Coast of The Shimmering Seas
"The air was hot in the forests, but by the sea there was a cool, gentle breeze. The beaches were beautiful, with the ocean stretching out to the horizon, and when the night fell, the reefs glowed brightly. I will always remember it."Sorey'ota is a coastal tropical region in Mayyanin. It is not ruled by any one government, but instead by a collection of tribes and villages.
Sorey'ota is a long coast as well as hundreds of islands, both big and small. There are many sandy beaches as well as tropical rainforests and coral lagoons.
Fauna & Flora
Sorey'ota doesn't have a lot of large predators, but has many smaller reptiles and mammals, and tropical birds. The reefs and oceans are home to a diverse range of aquatic life. Large bioluminescent reefs surround the coasts and islands, which is where most of the smaller sealife live.
A lot of the species in Sorey'ota are poisonous or venomous, including some of the coral itself, therefore, some of the animals have developed toxin-neutralising abilities, usually in saliva or their hides. However, many of the poisons are unable to be neutralised in this way, but instead have their affects reduced.
Coast / Shore
Included Locations
Related Ethnicities
Inhabiting Species