon ; Forest )
  • Faerie Dragon (Red) ( Dragon ; Forest )
  • Faerie Dragon (Violet) ( Dragon ; Forest )
  • Faerie Dragon (Yellow) ( Dragon ; Forest )
  • Far Darrig ( Fey ; Forest )
  • Feyward Tree ( Construct ; Forest )
  • Firebird ( Celestial ; Forest, Underdark )
  • Flab Giant ( Giant ; Forest )
  • Flail Snail ( Elemental ; Forest, Swamp, Underdark )
  • Flind ( Fiend (Gnoll) ; Coastal, Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Flying Snake ( Beast ; Desert, Forest, Grassland, Urban )
  • Forest Marauder ( Giant ; Forest )
  • Garroter Crab ( Beast ; Forest, Underwater )
  • Gerridae ( Fey ; Coastal, Forest, Underwater )
  • Giant Ant ( Beast ; Forest, Underdark )
  • Giant Ant Queen ( Beast ; Forest, Underdark )
  • Giant Ape ( Beast ; Forest )
  • Giant Badger ( Beast ; Forest )
  • Giant Bat ( Beast ; Forest, Underdark )
  • Giant Boar ( Beast ; Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Giant Constrictor Snake ( Beast ; Desert, Forest, Swamp, Underdark, Underwater )
  • Giant Elk ( Beast ; Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain )
  • Giant Frog ( Beast ; Forest, Swamp )
  • Giant Hyena ( Beast ; Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Giant Lizard ( Beast ; Coastal, Desert, Forest, Swamp, Underdark )
  • Giant Owl ( Beast ; Arctic, Forest, Hill )
  • Giant Poisonous Snake ( Beast ; Desert, Forest, Grassland, Swamp, Underdark, Urban )
  • Giant Rat ( Beast ; Forest, Swamp, Underdark, Urban )
  • Giant Spider ( Beast ; Desert, Forest, Swamp, Underdark, Urban )
  • Giant Toad ( Beast ; Coastal, Desert, Forest, Swamp, Underdark )
  • Giant Wasp ( Beast ; Forest, Grassland, Urban )
  • Giant Weasel ( Beast ; Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Giant Wolf Spider ( Beast ; Coastal, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Girallon ( Monstrosity ; Forest )
  • Gnarljak ( Construct ; Farmland, Forest, Urban )
  • Gnoll ( Humanoid (Gnoll) ; Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu ( Fiend (Gnoll) ; Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Gnoll Flesh Gnawer ( Monstrosity ; Arctic, Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Gnoll Hunter ( Monstrosity ; Arctic, Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Gnoll Pack Lord ( Humanoid (Gnoll) ; Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Gnoll Witherling ( Undead ; Arctic, Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Goblin ( Humanoid (Goblinoid) ; Forest, Grassland, Hill, Underdark )
  • Goblin Boss ( Humanoid (Goblinoid) ; Forest, Grassland, Hill, Underdark )
  • Gorgon ( Monstrosity ; Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Gray Render ( Monstrosity ; Forest, Hill )
  • Greater Death Butterfly Swarm ( swarm of Tiny Beasts ; Farmland, Forest, Urban )
  • Greater Winged Wretch ( Monstrosity ; Forest, Hearth, Swamp )
  • Green Hag ( Fey ; Forest, Hill, Swamp )
  • Greyfur ( Humanoid (Lemurfolk) ; Forest )
  • Grick ( Monstrosity ; Forest, Underdark )
  • Grick Alpha ( Monstrosity ; Forest, Underdark )
  • Grung ( Humanoid ; Forest )
  • Grung Elite Warrior ( Humanoid ; Forest )
  • Grung Wildling ( Humanoid ; Forest )
  • Guard ( Humanoid (Any Race) ; Coastal, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Urban )
  • Guard Drake ( Dragon ; Arctic, Desert, Forest, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark, Urban )
  • Guardian Naga ( Monstrosity ; Desert, Forest )
  • Half-Ogre (Ogrillon) ( Giant ; Arctic, Desert, Forest, Hill, Mountain, Underdark, Urban )
  • Harpy ( Monstrosity ; Coastal, Forest, Hill, Mountain )
  • Hobgoblin ( Humanoid (Goblinoid) ; Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Underdark )
  • Hobgoblin Captain ( Humanoid (Goblinoid) ; Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Underdark )
