
Linasruta is a town of 20k inhabitants. It is ruled by the Count Felipo Famando. The town is situated in a strategic position at the intersection of the roads going from the west, to the north and east of Nikania. It is 4 days walk east of Marbenu and 5 days walk east of Gralikar. From Linasruta it is 10 days walk to Glanchester, 12 days walk to Lamberside and 14 days walk to Nasur. It has an economy centered around Linen and Cows, with large fertile plains and direct access to a lake of fresh water. Its population has an average of 3 years of education and the infrastructure of the village is developed. This town has a GDP of 31.7M. There are 100 militiamen, 100 men-at-arms and 20 knights in Linasruta.

Associated Characters

Arven Keep
This keep and the town walls are just enough to keep raiding parties at bay, but would not last long in a siege by an organized force.
The Revered Pool
In the center of town there is a pool of sacred water. Everyone stops here to ask the gods for the powers of healing in this pool.
Notable Merchants
Notable Citizen

Industry & Trade

Linen and Cows
Linasruta is a town of 20k inhabitants. It is ruled by the Count Felipo Famando. The town is situated in a strategic position at the intersection of the roads going from the west, to the north and east of Nikania. It is 4 days walk east of Marbenu and 5 days walk east of Gralikar. From Linasruta it is 10 days walk to Glanchester, 12 days walk to Lamberside and 14 days walk to Nasur. It has an economy centered around Linen and Cows, with large fertile plains and direct access to a lake of fresh water. Its population has an average of 3 years of education and the infrastructure of the village is developed. This town has a GDP of 317k. There are 100 guards and 100 men-at-arms in Linasruta.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Nikania Region Map
Region Map


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