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Gods of Darkness

The gods of darkness, also known as the Dark Gods, are one of the three pantheons officially created by the New Faith, alongside the gods of light and gods of twilight. The dark gods are meant to embody evil and undesirable portfolios, necessary evils that claim their domains so others cannot.   The dark gods reside in Hell, a plane of pain, suffering, and misery. Unlike Heaven and Purgatory, whose landscapes are largely uniform outside of their gods' sacred realms, Hell is divided roughly into three biomes. Each of these biomes is controlled by one of Hell's factions, and unlike the other dominions, these factions are fiercely at odds with each other.

Hellfire Barrens & the Hellfire Covenant

The western third of Hell is a fiery wasteland, dominated by deserts, badlands, volcanoes, and magma. As one travels farther west, the air becomes hotter and the ground squishier as it begins to melt. Eventually, one will come upon the Ocean of Hell, an expanse of boiling lava and flesh-melting heat as far as the eye can see. It is unknown if it has a far shore, for nothing that has ever set forth to explore has ever returned.   The Hellfire Barrens are controlled by the Hellfire Covenant, ruled by the god of tyrants, Azmodius. The Hellfire Covenant embodies the "lawful" side of evil. It seeks to take absolute control over Hell and, eventually, all of the sacred dominions of Earth. Despite not having as many powerful entities on their side as the Blackrime Syndicate, their superior organization and discipline allow them to hold their own.   While Azmodius is in charge, other gods, such as Adramolaak and Lilith, scheme and manipulate to gain further power. Technically, Lilith is the strongest of the Hellfire Covenant gods, though she prefers to manipulate the others over direct control, even as she publicly laments her position.

Stygian Mountains/Styx River Valley & the Dread Unaligned

In between the searing heat of the barrens and freezing cold of the tundra lies the Stygian Mountains, bisected by the foul River Styx and the Styx River Valley. Although this place is the only part of Hell where plants grow and liquid water can be found, this doesn't make it pleasant. The water is polluted with sulfur and biological waste, making it undrinkable, and the plants are almost universally poisonous and, in many cases, carnivorous. The grasses are the only exception, but their razor-sharp blades make passing through them an agonizing ordeal. Still, this region is the least hellish part of Hell.   This region is controlled by the Dread Unaligned, so-called because they refused to join the other two factions, and thus are an enemy of both. Loosely led by Bhaal, god of the undead, they endure constant encroachments from both sides. This faction represents the more pure, "neutral" aspects of evil, unconcerned with order or chaos.   Somewhere within the jagged peaks of the Stygians lies the Frostfire Cavern, the secret passageway that connects Hell and Purgatory, though it is heavily policed by the forces of the god Hemdial.

Blackrime Tundra & the Blackrime Syndicate

On the eastern end of Hell lies Blackrime Tundra, a wasteland of ice, snow, glaciers, and the frozen corpses of those lost here. As one goes further east, they draw ever closer to the Black Pit, a perpetual portal that connects Hell to the intersection of the Astral Plane and the Abyss, known as the Black Maw. It is believed that a portal lies within the Black Maw that connects to the elemental plane of shadow, and foolish, desperate souls hoping to escape Hell have flung themselves into the Black Pit, believing it their only way out...and they're not wrong.   The Blackrime Tundra is controlled by the unruly Blackrime Syndicate. This faction represents the "chaotic" side of evil, and it is reflected in their broken, contradictory leadership. While officially, the god of corruption, Lusifer, rules the Blackrime Syndicate, his authority is being usurped by the more powerful god of hate, Sathanas. Their unwillingness to compromise, combined with their faction's unruliness, makes them less of a threat to the other factions, despite being comprised of some of the strongest of Hell's denizens. There are some who believe that Mars, the god of war and slaughter, should lead, as his base power exceeds both Lusifer and Sathanas. Luckily for them, Mars is more interested in war than in leadership.