  • Hobgoblin Devastator ( Fey (Goblinoid) ; Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Hobgoblin Iron Shadow ( Fey (Goblinoid) ; Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Hobgoblin Warlord ( Humanoid (Goblinoid) ; Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Underdark )
  • Hound of the Night ( Monstrosity ; Forest, Planar )
  • Hulking Whelp ( Fey (Shapechanger) ; Farmland, Forest )
  • Hungry Sorrowsworn ( Monstrosity ; Forest, Underdark, Urban )
  • Hyena ( Beast ; Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • J'ba Fofi Spider ( Beast ; Forest )
  • Jaculus ( Dragon ; Forest )
  • Kenku ( Humanoid (Kenku) ; Forest, Urban )
  • Kobold ( Humanoid (Kobold) ; Arctic, Coastal, Desert, Forest, Hill, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark, Urban )
  • Kobold Dragonshield ( Dragon ; Forest, Hill, Mountain, Underdark )
  • Kobold Inventor ( Humanoid ; Forest, Hill, Mountain, Underdark, Urban )
  • Kobold Scale Sorcerer ( Humanoid ; Forest, Hill, Mountain, Underdark, Urban )
  • Kongamato ( Beast ; Forest )
  • Korred ( Fey ; Forest )
  • Kot Bayun ( Monstrosity ; Farmland, Forest )
  • Lake Troll ( Giant ; Coastal, Forest, Underwater )
  • Lemurfolk ( Humanoid (Lemurfolk) ; Forest )
  • Leshy ( Monstrosity ; Forest )
  • Lizard King ( Humanoid (Lizardfolk) ; Forest, Swamp )
  • Lizard Queen ( Humanoid (Lizardfolk) ; Forest, Swamp )
  • Lizardfolk ( Humanoid (Lizardfolk) ; Forest, Swamp )
  • Lizardfolk Shaman ( Humanoid (Lizardfolk) ; Forest, Swamp )
  • Lord of the Hunt ( Fey ; Forest, Planar )
  • Lorelei ( Fey ; Forest, Underwater )
  • Lost Sorrowsworn ( Monstrosity ; Arctic, Desert, Forest, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark, Urban )
  • Loxoda ( Monstrosity ; Forest, Grassland )
  • Lunar Devil ( Fiend (Devil) ; Forest )
  • Mastiff ( Beast ; Forest, Hill, Urban )
  • Mavka ( Undead ; Forest )
  • Meazel ( Monstrosity ; Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark, Urban )
  • Meenlock ( Fey ; Forest, Swamp, Urban )
  • Millitaur ( Monstrosity ; Forest )
  • Mirror Hag ( Fey ; Forest, Urban )
  • Moss Lurker ( Humanoid ; Forest, Underdark )
  • Myling ( Undead ; Forest )
  • Nagpa ( Monstrosity (Wizard) ; Coastal, Desert, Forest, Swamp, Underdark, Urban )
  • Needle Blight ( Plant ; Forest )
  • Ngobou Dinosaur ( Beast ; Farmland, Forest, Grassland )
  • Nichny ( Fey ; Forest )
  • Nightgarm ( Monstrosity ; Arctic, Forest )
  • Nilbog ( Fey (Goblinoid) ; Forest, Hill, Underdark )
  • Nkosi ( Humanoid (Nkosi, Shapechanger) ; Forest, Grassland )
  • Nkosi Pridelord ( Humanoid (Nkosi, Shapechanger) ; Forest, Grassland )
  • Ogre ( Giant ; Arctic, Coastal, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark )
  • Ogre Corrupted Chieftain ( Giant ; Badlands, Farmland, Forest )
  • Oni ( Giant ; Forest, Urban )
  • Orc ( Humanoid (Orc) ; Arctic, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark )
  • Orc Blade of Ilneval ( Humanoid (Orc) ; Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Underdark )
  • Orc Eye of Gruumsh ( Humanoid (Orc) ; Arctic, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark )
  • Orc Hand of Yurtrus ( Humanoid (Orc) ; Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Underdark )
  • Orc Nurtured One of Yurtrus ( Humanoid (Orc) ; Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Underdark )
  • Orc Red Fang of Shargaas ( Humanoid (Orc) ; Forest, Hill, Mountain, Underdark, Urban )
  • Orc War Chief ( Humanoid (Orc) ; Arctic, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark )
  • Orog ( Humanoid (Orc) ; Arctic, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Underdark )
  • Owl ( Beast ; Arctic, Forest )
  • Owl Harpy ( Monstrosity ; Desert, Forest, Hill )
  • Owlbear ( Monstrosity ; Forest )
