Celeste Quintessa Moon

Chaotic Neutral High Elf (???)
Siren 5
Trickster Cleric 2
Artificer 1
52 / 52 HP

Hey, you know me. I'm not your everyday trickster anymore, we're gonna save the world this time!

May 6th, 905

Campaign & Party

Played by

Greetings, you found me! Welcome to the world of fantasy!

April 905

A Short Evaluation

by Celeste Quintessa Moon

A short analysis on the current party members.
I'm writing this after the battle with the Mindflayers, we've finally had time to rest. While I have much more to discuss, I need to express my current relations with the Chaotic Souls.
Me - I'm trying my hardest, and people keep trying to control me!! They need to learn that my story is mine to write. Also, I'm conflicted. My past lives weren't all that great. Is that who I really am? Who am I supposed to be? The longer I think about it the more I hear those voices calling to me. I don't like it.
Takkir - Infuriating beyond belief. I care about him because I know he needs it, but honestly, why can't he just grow up. It's always, "Oh woe is me the things I've had to endure oh no I deserve so much better." My Dwarf in Discordia you are a Prophet. Do something about it. Stop crying about your trauma and maybe try stabbing someone else for a change.
Ronan - On one hand, I have grown a lot of respect for him. He has qualities I would consider admirable, although these are also offset by his... rankish demeanor. He's charming in a sort of oafish way, but he's also reliable. I regret underestimating him in my past lives. I think I'm willing to give him a new chance.
Aurel - I thought as a fellow elf we could understand each other, unfortunately he's poor in theory. He has the gifts of a genius, and wastes them on selfish and useless ideas. Perhaps I can influence him onto a better path, although it will be difficult. Additionally, I do not value his mental fortitude, he appears to stray from the current task at the slightly hiccup. I suspect this is due to his nature as a newer Prophet, although this is only speculation.
Iriel - I am unsure how to express my thoughts on Iriel. For starters, I'm not even sure which parts are Iriel and which parts are Wolfgang. Are they not the same? Anyways, Iriel seems to have the best for me in mind, although I wish he/she would be less stubborn sometimes. They get this idea that they know what's best for me, but I'm not always sure they understand my story. I trust them, though. I think they're one of the few who care for me.
Michael - I'm talking about you, Outsider. What am I supposed to feel, it's so difficult to read. I think I'm mad, but I also feel sad. I don't want to push you away, but I can't just sit by and pretend I don't see things. There's something I'm not being told, and I need to figure out what it is. If I'm going to, no, if we're going to win this fight, I want to do it with you. Please don't hate me for trying to do the things I do.
With Eternal Love,
Celeste Q. Moon

Celeste's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Wyatt
    1st of Chad, 2021
  2. Cirn: Day Zero
    March 4, 905
  3. Purgatory
    Day -1
  4. Lust
    Day 0
  5. Wrath
    Day 2
  6. A Short Evaluation
    April 905

The major events and journals in Celeste's history, from the beginning to today.

I don't know what to do, to do things right. It's all my fault. I didn't set out for this, sure, but really, how is this not my fault? I need to get stronger, I need more answers, I won't fail, GAHH. I won't let people tell me what to do, I have to get myself together.

May 6th, 905

Cirn: Day Zero

Everything hurts, I've found shelter now. I don't know what has happened. It all began with a landing, I think our ship crashed. I met a few people on the beach, and I saw some things that made me feel ways I did not like. Then, there was a person who did...

08:51 am - 23.04.2024

Alexei Ravenguard is taken from us

You saved me, us, in a manner of speaking. I wanted to talk to you one final time, but I wasn't sure what to say. You know I'm not that good at goodbyes. You represent an era of Prophets I wish all Prophets would take to heart, your gifts help people, you truly want what's best for everyone. I could never be like you, I'll always hurt someone in the end. None of this will ever be fair. Thank you for everything, really. I'll talk to you soon.

May 6th, 905

I guess that's the end of that. As eager as I am to return to the story, you have to understand how scared I still am. How clueless and out of place I am. I had time to grow, I'm so happy, I was able to guide the others like I wanted to. I don't even know what I'm doing. I knew Alexei would die, why did I care? It's not like I can't talk to him anymore, why did I feel sad? Why... I didn't want the others to see. I don't want them to worry about me more than they already have. I'm glad you came, the rest isn't that important to me.

May 6th, 905

why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why it's not fair, none of this is fair. i forgot my mission, it's easier to get lost than you would think. i remember now, i just needed to think about it. we'll make it work, okay? maybe then i'll be the person i've always wanted to be for you.

