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The Brain-Stormer is a vehicle used by The Brain Technocracy in their robot army as their main fighter craft. Their use is to engage with other fighter craft in the air and occasionally hit and run tactics on ground targets. It is equipped with its own AI that allows it to operate independent of any pilots or crew, acting semi-autonomously and directed only by higher tier bots in the technocracy. Equipped with powerful weapons and a single-minded devotion to its mission, a fleet of Stormers are a true forced to be reckoned with.

Power Generation

All are equipped with a mild power flowcrystal cells that enable continuous flight and weapon system operation of roughly seven hours before needing to be replaced or recharged.


With its unorthodox vertical alignment, force lenses are equipped on the bottoms and backs to allow for a relatively high maneuverability and air braking.

Weapons & Armament

All Stormers are equipped with medium yield cannons mounted to their sides capable of both burst fire and charged firing, and can be configured for to channel their power into blades for melee combat. A few are additionally equipped with mid-air mines that will either slowly drop to the ground or hone in on the nearest enemy fighter, although these mines can be set off early by other craft and inflict friendly fire to it.

Armor and defense

All of them are encased in thick steel chassis that protect their vulnerable systems although there exist small gaps that are vulnerable that may be exploited by well aimed shots. Otherwise, they also are all equipped with a variable shielding matrix of moderate strength.

Communication Tools & Systems

As with all Automatons within the The Brain Technocracy, the ship is inside of their Neural Network and can thus communicate its comings and goings and current progress on its objectives almost completely silently at least to most organic ears.

Additional & auxiliary systems

As with all ships in The Brain Technocracy, while they are essentially autonomous bots in their own rights, capable of flying unmanned and limited autonomous strategy and decision making, there exist a special compartment for at least four base model Brain Bot to install themselves into their systems. With the bots inside, the capacity to strategize and fight far more efficiently is unlocked, piggybacking on the power of the extra digital minds hooked up to it.
Owning Organization
Related Technologies
Complement / Crew
Up to 4 optional Brain Bot crew

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