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Glober are a species of beings originating from their home of Glober Planet. Their most distinguishing characteristic known dimensionwide is their uncanny ability to psychically manipulate and control a substance or form of energy corresponding to the color of their skin. They have enjoyed a fairly pivotal role in the overall political landscape of Dimension X  bolstered greatly by their individual prowess. Infighting, and fierce classism and racism, has served to the benefit of many of their enemies on multiple occasions and sometimes strains political relation with allies.

Basic Information


Glober are bipedal and typically have two arms and two legs. They are hairless and have two eyes and a mouth. Their natural posture is completely upright.

Genetics and Reproduction

Glober have live birth and typically are born a a year after conception.

Growth Rate & Stages

Glober grow relatively quickly and are expected to leave their immediate families soon after reaching sexual maturity. In infancy, all Glober are grey and have extremely small antennae. They are entirely helpless and need constant attention of older members of the family unit in order to survive. Slowly over the course of about a year, their color will begin to gradually emerge on their skin as well as the growth of their antennae. This will also coincide with the beginning of their abilities.

Ecology and Habitats

Due to their highly varied nature, they are known to make almost all environments their home although there is little overlap between habitats of ethnicities.

Dietary Needs and Habits

All Glober are omnivorous, although to what degree their diet is carnivorous vs herbivorous varies widely between ethnic groups. Their abilities usually inform what they seek in terms of comfortable shelter and how they may cultivate or hunt for food.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Facial markings corresponding to their element.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Almost all of Glober Planet

Average Intelligence

Typically, Glober are intelligent enough to speak. Lower classes do not always have the luxury of learning to read and write however.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They can see both visible light, and very faintly infrared and ultraviolet. Their ears do not protrude outward and are extremely small and inconspicuous holes. Along with these small ear holes, the duty of hearing is jointly given to the 3 antennae on their head. These antennae are extremely important as it is believed they also serve as the conduit between the Glober's brain and the element they can control in their vicinity. Through them it is described that they can "feel" the element around them.
Up to Ancient
Average Height
3 - 8 feet
Average Weight
70 - 210 lbs
Average Physique
Mostly slim or athletic though this can vary depending on social class.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The skin of a Glober is variable starting as gray in infancy and shifting to any color of visible light with age (Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Indigo, Violet). In Advanced age the color may begin to "wash out".
Related Ethnicities

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