Greater Djinn


Species / Sex: Dark Angel ♀
Alignment: Lawful Evil
League Sanction: Sanctioned
Sacred Realm: Gehanna
Divine Faction: Hellfire Covenant
Divine Domains: Evil, Order, Tyranny
Divine Casters: Ex-Vicars, Vicars
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Black, Iron, Silver
Portfolio: Absolute obedience to authority; in service to Azmodius



Species / Sex: Devil ♂
Alignment: Lawful Evil
League Sanction: Sanctioned
Sacred Realm: Hawiya Passage
Divine Faction: Hellfire Covenant
Divine Domains: Evil, Magic, Order, Protection
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Duelists, Ecclesitheurges, Exorcists, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Rectors, Templars, Valkyries, Vicars, Vikings
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Black, Gold, Silver
Portfolio: Gatekeeper of the passage between Earth and the psychic prison on Vinus, Bastion's End


Species / Sex: Ifrit ♀
Alignment: Neutral Evil
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Hutama Coliseum
Divine Faction: Hellfire Covenant
Divine Domains: Blight, Dragon, Hatred, War
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Duelists, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Templars, Valkyries, Vicars, Vikings
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Crimson, Unholy
Portfolio: Dragon ifrit and former goddess of war, she now acts as patron of evil soldiers and mercenaries


Minor Gods


Species / Sex: Shen ♀
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Kuzimu
Divine Faction: Blackrime Syndicate
Divine Domains: Chaos, Charm, Liberty, Luck, Madness
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oirans, Oracles, Rectors, Vicars
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Brass, Bronze
Portfolio: Anarchy, discord, strife, and misfortune


Species / Sex: Tutelar ⚲
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Limbo
Divine Faction: Blackrime Syndicate
Divine Domains: Chaos, Darkness, Entropy, Ice, Space
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Seers, Vicars, Wild Pontiffs, Witches
Nature Mentor: Yes
Sacred Oaths: Brass
Portfolio: Emptiness, entropy, chaos, and the vacuum of space


Species / Sex: Archdevil ♀
Alignment: Neutral Evil
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Peklor
Divine Faction: Dread Unaligned
Divine Domains: Avarice, Corruption, Hatred, Hedonism, Trickery
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, False Wizards, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oirans, Oracles, Rectors, Vicars
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Scarlet, Unholy
Portfolio: Vanity, selfish subversion, infiltration, and false interests

Lesser Gods


Species / Sex: Tutelar ♂
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Apolion
Divine Faction: Dread Unaligned
Divine Domains: Chaos, Corruption, Evil, Fear, Madness, Suffering
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolist, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Vicars
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Black, Brass
Portfolio: Sloth, apathy, despair, laziness, and willful ignorance


Species / Sex: Tutelar ♂
Alignment: Neutral Evil
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Shayare
Divine Faction: Hellfire Covenant
Divine Domains: Darkness, Evil, Fear, Hatred, Madness, Tyranny
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Vicars
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Black, Iron, Unholy
Portfolio: Fear, terror, and submission


Species / Sex: Tutelar ♂
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Tethavya
Divine Faction: Dread Unaligned
Divine Domains: Avarice, Chaos, Evil, Fear, Hedonism, Madness
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oirans, Oracles, Vicars
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Black, Brass, Scarlet
Portfolio: Gluttony, addiction, excess, and helplessness


Species / Sex: Archdevil ♂
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Beyir
Divine Faction: Blackrime Syndicate
Divine Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Entropy, Evil, Hatred, Liberty
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oirans, Oracles, Vicars
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Black, Brass, Bronze, Dread, Unholy
Portfolio: Malice, desertion, abdication & rejection of responsibility


Species / Sex: Archdevil ♂
Alignment: Neutral Evil
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Klifoth
Divine Faction: Dread Unaligned
Divine Domains: Avarice, Evil, Hatred, Passion, Trickery, Wealth
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, False Wizards, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oirans, Oracles, Rectors, Vicars
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Black, Unholy
Portfolio: Envy, jealousy, paranoia, schadenfreude, and social sabotage


Species / Sex: Aesirian ♀
Alignment: Neutral Evil
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Shachatia
Divine Faction: Dread Unaligned
Divine Domains: Avarice, Luck, Madness, Secrets, Trickery, Wealth
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, False Wizards, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oirans, Oracles, Rectors
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: None
Portfolio: Obsession, theft, cheating, and defeat


Species / Sex: Tutelar ♂
Alignment: Lawful Evil
League Sanction: Sanctioned
Sacred Realm: Eretz Tahkit
Divine Faction: Dread Unaligned
Divine Domains: Destiny, Evil, fear, Luck, Planning, Suffering
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Vicars
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Black
Portfolio: Nightmares, unwanted gifts, loneliness, and undesired outcomes


