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Celeste Quintessa Moon

Celeste Quintessa Moon (a.k.a. Beyond)

Well, or die trying...

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Medium sized, decently frail. In good health.

Identifying Characteristics

Abnormal hair color

Special abilities

Marked as the Prophet of Beyond by The Outsider, she can travel across the multiverse and make portals. Also entered a partnership of sorts with The Eidolon. Oh, and the Divine Blood thing.

Apparel & Accessories

Celeste's daily outfits swap between a white button up shirt with a jacket and dark pants, and a black dress.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It's all a blur. Her life began in a box, on a boat, on an island. Now, she's facing a reality that she isn't sure is her own. If her memories are to be trusted, some sort of event involving a sphere caused several different versions to interscect, or something to that effect. Now, they have to figure out their new reality. She also has glimpses of a different time (appear as visions that overlap events), not entirely explored.

Gender Identity

Celeste doesn't really try to confrom to gender norms. She wouldn't have any issue wearing dresses or mens clothes, or getting dirty or taking care of children.


Bisexual (She is questioning, she would consider herself straight but it's Bi)


Not formally taught, however she possesses a natural inclination to innovation and drive. Celeste most likely is able to draw on other iterations experiences to some extent.


Employed by The Outsider, if you can consider it as much. Otherwise, she's a free agent.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Escaped a mental asylum, befriended Michael and Marshal. Made deals with multiple powerful entities (I'd like to add Ethos to that list :)) Became Shar's Avatar (Briefly) Travelled the Multiverse Escaped Hell

Failures & Embarrassments

So many failures, it's practically one of her major character traits (Behind mental stuff). She's failed to make her machines work, she's suspected for multiple murders, and she's afraid that she'll only hurt people by being around them. (Post Arc 1) Celeste still doesn't see her "Mistakes" as bad, she indirectly caused the extinction of.. 2 species? She considers her failure to change fate in El Dorado a massive blow, she hasn't given up on the possibility yet.

Mental Trauma

Oh my, where do we begin! When she's exposed to traumatic situations, she has difficulty functioning. Prolonged exposure causes her to black out, and she doesn't like to acknowledge this trait to others. Sources of trauma include: The past, family, the asylum, and anything unknown at the moment. She is afraid of what is happening around her, but won't share her feelings. She feels like she's been cast into a nightmare with no idea of who she is supposed to be, mentally fractured. (Post Arc 1) Development wise, she no longer has issues interacting with her past, however she also has still kept some of her mental traits. She has moments of doubt where her mind sort of shuts off and she "Acts" without really working out why she's doing it. Beyond this, she has grown lots of new traumas. The past, and the end of the world cause her fear. She hates being killed. Oh, and finally, she really doesn't like being told she can't control her destiny.

Intellectual Characteristics

Attempts to take fun approaches to problems, she sees knowledge as something that should be enjoyable to everyone. Celeste considers knowledge to be of the uptmost importance, and will go through great lengths to aquire information (Post Arc 1) Has become more cynical, however this mostly remains the same. Celeste wants to collect information to help her causes. She will ask questions and quickly gathers information with limited data.

Morality & Philosophy

Everyone deserves a second chance. I am not going to make the same mistakes twice.


Failing to advance ideas is suicide Magic is just science that isn't yet understood Alignment of celestial bodies have great meanings (Typically bad omens) Nothing is ever set in stone, change can always happen I do not trust people who wear masks

Personality Characteristics


Save the Multiverse Save my friends Find my family Find myself End this story?

Vices & Personality flaws

Prone to seeking power Naive Prone to instant death

Personality Quirks

Knives make her less stressed Run away from my problems


Hasn't showered since they entered Hell (This keeps coming up for whatever reason)


