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The scouring of Old Bonegrinder

The group faced off against the Hags at Old Bonegrinder.   After sucessfully scouting the mill undetected, the encounter began when Abe fell from the roof of shortly setting it alight. The initiative was rolled, with Ezmerelda d'Avenir going first, thanks to her roll of 21. Ezmerelda also succeeded in a Perception check with a roll of 19, gaining an advantage. However, her subsequent attack roll only reached 11. Meanwhile, Bella Sunbane and Offalia Wormwiggle rolled 14 and 13 for their initiative, respectively.   Morgantha, the Hag, made a series of saving throws. She succeeded in a Strength saving throw with a roll of 22 but failed two Constitution saving throws with rolls of 11 and 4. Bella Sunbane attempted an Athletics skill check, rolling 16, while the Hag sheep rolled 10 and 15.   Bella Sunbane and the Hags made Wisdom saving throws, with Bella scoring 5, Morgantha scoring 13, and Offalia Wormwiggle scoring 4. Ezmerelda made a critical hit with her +1 Rapier, inflicting 13 points of piercing damage on Morgantha.   Ezmerelda then attempted an Athletics skill check but rolled poorly with a score of 3. Nevertheless, she continued her attacks, landing hits with her +1 Rapier and inflicting additional damage on the Hags. She also made an attack roll with advantage, hitting the Hags once again and causing damage. Finally, Ezmerelda used her Silvered Shortsword to make an attack, inflicting 6 points of piercing damage.   Bella Sunbane attempted to cast Eyebite but failed to reach the required Wisdom DC. She also made a Wisdom saving throw, scoring 11.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Victory for The Party


  • Barovia
    Barovia is a secluded and isolated land, surrounded by impenetrable mists that serve as a barrier from the outside world. The land is characterized by its rugged terrain, with jagged mountains that loom over the landscape. The peaks are perpetually covered in a thick blanket of snow and ice, creating a forbidding and treacherous environment.

Cover image: by Nezza - Using Midjourney
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