Species / Sex: Archdevil ♂
Alignment: Neutral Evil
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Bor Shaon
Divine Faction: Hellfire Covenant
Divine Domains: Avarice, Glory, Hedonism, Madness, Technology, Wealth
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oirans, Oracles, Vicars
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Scarlet
Portfolio: Vacuous fame, attention-seeking, and social media


Species / Sex: Tutelar ♂
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Maveti
Divine Faction: Blackrime Syndicate
Divine Domains: Animal, Blight, Chaos, Entropy, Fear, Mercy
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Vicars
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Brass
Portfolio: Disease, pollution, decay, and vermin


Species / Sex: Tutelar ⚲
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
League Sanction: Officially unsanctioned, but secretly tolerated
Sacred Realm: Azaizel
Divine Faction: Blackrime Syndicate
Divine Domains: Chaos, Magic, Madness, Planning, Secrets, Trickery
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Duelists, Ecclesitheurges, Exorcists, Ex-Vicars, False Wizards, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Rectors, Vicars
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Brass
Portfolio: Deceit, manipulation, secrets, and change


Species / Sex: Tutelar ⚲♀
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Halls of Dumah
Divine Faction: Dread Unaligned
Divine Domains: Dream, Fear, Lust, Madness, Passion, Secrets
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oirans, Oracles, Rectors
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: None
Portfolio: Madness, insanity, conspiracy theories, and gender dysphoria


Species / Sex: Archdevil ♀
Alignment: Lawful Evil
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Mavdila
Divine Faction: Hellfire Covenant
Divine Domains: Avarice, Fear, Order, Protection, Secrets, Tyranny
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Duelists, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Rectors, Templars, Valkyries, Vicars, Vikings
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Gold, Iron, Silver
Portfolio: Censorship, prudishness, and ignorance


Species / Sex: Kami ♂
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Tehomia
Divine Faction: Dread Unaligned
Divine Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Ocean, Sound, War, Weather
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Divine Curates, Duelists, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Templars, Valkyries, Vicars, Vikings
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Brass, Dread
Portfolio: Family strife, ocean storms, and tsunamis


Species / Sex: Tutelar ♀
Alignment: True Neutral
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Tazalmavet
Divine Faction: Dread Unaligned
Divine Domains: Community, Fear, Mercy, Protection, Suffering, Travel
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Duelists, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oirans, Oracles, Templars, Valkyries, Vicars, Vikings
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Gold
Portfolio: Ugliness, the exiled, outcasts, and deformity

Intermediate Gods


Species / Sex: Archdevil ♂
Alignment: Neutral Evil
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Tofet
Divine Faction: Hellfire Covenant
Divine Domains: Avarice, Corruption, Evil, Hatred, Hedonism, Suffering, Tyranny
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolist, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oirans, Vicars
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Black, Iron, Scarlet, Unholy
Portfolio: Pride, contempt, arrogance, control, and sadism


Species / Sex: Archdevil ♂
Alignment: Lawful Evil
League Sanction: Sanctioned
Sacred Realm: Gehanna
Divine Faction: Hellfire Covenant
Divine Domains: Evil, Fear, Fire, Order, Magic, Planning, Tyranny
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Duelists, Ecclesitheurges, Exorcists, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Rectors, Vicars
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Black, Iron, Silver
Portfolio: Tyranny, law, contracts, slavery, and lawyers; leader of the Hellfire Covenant and contested king of Hell


Species / Sex: Tutelar ♂
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Jahimo
Divine Faction: Blackrime Syndicate
Divine Domains: Blight, Chaos, Death, Evil, Fear, Madness, Suffering
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Vicars
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Black, Brass
Portfolio: Mutations, birth defects, cancer, dementia, and aging


Species / Sex: Shen ♂
Alignment: Neutral Evil
League Sanction: Officially unsanctioned, but secretly tolerated
Sacred Realm: Sheol
Divine Faction: Dread Unaligned
Divine Domains: Blight, Darkness, Death, Fear, Magic, Secrets, Undeath
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Duelists, Ecclesitheurges, Exorcists, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Rectors
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: No
Portfolio: The undead, cheating death, and immortality; de facto leader of the Dread Unaligned and contested king of Hell


Species / Sex: Archdevil ♂
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Tezoah
Divine Faction: Blackrime Syndicate
Divine Domains: Chaos, Evil, Hedonism, Lust, Strength, Suffering, Tyranny
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Duelists, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oirans, Templars, Valkyries, Vicars, Vikings
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Black, Brass, Scarlet
Portfolio: Violent lust, rape, molestation, physical domination, and perversion


