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Logik is a catch-all term for a class of enhancement implants used by some societies around Dimension X. Very small and usually unseen, Logiks are tools to enhance the thinking, skills, and learning, of the wielder.


The intent of logiks and their power comes in their ability to create "shortcuts" and "routines" in the mind. With their power, it becomes possible to create the expertise and knowledge of an action or subject in mere hours or days on something that would normally take years or decades to master. Simple logiks are easier for most minds to acclimate to and accept, such things can be how to do a backflip, how to quickly reload a gun or how to change a piece of equipment. The more complex a logik is, the more time it takes for a mind to acclimate, and thus, the more risk of resistance and damage. Complex logiks commonly used can be things such as entire fighting styles, how to pilot complex vehicles, or high level trigonometry and physics equations.
Access & Availability
Various nations and populations have their own uses and availability of logiks.   The Constitutional Monarchy of X-Planet: Logiks are heavily regulated, and often only employed for those in special positions with the license to use them, such as in the military or technicians, both in the public and private sector. The more complex a logik, the higher clearance that person must have to use them. Of course, illegally obtained logiks are often found floating around in the black markets and back channels, especially as tools of criminal organizations.   Glober Tribal Coalition: Most Glober within the coalition will never see a Logik and to come across one is very rare. The logiks found are most often excavated arcane technology from long bygone ages and thus, only available to the most wealthy or prolific individuals, although replications by various technological guilds of inferior quality can also made in very rare instances.
Interfacing directly with the brain of a sentient organism, Logiks are highly complex and improper calibration and setup incurs serious risk of permanent damage. This is specifically why many groups and societies in Dimension X enforce their strict regulation

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