Contacts & Relations

Wolfgang: Stange person she's followed out of necessity. She's convinced he's a Shapeshifter due to him being a Kobold when they first met. Sasha: Celeste wants to help guide her down the path of good, in a way that can help her protect herself. Michael: Detective with an ass, she's skeptical to trust him due to his eagerness to resort to violence (Wolfgang is an exception) Ethos: Unknown, he seems to help a lot but she disapproves of some of his methods Joker Sweetness: Probably who she'd go to first to make a best friend, he's loyal and doesn't hestitate to state his mind. Ernie: Trusts greatly, would be upset if anything happened to them. Max: Wants to help take care of him and is willing to make things difficult if needed to make sure he's taken care of properly. Marshal: Fun guy, got me underwear... Guess it's a start? Ladder Pirates: Enemies unless tamed. Rat King: Sketchy, but willing to help out. (Post Arc 1) Iriel: They were my friend in purgatory, Wolfgang was their past life. I learned that they're my cousin, I care so much for them. They're Shar's daughter, and temporarily her avatar. She's strong, I love it! But she's also huge, I don't understand why I'm stuck at this height! Anyways, I'd nominate her for being our leader if I had to choose anyone other than myself. She just has that presence I look for. Takkir: My brother, same as ever. He still has the same stoic nature, and he loves crafting. I swear, you know who you are. And yet, you have some new qualities. I can say that you're probably my favorite of the three I've had the pleasure of interacting with, however you still haven't had the time to grow on me like #2. Regardless, I can see great things in our future, brother. Oh, also he's the Prophet of Dawn now. Ronan: I was mistaken about you, you're not an idiot. You're just an impulsive, passionate, and bloodthirsty maniac. Look, I know our relationship is a little rocky right now, but I really do want the best for you. Oh, I should probably explain Ronan now. He's my step father, you know him from the past though. He married Selune, and now he's here to "Guide" me. I guess I'll try and listen to him, I do respect him a lot. But you have to stop treating me like some sort of heartless being, I just don't feel understood by you. Finally, you're still the Body Prophet, guess you lost the new powers game. Aurel: New guy, he's an elf, like me. My initial impressions of Aurel were that he was somewhat shy and out of place, however now I understand more of his true feelings. He is sort of like me, but he might deny it. He's the newest prophet in our bunch, The Prophet of Pestilence. Oh, and he's smart to boot, he might even be better than me... Joker: My #1 if you'd call it that, he's in a girl's body finally. It's kind of cool really, but he's also a "Curse" or something. I'll try to work out what his story is. He's been running some layers in Hell so I hope he's well. Marshal: My real brother, under Ronan. He's sweet and charming, I miss him. I have some more information on our past, however I need to see it properly before I report more. Reggie: Ronan's brother, interesting personality. He's been gone for the longest time, along with Marshal. I think Malachor has him.. Molly: She's my adoptive mother, I don't entirely know who she is but she seems very sweet. Apparantly part of my story involves being adopted and ending up with Takkir, I think. I haven't had enough time to get to know her properly, but she had information on The End of the World so that will be useful. Alan: I.. thought this guy was dead. Turns out he was a Lord of Hell. We get along pretty well, he's actually been super helpful to our cause. And, get this. He's an ORDER prophet. I know, but I trust him. I hope him and Molly don't have an unfortunate end. The Outsider: I still am not sure I trust him entirely. He looks a lot like The Traveller, but he claims to be The Narrator. Regardless, he seems to have the same sort of powers. He also seems to want the best for me and my friends, so I'll help him for now. Ethos: Haven't heard from him in a few layers, I'll ring him up soon hopefully. Celine: My mother, I.. She's Selune's avatar, she has amazing power. She hurts herself to help us, its all my fault. I can save her. I know I can. I have to save her. Other than that, she's very pretty, I hope I can have her aura someday. She took my cloak but I don't feel as bad about that. Also, she has some kind of dark past with my dad. She didn't want to tell me about it, but I have to figure it out someway still. Shar: My Aunt, and... she wants my mom dead. I don't. I guess that's bad, but deep down I want to help her. There has to be some way to change her, and maybe if I try I can do some good for everyone. She doesn't judge me for how I act, it's nice really. I feel so alien sometimes, it's much easier to manage without feeling like the entire world is against you. Which, it literally is, so escaping that is why I seek her from time to time.

Family Ties

Celine - Mother (Elf) ??? - Father Ronan - Step Father Takkir - Adopted Brother Marshal - Younger Brother Iriel - Cousin Shar - Aunt Sasha - Aunt Freya - Aunt Reggie - Uncle Outsider - Soul Patron Eidolon - Also.. Patron?

Religious Views

Celeste became a Cleric once she entered Hell, she wanted someone who would help her cope with her traumas.   Somehow, she ended up being assisted by Shar, who she now prays to occasionally. She hasn't really devoted herself to Shar in anyway, she doesn't even want to cause pain necessarily. Celeste just wants to not feel bad about her actions.   More often, she aligns with Selune, however she does not always align her actions with Selune.   She's the Daughter of Selune

Social Aptitude

Very innept. Unlike her prior selves, her total collapse of self has hindered her social ability. She can sometimes say things that are stupid or hurtful, and she lacks social awareness. Compared to her prior selves, she is very poor at covering her lies.