Species / Sex: Tutelar ♂
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
League Sanction: Sanctioned
Sacred Realm: Jehinmo
Divine Faction: Hellfire Covenant
Divine Domains: Corruption, Fear, Love, Order, Passion, Stoicism, Tyranny
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oirans, Vicars
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Iron, Silver
Portfolio: Sycophants, moral cowardice, unrequited love, meaningless sacrifice, and cuckolds


Species / Sex: Numenian ♀
Alignment: Neutral Evil
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Rhotachat
Divine Faction: Hellfire Covenant
Divine Domains: Charm, Evil, Glory, Hedonism, Madness, Tyranny, Wealth
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oirans, Rectors, Vicars
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Black, Iron, Scarlet
Portfolio: Irrationality, hypocrisy, doomed ideologies, and cuckoldry


Species / Sex: Shen ♂
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
League Sanction: Officially unsanctioned, but secretly tolerated
Sacred Realm: Tounella
Divine Faction: Dread Unaligned
Divine Domains: Chaos, Charm, Evil, Knowledge, Magic, Secrets, Trickery
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Duelists, Ecclesitheurges, Exorcists, Ex-Vicars, False Wizards, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Rectors, Vicars
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Black, Brass, Palladium
Portfolio: Mischief, trickery, illusions, and secret knowledge


Species / Sex: Archdevil ♂
Alignment: Neutral Evil
League Sanction: Officially unsanctioned, but secretly tolerated
Sacred Realm: Anayon
Divine Faction: Blackrime Syndicate
Divine Domains: Avarice, Craft, Dream, Evil, Tyranny, War, Wealth
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Duelists, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oirans, Templars, Valkyries, Vicars, Vikings
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Black, Crimson, Iron
Portfolio: Avarice, ambition, conquest, and wealth


Species / Sex: Archdevil ♀
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Ikisati
Divine Faction: Blackrime Syndicate
Divine Domains: Chaos, Corruption, Evil, Hedonism, Lust, Passion, Secrets
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oirans, Oracles, Rectors, Vicars
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Black, Brass, Scarlet
Portfolio: Lust, secret fetishes, desires, taboos, and adultery


Species / Sex: Shen ♂
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Mahchita
Divine Faction: Blackrime Syndicate
Divine Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Fire, Madness, War, Weather
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Duelists, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Templars, Valkyries, Vicars, Vikings
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Black, Brass, Crimson, Dread
Portfolio: Destruction, natural disasters, and the apocalypse


Species / Sex: Archdevil ♂
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Mazaka
Divine Faction: Blackrime Syndicate
Divine Domains: Chaos, Evil, Fear, Hatred, Liberty, Stoicism, Suffering
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oirans, Oracles, Vicars
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Black, Brass, Bronze, Unholy
Portfolio: Slaves, resentment, powerlessness, and treason

Greater Gods


Species / Sex: Archangel ♂
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
League Sanction: Officially unsanctioned, but secretly tolerated
Sacred Realm: Avernus
Divine Faction: Blackrime Syndicate
Divine Domains: Charm, Corruption, Evil, Hatred, Light, Magic, Secrets, Trickery
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Duelists, Ecclesitheurges, Exorcists, Ex-Vicars, False Wizards, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Rectors, Vicars
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Black, Unholy
Portfolio: Evil, broken oaths, unjust rebellion, and corruption; contested leader of the Blackrime Syndicate and contested king of Hell


Species / Sex: Shen ♂
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Hagula
Divine Faction: Blackrime Syndicate
Divine Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Fire, Retribution, Strength, Technology, War
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Duelists, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Templars, Valkyries, Vicars, Vikings
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Black, Brass, Crimson, Dark, Dread
Portfolio: War, violence, bloodshed, and weapons


Species / Sex: Archdevil ♂
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
League Sanction: Unsanctioned
Sacred Realm: Dudaelia
Divine Faction: Blackrime Syndicate
Divine Domains: Chaos, Darkness, Destruction, Evil, Fire, Hatred, Retribution, War
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Duelists, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Templars, Valkyries, Vicars, Vikings
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: Black, Brass, Crimson, Dark, Dread, Unholy
Portfolio: Wrath, petty revenge, blood feuds, cruelty, and hatred; contested leader of the Blackrime Syndicate and contested king of Hell

