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Orange Glober

Orange Glober, or alternatively Earth Glober are an ethnicity of Glober that exists primarily on Glober Planet. As with almost all Glober they have the ability to sense out and psychokinetically control an element in nature in their vicinity, in the case of orange, their affinity is towards the soil, mineral, rocks, and ore. Their 3 antennae allow them the ability to sense the Earth beneath their feet and pick up the most tiny of vibrations and determine the makeup and composition of anything made of mineral in their vicinity instinctively. If they are otherwise not connected or in contact with the ground or something mineral based for whatever reason, they can still determine how close a mineral based source is with the antennae. Their facial markings are in the shape of trapezoids.   Most Orange Glober live in The Great Scar on the western hemisphere of Glober Planet. Within the gargantuan canyons and sheer cliffs of this area they have carved out intricate cities and towns within them. They tend to be fairly large with intricate tunnels, byways, and multiple stacked levels full of families. There, most peoples of these settlements are committed and employed in the business of using their abilities to carve ever intricate mines and quarries in the goal of getting to the precious ore and minerals that are so crucial to almost everyone on the planet. This has afforded Orange Glober Tribes a large degree of privilege and wealth and a sizable say in the game of inter-tribal politics. Despite this however they are less likely to wield this increased influence over the less affluent tribes and most tribal leaders are content to pay tribute to the King and receive their own wealth via their exports.   This however should not be confused with complacency as they are known to employ their forces in the event they feel slighted or unfairly treated or not properly compensated by other groups, responding fiercely and harshly to these transgressions whenever they arrive. As such, it has been prudent of every King of Glober Planet to make sure the Orange Tribes are happy and content and that while difficult to anger, it is extremely bad choice to get their ire.
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