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Gems of the Fanes

Once upon a time, long before the shadow of Strahd fell upon Barovia, a Fey Archmage named Elara journeyed between the planes of existence. Drawn to the wild beauty of the Material Plane, she found herself in the valley of Barovia. Elara was not like other mages who sought power and prestige. Instead, she sought understanding and harmony between the forces of nature and civilization.

Elara Greenbloom found a home among the early settlers of the valley, sharing her knowledge and learning from their wisdom. But she also felt a deep connection to the forest folk, the druid tribes who lived in harmony with the land. She saw the tension between the settlers and the forest folk, and she knew that peace was possible.

With patience and diplomacy, Elara brokered a peace between the two factions. She taught the settlers to respect the land and its spirits, and she showed the forest folk that not all who build homes and till the soil seek to dominate nature. This era of peace and understanding was a golden time for Barovia, a time when the land and its people flourished.

The Ladies Three, the ancient Archfey who were the land, watched Elara's efforts with great interest. They saw in her a kindred spirit, a mortal who understood the delicate balance between nature and civilization. They were moved by her dedication to peace and harmony, and they decided to bestow upon her a gift.

Each of the Ladies gifted Elara with a gemstone of incredible power. The Weaver of the Swamp Fane gave her a gem of emerald green, imbued with the vitality of life. The Huntress of the Mountain Fane gifted her a sapphire gem, as clear and blue as the mountain sky, filled with the strength of the earth. The Seeker of the Forest Fane presented her with a ruby gem, glowing with the warmth of the sun and the heart of the forest.

Elara planted these gemstones in her fields, and from them grew the most bountiful vineyard the valley had ever seen. The grapes were sweet and plentiful, and the wine made from them was of unparalleled quality. This vineyard would become the Wizzards of the Winery , a testament to the harmony between nature and civilization.

But as the centuries passed, the era of peace faded into memory, and the shadow of Strahd fell upon the land. Elara, the Fey Archmage, disappeared, and no one knows what became of her after Strahd became a vampire. One gem lost to time, others stolen, their power forgotten to all but the Martikov family, the current owners of the winery.

But the story of Elara and the Ladies Three lives on as legend, a glimmer of hope in the Barovian darkness, a reminder of a time when the land and its people lived in harmony.

Cover image: by Nezza - Using Midjourney


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Aug 20, 2023 14:46 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

This was very different - a story! :-) thank you!

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