Acts unusually, moving body parts more than usual. It'd be easy to call weird. Right handed.

Hobbies & Pets

No known pets.   Rock Lobster sometimes inhabits her soul.


Speaks with confidence, despite not feeling confident. She sometimes talks to herself.

Wealth & Financial state

She has no material possessions to her knowledge outside of her clothing and tools. It's not like money is useful anyways. (Post Arc 1) Still completely broke

Hey, you know me. I'm not your everyday trickster anymore, we're gonna save the world this time!

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Daughter of Selune Prophet of Beyond
Date of Birth
December 21st, 881
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5'0" (5'4" in Hell)
110 Lbs
Known Languages
Common Elvish Dwarvish Orc Draconic Celestial

A Short Evaluation
April 905

A short analysis on the current party members.   I'm writing this after the battle with the Mindflayers, we've finally had time to rest. While I have much more to discuss, I need to express my current relations with the Chaotic Souls.   <><><><><><><><><><><><><>   Me - I'm trying my hardest, and people keep trying to control me!! They need to learn that my story is mine to write. Also, I'm conflicted. My past lives weren't all that great. Is that who I really am? Who am I supposed to be? The longer I think about it the more I hear those voices calling to me. I don't like it.   Takkir - Infuriating beyond belief. I care about him because I know he needs it, but honestly, why can't he just grow up. It's always, "Oh woe is me the things I've had to endure oh no I deserve so much better." My Dwarf in Discordia you are a Prophet. Do something about it. Stop crying about your trauma and maybe try stabbing someone else for a change.   Ronan - On one hand, I have grown a lot of respect for him. He has qualities I would consider admirable, although these are also offset by his... rankish demeanor. He's charming in a sort of oafish way, but he's also reliable. I regret underestimating him in my past lives. I think I'm willing to give him a new chance.   Aurel - I thought as a fellow elf we could understand each other, unfortunately he's poor in theory. He has the gifts of a genius, and wastes them on selfish and useless ideas. Perhaps I can influence him onto a better path, although it will be difficult. Additionally, I do not value his mental fortitude, he appears to stray from the current task at the slightly hiccup. I suspect this is due to his nature as a newer Prophet, although this is only speculation.   Iriel - I am unsure how to express my thoughts on Iriel. For starters, I'm not even sure which parts are Iriel and which parts are Wolfgang. Are they not the same? Anyways, Iriel seems to have the best for me in mind, although I wish he/she would be less stubborn sometimes. They get this idea that they know what's best for me, but I'm not always sure they understand my story. I trust them, though. I think they're one of the few who care for me.   Michael - I'm talking about you, Outsider. What am I supposed to feel, it's so difficult to read. I think I'm mad, but I also feel sad. I don't want to push you away, but I can't just sit by and pretend I don't see things. There's something I'm not being told, and I need to figure out what it is. If I'm going to, no, if we're going to win this fight, I want to do it with you. Please don't hate me for trying to do the things I do.   A side note. WHY CAN EVERYONE JUST PULL ME AROUND. I'M NOT A TOY.   With Eternal Love, Celeste Q. Moon

Day 2

The further we go, the more I feel this is all a dream.   Work in progress, will update later.