May 6th, 905

Guess that's just the way, we're pathetic. Little, worthless, insignificant, you know all the terms. I can't do anything right. I'm actually useless. I can't help my friends, I can't save anyone. And now I'm stuck here, trying to figure this shit out. Take me to a universe where none of these issues exist, and maybe I can get some peace. Oh, and I get plenty of time to examine these ideas, what kind of image am I even making for myself here. What kind of hero breaks down like this. How much of this is even my fault, I've not even had a chance to figure this shit out. What matters. What matters...

May 6th, 905

How am I supposed to be feeling right now? I'm fine, but I'm not. I hate myself, but it isn't all my fault right? GAHHHHHHHHH

May 6th, 905

It's gonna get a little weird, it's gonna get a little wild, I'm not from around here. That'd be a good song! I just need some way to end it.

May 6th, 905

Is it bad that I have a guilty conscious and some really bad ideas? Only time can tell!

May 6th, 905

We got out, huh.. Guess this journey isn't going to end early after all. I was beginning to think we'd never escape!

March 26th, 905

I thought I had a video of Aurel barking but all I could find was whatever this is https://youtu.be/RlsBOuEV6-g?si=lMxaEX4TKzPL7JTC

March 26th, 905

Mate with me.

March 26th, 905

This is all so messed up, every step I take forward it feels like the universe is working twice as hard to throw me back. Maybe we're just meant to lose... it's not how I want to see things being. Do you think I'm being overly dramatic?

March 26th, 905

Time and time again...

March 26th, 905

Deja Vu

Against all odds, we've ended up right where we started! $@#&!

March 26th, 905


March 26th, 905

I'm so sorry for what I've done, but also, it felt right?

March 26th, 905

I floop the pig!

March 26th, 905

Push the boundaries at all costs

March 26th, 905

Begin the Cycle

I found myself somewhere I had only ever seen in my dreams, and the pillars called to me.

March 26th, 905

What does this mean?

March 26th, 905

Episode 1: The Rise of House Angelo

05:30 pm - 26.12.2022

Episode 1: The Rise of House Angelo

05:30 pm - 26.12.2022


I opened my eyes, and I smiled.


The Fog is coming Celeste.

November 2, 1625

So many questions.. I just want answers.

November 2, 1625

I feel like I should regret this, but I know I won't.

November 2, 1625

Nothing bad ever happens to the Fireforges!!!

November 1, 1625


I... I did it! I'm Queen! I never thought this day would come!

November 1, 1625

Is it better to use something bad for good, or do something good for bad? It's kept me up, and I don't know what to do. The fate of the kingdom is in my hands... Ethos, I summon thee.

October 24, 1625

Astral Born

I never posted this so, here we are! Welcome to the world, my cosmic child!

October 24, 1625

Pretty close outfit to what I'd wear if we were in real life! Perhaps I could take some pointers.

October 24, 1625

Crazy to think Takkir is 27 and I'm 21. I mean, just wow.

October 24, 1625

I wonder if anyone even checks here. What if I just started sharing all my secret plans?

October 24, 1625

We're home.

Thank you.

October 24, 1625

Hello! Welcome to my world of pain!

September 28, 1622

What does it mean to trust?

September 28, 1622

New World, 5th Level


September 28, 1622

Me and the Bestie!!!

September 4, 1622

Life is strange.

September 4, 1622

At least Takkir died with me. Actually, why didn't I turn into a ghost the last time I died?

September 4, 1622


Selune has a bad touch.

September 4, 1622

Tonight is not going to be a good night.

August 15, 1621

I hope nobody realizes that I'm doing bad things. Yeah! Nobody will notice.

August 15, 1621

Little known fact but the Clitoris is considered a ball!

August 15, 1621

Escape from Sakaar.

We did it! Uh... Great!? We failed to save the city but whatever, they didn't deserve our help anyways!

August 15, 1621

Don't ask about Marcus Night. :BothScreaming:

August 15, 1621

: )

July 21st, 1621


July 21st, 1621

Apparantly my memories were wrong. This is concerning.

July 21st, 1621

Alright, let's do this one last time.

July 21st, 1621

So many questions.

July 21st, 1621


July 21st, 1621

Old home.


(Disregard the previous post.)


I'm evil now! >:3



I love that guy, what a chad. Honestly, couldn't ask for a better god....

10:45 pm - 15.02.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Celeste.