  • Panther ( Beast ; Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Pegasus ( Celestial ; Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Phase Spider ( Monstrosity ; Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Underdark, Urban )
  • Pixie ( Fey ; Forest )
  • Poisonous Snake ( Beast ; Coastal, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Swamp )
  • Pombero ( Fey ; Forest )
  • Pseudodragon ( Dragon ; Coastal, Desert, Forest, Hill, Mountain, Urban )
  • Queen of Witches ( Fey ; Forest, Mountain, Planar )
  • Quickling ( Fey ; Forest )
  • Ravenala ( Plant ; Coastal, Forest )
  • Red Hag ( Fey ; Coastal, Forest, Underdark )
  • Red-Banded Line Spider ( Beast ; Forest, Urban )
  • Redcap ( Fey ; Forest, Hill, Swamp )
  • Redcap ( Fey ; Farmland, Forest )
  • Retriever ( Construct ; Desert, Forest, Underdark )
  • Revenant ( Undead ; Arctic, Desert, Forest, Hill, Swamp, Urban )
  • Rift Swine ( Aberration ; Farmland, Forest, Grassland )
  • Risen Sporehusk ( Undead ; Festerwood, Forest, Mountain )
  • River King ( Fey ; Forest, Planar )
  • Rot Troll ( Giant ; Desert, Forest, Swamp, Underdark )
  • Sap Demon ( Ooze ; Farmland, Forest )
  • Satyr ( Fey ; Forest )
  • Savager ( Beast ; Forest )
  • Scout ( Humanoid (Any Race) ; Arctic, Coastal, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark )
  • Scout Sporehusk ( Humanoid (Human) ; Festerwood, Forest, Mountain )
  • Selang ( Fey ; Badlands, Forest )
  • Shadar-kai Shadow Dancer ( Humanoid (Elf) ; Forest, Underdark, Urban )
  • Shadhavar ( Monstrosity ; Forest, Planar )
  • Shadow Fey Forest Hunter ( Humanoid (Elf) ; Any, Forest )
  • Shadow Mastiff ( Monstrosity ; Forest, Hill, Swamp )
  • Shadow Mastiff Alpha ( Monstrosity ; Forest, Hill, Swamp )
  • Shambling Mound ( Plant ; Forest, Swamp )
  • Shellycoat ( Fey ; Forest, Swamp, Underwater )
  • Shoosuva ( Fiend (Demon) ; Coastal, Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Skitterhaunt ( Ooze ; Forest, Underdark )
  • Skulk ( Monstrosity ; Coastal, Forest, Swamp, Underdark, Urban )
  • Spawn of Arbeyach ( Fiend (Devil) ; Forest, Hill )
  • Spinosaurus Dinosaur ( Beast ; Forest, Underwater )
  • Spirit Troll ( Giant ; Coastal, Forest, Swamp, Underdark )
  • Spring Eladrin ( Fey (Elf) ; Forest, Grassland )
  • Sprite ( Fey ; Forest )
  • Stegosaurus ( Beast (Dinosaur) ; Forest, Grassland )
  • Stirge ( Beast ; Coastal, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark, Urban )
  • Stryx ( Monstrosity ; Forest, Planar )
  • Summer Eladrin ( Fey (Elf) ; Desert, Forest )
  • Suturefly ( Beast ; Forest )
  • Swarm of Beetles ( swarm of Tiny Beasts ; Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Swamp, Underdark, Urban )
  • Swarm of Centipedes ( swarm of Tiny Beasts ; Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Swamp, Underdark, Urban )
  • Swarm of Insects ( swarm of Tiny Beasts ; Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Swamp, Underdark, Urban )
  • Swarm of Poisonous Snakes ( swarm of Tiny Beasts ; Forest, Swamp )
  • Swarm of Prismatic Beetles ( swarm of Tiny Beasts ; Forest )
  • Swarm of Ravens ( swarm of Tiny Beasts ; Forest, Hill, Swamp, Urban )
  • Swarm of Sluaghs ( swarm of Tiny Fey ; Farmland, Forest )
  • Swarm of Spiders ( swarm of Tiny Beasts ; Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Swamp, Underdark, Urban )
  • Swarm of Wasps ( swarm of Tiny Beasts ; Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Swamp, Underdark, Urban )
  • Tendril Puppet ( Plant ; Forest )
  • Thorny Vegepygmy ( Plant ; Forest, Swamp )
  • Tiger ( Beast ; Forest, Grassland )
  • Titanoboa ( Beast ; Forest )
  • Treant ( Plant ; Forest )
  • Tribal Warrior ( Humanoid (Any Race) ; Arctic, Coastal, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark )
  • Troll ( Giant ; Arctic, Forest, Hill, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark )
  • Twig Blight ( Plant ; Forest )
  • Unicorn ( Celestial ; Forest )
  • Vampiric Mist ( Undead ; Arctic, Coastal, Forest, Grassland, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark, Urban )
  • Vegepygmy ( Plant ; Forest, Swamp )
  • Vegepygmy Chief ( Plant ; Forest, Swamp )
  • Velociraptor ( Beast (Dinosaur) ; Forest, Grassland )
  • Venom Troll ( Giant ; Forest, Swamp, Underdark )
  • Veteran ( Humanoid (Any Race) ; Arctic, Coastal, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Underdark, Urban )
  • Vila ( Fey ; Forest )
  • Vine Blight ( Plant ; Forest )
  • Vine Lord ( Plant ; Forest )
  • Vine Troll Skeleton ( Undead ; Forest )
  • Vos'skyriss Serpentfolk ( Monstrosity ; Coastal, Desert, Forest, Swamp )
  • Vos'skyriss Serpentfolk Ghost ( Undead ; Coastal, Desert, Forest, Swamp )
  • Wampus Cat ( Monstrosity ; Forest, Swamp )
  • Warlock of the Archfey ( Humanoid ; Arctic, Forest, Mountain, Swamp, Urban )
  • Weeping Treant ( Plant ; Forest )
  • Werebear ( Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger) ; Arctic, Forest, Hill )
  • Wereboar ( Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger) ; Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Wererat ( Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger) ; Forest, Urban )
  • Weretiger ( Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger) ; Desert, Forest, Grassland )
  • Werewolf ( Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger) ; Forest, Hill )
  • White Ape ( Monstrosity ; Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Will-o'-Wisp ( Undead ; Forest, Swamp, Urban )
  • Winged Kobold ( Humanoid (Kobold) ; Arctic, Coastal, Desert, Forest, Hill, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark, Urban )
  • Winged Wretch ( Monstrosity ; Forest, Hearth, Swamp )
  • Winter Eladrin ( Fey (Elf) ; Arctic, Forest )
  • Wolf ( Beast ; Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Wood Woad ( Plant ; Forest )
  • Worg ( Monstrosity ; Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Wraithroot Tree ( Plant ; Forest, Mountain )
  • Ychen Bannog ( Beast ; Forest, Grassland )
  • Yeth Hound ( Fey ; Forest, Grassland, Hill )
  • Young Gold Dragon ( Dragon ; Forest, Grassland )
  • Young Green Dragon ( Dragon ; Forest )
  • Young Spinosaurus Dinosaur ( Beast ; Forest, Underwater )
  • Yuan-ti Abomination ( Monstrosity (Shapechanger, Yuan-Ti) ; Desert, Forest, Swamp )
  • Yuan-ti Anathema ( Monstrosity ; Desert, Forest, Underdark )
  • Yuan-ti Broodguard ( Monstrosity ; Desert, Forest, Underdark )
  • Yuan-ti Malison (Type 1) ( Monstrosity (Shapechanger, Yuan-Ti) ; Desert, Forest, Swamp )
  • Yuan-ti Malison (Type 2) ( Monstrosity (Shapechanger, Yuan-Ti) ; Desert, Forest, Swamp )
  • Yuan-ti Malison (Type 3) ( Monstrosity (Shapechanger, Yuan-Ti) ; Desert, Forest, Swamp )
  • Yuan-ti Malison (Type 4) ( Monstrosity (Shapechanger, Yuan-Ti) ; Desert, Forest, Swamp )
  • Yuan-ti Malison (Type 5) ( Monstrosity (Shapechanger, Yuan-Ti) ; Desert, Forest, Swamp )
  • Yuan-ti Mind Whisperer ( Monstrosity (Warlock) ; Desert, Forest, Underdark )
  • Yuan-ti Nightmare Speaker ( Monstrosity (Warlock) ; Desert, Forest, Underdark )
  • Yuan-ti Pit Master ( Monstrosity (Warlock) ; Desert, Forest, Underdark )
  • Yuan-ti Pureblood ( Humanoid (Yuan-Ti) ; Desert, Forest, Swamp, Urban )
  • Zanskaran Viper ( Beast ; Forest, Grassland )
  • Zaratan ( Elemental ; Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Underdark )
  • Zmey ( Dragon ; Forest, Swamp )
  • Zmey Headling ( Dragon ; Forest, Swamp )

    Forest Terrain Fauna


    Any Terrain Fauna

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    Inhabiting Species

    Any Terrain



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