Visionary Ragnar

Values and Goals: Honesty
Mannerism: Strong Posture
Traits: Ponderous
Reputation: Known by Locals and Loved
Politics : Peace, Centralized

Nestled in the bustling heart of the town, this imposing temple sits next to the town square, just a stone's throw away from the formidable Southpoint Keep. The Temple of Iron serves as a place of solace and devotion for the town's inhabitants. The temple's architecture is simple and straightforward, with no decorative flourishes or fancy adornments. Despite its unrefined appearance, the temple is a grand structure, with walls made of rough, dark stone and towering spires that reach towards the sky. The interior of the temple is equally imposing, with stone floors and walls, and heavy wooden beams supporting the roof. Large iron candelabras cast flickering shadows on the walls, adding to the temple's austere atmosphere. The stained glass windows are few and far between, but their simple geometric designs cast slashes of bright color into the dim interior. Visitors to the temple often find its stark, severe beauty to be a powerful reminder of the unyielding strength of the divine.
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Middle Aged
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