Global Conditions

Infrastructure conditions vary around the globe, depending on the peaceful or aggressive takeovers that preceded. Most Asian countries opened their borders to the descending PRC, and as a result their infrastructure has remained intact. In contrast, South American countries tried to oppose the USA takeover and were reduced to rubble.
  Due to the altered and extremely hostile weather conditions, people are no longer able to travel the open seas. Intercontinental traveling and trading are conducted exclusively via large airships. Private motorized transportation has been limited to the major cities, and is now a privilege reserved for the highest Castes. Red Collars are allowed to use public transportation but they can’t have their own.  
  Fresh food is a luxury for the very few, as organic products can no longer be grown on the land. Most people, even high-ranking Black Collars, have to get by on mutated foods, developed in laboratories. Lower Castes have little access even to these products, and survive on what they can produce themselves.   Education is prohibited to the lower Castes, although many people risk exile to the Sunlands by sending their kids to Secret Schools. The children of the Collars attend special schools based on their parents’ position in the Conglomerates. Except for some basic propaganda, they are taught only what is relevant to and essential for their planned position.


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