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Green Glober

Green Glober or alternatively Life Glober are an ethnicity of Glober that exist on Glober Planet. The have the ability to control an element in nature around them in the case of Green Glober their element is organic matter. The tip of their antenna are usually feathered and can detect organic matter around them and seem to grant a limited amount of telepathy between other Green Glober and most animal life. When accelerating the growth or change of other organic matter however, there is a cost, the extra material needed coming directly form a Green Glober's own vitality.   Green Glober culture seeks to live much more in tune with the nature of Glober Planet than most any other tribe.  Their tribes settle mostly deep in the forest and jungles of Glober Planet, often carved directly into the large Titanowillo Trees that root deep in their thicket. At the base of these trees lies their ranches where they keep the various flora and fauna that they cultivate and export to the other settlements. For many outsiders, this is as much as they will see, as the ways to reach the higher settlements are hidden by the tribes and strictly exclude outsiders. From these ranches a small rotating volunteer amount of tribespeople will live on the forest floor abode and conduct trade and business as well as territorial defense and patrol.    With their ability to manipulate organic life, it is no surprise that that Green Glober have cornered the market in agriculture, able to easily outperform any other tribe in crop growth, skillfully using their abilities to output enormous amounts of vital grain and material for others. In addition, thanks to their ability to easily commune with and tame most fauna, they also export various beasts of burden to other tribes and handlers will often be commissioned to tame animals.
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