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Umbra is a Rogue Stranger-type super operating in Cape St. Joan.   She is a member of The Nymphs.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Zoe is tall, with red hair, blue eyes and killer figure. She usually wears her hair in a ponytail. She only has the slightest hint of freckles around her nose. Tends to wear more noticeable makeup compared to Hope, though they usually coordinate.

Special abilities

Umbra's superpower gives her the ability to turn invisible. Due to this, her degree of involvement into crimes, as well as the question of other powers she might possess, can not be answers conclusively.

Apparel & Accessories

Umbra's costume is made of a tight-fitting black neoprene suit. To it, various pieces of black coth are attached, giving it a bit of a tattered outline despite being fully functional. Attached to the back of the neck portion is a hoodie that she can pull over her head and affix into that position, though the precise method by which she does so it not known. The front of her faceis covered with a large domino mask that not only covers eyes and node, but extends to portions of her forhead, cheeks and upper lip.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into a middle-class family in East End, Zoe enjoyed a normal upbringing and relatively normal life. Gorwing up alongside her twin sister, the two were decent at school, easily made friends and were the general sociable type. In 2018, when both were twelve years old, they lost their mother during "D-Day" . With their father being unable to properly take care of them on his own, the two felt both abandoned by family and society, with the usual drama of puberty exacerbating their problems. Both began developing a rebellious streak, started slacking and failing at school and became known troublemakers.  

/*During one of their escapades, they were changed.*/

After both awakening to their superspowers, they first in private began to experiment with their powers and quickly turned to messing with people. Eventually, they created their super identities of Ceto and Umbra and turned fully rogue, believing the world to be their oyster now.

Intellectual Characteristics

Zoe is more reserved than her sister. Less prone to take the spotlight, she is a bit of a schemer. Immensely prideful and has a hard time backing down from a challenge. A rebel and fun-seeker like her sister, she is a bit more rude and less clever with her words, but also better at reading people. Less of a pervert than Hope, she has more darker impulses and gets a kick out of projecting power.


Current Location
Aligned Organization

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