

Ubrezis - God of War & Death
Kuvras - God of Justice & Honor
Mekdon - God of Life & Fertility
Dalli - God of Pleasure & Passion

Mythology & Lore

Claezenians believe that the world was once an egg that the gods have opened spilling out the land and sea. They then protected and brought life into this world.

Claezenians believe that the afterlife is a dark and unhappy place for all and cannot be reached while alive. The Gods reincarnate any believers and may even resurrect the most devout, the rest go into the afterlife.

Tenets of Faith

Blasphemy, sloth, despair and self-injury are regarded as the worst sins anyone can commit.
Thoughtfulness, tolerance, selflessness, diligence and kindness are virtues highly regarded by the gods.
Sexuality is a great taboo amongst the Claezenians


Claezenians worship by themselves or with their friends and family.
The gods are only revered in groups during celebrations such as coming of ages, weddings, births and deaths.
The devout often visit their local Fathers to consult with the gods and receive guidance.
Most of the worship is done through gifts and sacrifices offered to the gods.


There is no central authority for this religion.
The Visionary is a regional leader for the religion there is only one Visionary per region. Before their death the Visionary will choose their successor, from one of their disciples who has received visions from the gods.
The Father is a local guide to help followers of the religion stay on the right path. Their may be more than one Father in a settlement, in this case their will be a High Father. Fathers are chosen by the Visionary from the Disciples.
Disciples are any followers of Claezen that want to devote their lives to the gods and are accepted into monasteries by the Fathers.
Religious, Pantheon
Notable Members


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