Mythology & Lore

In the beginning, the universe was a condensed mass of pure energy. The divines, originating from a place beyond space and before time, chose to utilize this energy, and so created the universe. At first, the divines worked together in harmony as they constructed reality, transforming the raw energies of creation into matter, and creating the laws of physics. As the universe began to cool and matter could collect into stars and planets, almost all of the divines began seeding various planets with life and spreading out across the nascent universe. These once-formless beings took on forms the mortals of their chosen worlds would be able to comprehend and sought to guide them along their journey towards enlightenment and prosperity. They even shared some of their divine might with their mortal children, granting them souls. These beings would become what we now know as gods.   However, five of the divines chose not to share their divinity with mortals. These five beings would become what we know as the Titans: Alphus, the strongest of them all who seized control of reality, though chose not to use his powers against his fellow titans or the gods. He was the architect of mortal souls but ultimately was unwilling to share his divinity with his creations.   Second was Megomus the destroyer, who sought to bring reality to ruin. He believed creation was a mistake, and began a crusade of destruction, but was stopped by Alphus, who valued reality too highly to sit by and let it be destroyed. He flung the slain Megomus' corpse into the nether realm, where it festered, eventually becoming the Abyss.   Third was Melodia, titan of harmony and balance, who decreed after Megomus' death that mana was too abundant, and that it would allow the divines to too easily endanger creation. She restricted its flow, but bereft of mana, the gods were no longer able to directly intervene in mortal affairs. Only Alphus, who had created a body for himself from a star, was able to remain in the material universe.   Fourth was Avruin, the mad titan of chaos. Avruin afflicted many mortals with the psychic gene before Melodia's decree and has been responsible for the creation of some of the worst monsters the universe has ever known. Yet he acts without reason, performing atrocities without any cause save the sake of it. Yet sometimes his actions, by design or by chance, help more than hurt.   Finally, the youngest titan, Zaraz, the titan of law, order, and control, began his crusade to conquer the universe. He created the Juncture, a hive-minded military force that swept across Andromeda, killing or enslaving all who they fell upon.   While all this was happening, Earth was coming into its own, guided by the Old Gods. As Humans were granted free will, their darker impulses created a multitude of demons, though their better natures also created benevolent totems and benign kirins. While most of these spirits would languish in mediocrity, a few would rise, feeding on souls and on each other, becoming powerful djinn.   Seeing the Juncture as a threat to chaos, Avruin chose to manipulate a race of aliens. This race, known only as the Testers, created the ultimate monsters: the abhorrent Psyonics, whose blood is addictive, and whose hearts know only hate and avarice. Though they were able to force back the Juncture, the Forces of Chaos are no better than those they were created to fight. As soon as the Juncture was pushed back, they turned on their creators, enslaving or killing all but one of them.   Zaraz's forces began to enter the Milky Way, and one of the first worlds to fall was Laxra. Though many of their gods were slain or forcibly absorbed into the Juncture, the Zalamandi's faith in their gods was strong. They had used science to grant their gods perfect avatars, so they might once again walk the material world, though this technology was lost along with their homeworld. Because of their faith, their gods were able to help them escape their doom.   The Psyonics, meanwhile, invaded the world of Harmis Prime. Its people, the Paragons, had not forgotten their gods, and two among them were raised into divinity to ready them to flee the coming onslaught. These two young gods, Kreen and Dsadertu, guided and protected their people, as they set out into the stars to find a new world to call home.   Avruin also managed to circumvent Melodia's decree, causing a cataclysmic event known as the Deluge of Ruin to inundate at least two planets with the primal power of chaos. The first was a world called Mozulguat, whose people had abandoned their gods completely, and became twisted by the power of chaos, transforming into the Mimics.   Earth was next. Earth's people, too, were choosing to forget their gods. Most of the old gods had fallen into myth or were forgotten completely, with only Yawey, the oldest and mightiest of Earth's gods, still being prayed to with any regularity. When the Deluge struck Earth, Yawey's strength, all but lost due to secularism, immorality, and atheistic dogma, was too weak to help his children. And so in desperation, he beseeched Melodia for succor. Much to his surprise, she agreed to help Earth, having seen what the Deluge did to Mozulgaut. She guided the last of the Testers, along with their Cyclopes servants, to Earth, where they erected the ten Mana Temples. Upon their completion, the Zalamandi arrived on Earth, guided by their faith in the gods, and just in time.   