Day 0

What, this can't be right. I haven't even had time to calm myself down from what just happened, and Michael was acting really weirdly. I think I was sleeping, and this dwarf fell onto my bed. There were more people, this human, and another elf. The dwarf violated my personal space and instantly removed several knives from my body, none of which I had even stored there myself. Normally, I would have objected harshly to the man, however following my previous excursion I was still recovering. I asked Wolfgang what was going on, but before we could collect ourselves something strange happened with Michael, and we were transported to this void, and someone was there. They gave this speech which made no sense, I couldn't really explain it much. Not long after, we were falling. I was scared, I hadn't any idea what had happened. My memory is blury, but I think my first thought was that what was happening couldn't be real. It simply made more sense to deny what was in front of me at the time. There were these weird creatures around us, they had horns and weird teeth, some had tails or strange feet too. I'll just describe them as demons. Wolfgang was weird, they were an elf too now. Also, how do I say this, "He" was not really a thing anymore. It seems whatever force drew us here also saw fit to transfer Wolfgang's consciousness into someone named Iriel, she had these bad burns down her face. Beyond that, they were the same. The Dwarf insisted I was his sister, or something like that. He looked familiar to the dwarf I saw before, but I wasn't sure he was the exact same. He had the same name, but I think I would know if I had a dwarf brother. I needed time to myself, so I sat on the curb of the city thing we landed in. One of the creatures came over and poked me with a sword, I tried telling them off. I guess it worked because they left me alone after that. Someone else came and greeted me, they explained some things to me. I didn't really show my gratidude, but I was pretty thankful to have some idea of what was going on. They introduced themselves as "The Lord". I don't know of what, but that's what they claim to be. He kind of reminded me of someone, but I wasn't too certain on who. He had this quirk of having approximate knowledge, and I was insulted by his belief that my name was "Molest Soon". I tried to clarify my name, but he didn't care. It turned out we were in hell, we had died, which I knew already. I suppose Cirn was some sort of holding area, purgatory. For some reason, it's gone now, and now we're in the first layer of hell, which is "Lust". My companions decided it was a good idea to team up, it seemed there was something we needed to steal. As chance would have it, all we had to do in order to decend the layers of hell was collect these status symbols, given by death, called Rings. In this case, we had already found the Lord of the Ring, and we made quick work of securing it. We led the Lord of the Ring into a room with the promise of intercourse, and I used my cloak to steal the ring. However, I was ambushed by that damn Archer. She shot my hand, and made off with the ring. The human chased her, and I guess she got distracted because I was able to catch up and disable her armor. Somehow she lost the ring, and our mission was complete. She escaped our grasp unfortunately, but we had new plans. We entered the tower which would let us descend the layer, and we looted the place. It had some nice stuff, but nothing too fancy. I found this weird doll thing which spoke to me, figuratiavly and literally.   I'm so confused, I feel lost. I haven't been having any issues with my thoughts since I experienced some parts of my past I think. I can't really tell. I don't think people trust me, and I can't figure out why. Oh, also, Michael is gone. And Sasha. And Ethos. Marshall and Max too. Was anyone in Purgatory even real? I don't know where they are, I hope we find them soon.   This has been my story so far, and I think I'll keep going for now. I have hope that we can make it out of this together. Wish me luck, CM

Day -1

I'm not sure how to really address this, I think I need to make this though. Things seemed to be making more sense, but I guess stuff kept falling out of place too. After I met Marshal and fought that boots guy, there was this weird thing that happened. It was like I was out of control of everything, and there were these doors. Otis was on the ceiling? Its odd.   To start, I'll just explain what happened when I woke up. The doors were all wrong, and nobody was home. I tried to figure out a system to them, but they seemed to randomize without any real care to a system. After doing this for a while, I found myself in a different environment. There was a tree person, and they didn't help much. Eventually I was pulled through this series of "memories" which...   They all seemed so nice.   I think I saw how I died, it felt right anyways. Me and this person I've never seen before, someone I called Takkir, were trying to make some sort of machine. It must have not worked, but I don't understand why I can't remember anything else.   I saw a lot more, there was also this room that I was in with Marshal. I hated it there. I think there's more that I don't know about what's going on around me.   Eventually, Marshal confronted me, I think we escaped something. There was some kind of attack maybe? I thought I was going to die, this archer woman chased me, and there was someone who could teleport. They tied me up and I thought i was a goner, but out of nowhere this crazy person just showed up and saved me.   They had this ring portal thing which I escaped through. Now I'm back, and I don't know what to do.   I feel so alone.

Cirn: Day Zero
March 4, 905

Everything hurts, I've found shelter now. I don't know what has happened. It all began with a landing, I think our ship crashed. I met a few people on the beach, and I saw some things that made me feel ways I did not like. Then, there was a person who didn't look very nice. The lab was a mess, if you could even call it that.   I woke up in a room I didn't recognize, I think I was tied down but I'm not exactly sure. The next thing I knew everything was falling apart. I made an escape from that prison and fled into the city, and now I am resting trying to put everything together. A kind person took me in, I didn't get the chance to ask for their name. I think they're a butcher of some kind. I can't particularly condone their profession, but I understand the need to work.   I am going to sleep soon, hopefully tomorrow I can make it out of this hellish place, or get some answers.   Date: Unknown (Edit, I think it was March 4, 905) With the best intentions, Celeste Q. Moon

1st of Chad, 2021

I love that guy, what a chad. Honestly, couldn't ask for a better god.


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