The intervention of Melodia caused Zaraz and Avruin to turn their gazes upon Earth, and they sent their forces here. For centuries, Earth fought a bitter war against them, only holding out because of the two factions hating each other more than Earth's people. As the war began to look its bleakest, the Paragons arrived. With their help, a plan was formed to use a chaos weapon against both chaos and order. The Great Scion, Michael Cheng, the elder brother of the future goddess of humans, Annach, activated the weapon, knowing it would require his life to fully utilize it. With his sacrifice, the Cosmic Wardens, Laxranian gods bestowed some of Melodia's power to protect the mana temples, were able to create the Veil of Bulwark, a spell that drove out the forces of order and chaos, and would bar their path should they try and return. Melodia agreed to bless this Veil, so long as the Great Scion remained in her realm, and so long as Earth would embrace harmony and balance.   The mana temples enshrouded Earth with mana, allowing the gods to once again interact with reality. Humanity, along with their posthuman descendants, began returning to faith, even reinvigorating many dying and nearly-forgotten old gods. However, during the Titanic Wars, many powerful and malevolent djinn managed to gain a following. Some of these beings, either through sheer faith or by devouring and impersonating older, true gods, attained divinity in their own rights. Sadly, a very Human failing was the tendency to misunderstand or purposefully misinterpret divine guidance and use it to justify war and hate. To prevent this from happening, the New Faith would be formalized. Those gods who now remained, save for the Cosmic Wardens, would organize themselves into two pantheons, one of goodness, light, and virtue, and another of evil, darkness, and sin. This would both control the increasing number of demonic spirits, now at risk of entering reality, as well as maintain balance between good and evil. However, some of the gods found their domains, whether original or newly acquired, did not fit neatly into this dichotomy. And so, a third pantheon would be created, one that acted as an in-between, one of amorality, twilight, and neutrality.   Furthermore, the afterlife, ravaged as much as the material world, was remade to better suit the new resurgence of faith. Mortal souls would, unless something wicked interfered, arrive in Purgatory upon death, and await judgment in the Black City. After about ten days, they would appear before a divine council to be judged by either their god, or by the god of their species if they had no god or were rejected by their god. After being judged, the mortal soul would go to its designated afterlife, either in Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory. After its time (either a reward or punishment) in the afterlife was deemed long enough, the soul would be reborn with no memories of its former life unless the mortal's god thought they were too valuable to not keep in their divine realm.   Sadly, though, even the gods can bicker and fight. Whether due to simple disagreements or malicious intent, not all is as harmonic in the afterlife as it should be. Each of the three pantheons have their own agendas and the intention to impose them on the others. Even within a pantheon discord exists, and a very real fear is that Melodia has begun to run out of patience with Earth, both its mortal and divine denizens. The Cosmic Wardens warn that the Veil of Bulwark is weakening, for Melodia is no longer invested in maintaining it, and the Great Scion cannot sustain it on his own for much longer.

Divine Origins

Most of the gods of darkness are Old Gods, deities taken from Earth's older religions. A few were originally from the Evrupa region, due to Evrupan mythology spreading wide and its recordings surviving intact after the Deluge of Ruin. However, most are former djinn, previously devils and dire wraiths, who were named during the age of monotheism, when the god Yawey became the primary deity of Earth.

Tenets of Faith

Followers of the dark gods are not good people. Whether out of desperation, weakness, a thirst for power, foolish zeal, or a misguided sense of morality, anyone who knowingly worships a god of darkness invariably turns to evil. Because they embody malevolent domains and are far more unforgiving of their worshippers' failures, these gods drive their servants to extremes, whether slowly or swiftly. Even the least evil among them still represent negative domains. To worship a dark god is to accept that others must suffer for what you want, and the wisest of the dark gods' servants know they are no exception to this rule.

Granted Divine Powers

Gods can grant their clergy the ability to cast spells and perform miraculous abilities, though it takes years before a mortal is ready to harness them. Because of the risk of being leeched off of by renegade clerics, gods will not bestow their powers upon a mortal until he has demonstrated sufficient faith.

Divine Species

True Gods


Djinn-Level Deities

(Dark) Angels


Religious, Pantheon
Government System

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