The Quickening
A series of magical manipulations on the lifeforce of Warforged that can alter the functions, understandings and memories.
It can be used to quickly adjust or fine-tune certain behaviour of Warforged or even completely transform the essence of a Warforged.
IO Tinker uses the Quickening to bypass the otherwise slow learningprocess of the Warforged. With the process he can infuse the target Warforged with new knowledge and skills in a matter of hours, something that would normally take a few years.
This helped many warforged to find new careers after the war. It also made the TinkerBelle workshop the place to go for owners of Warforged to completely finetune their servants to their needs.
IO is fully aware of the potential misuses of the Quickening, so he keeps it to himself.
The only time he went 'full out' with the process was on a Warforged called Rom. The quickening turned this former special operations soldier into a Personal Assistant with bodyguard attributes. The main alteration IO performed however was to reduce the 'servant' processes, giving this particular Warforged a lot more agency than is found in others of his kind. At the request of the owner of Rom, these processes were reduced even further over several sessions, making Rom near completely autonomous.
In cooperation with Rom, IO has refined the process and is now able to apply it other Warforged.
He even was able to learn Rom a few steps of the process, allowing him to adjust and learn quicker than other Warforged.
As long as the Treaty of Thronehold is not fully respected and Warforged are being used as servants, IO reckons that the process should remain a secret.
Only once the Warforged are all completely autonomous, is he prepared to release the full process, so that Warforged gain a powerfull tool to improve themselves.
Access & Availability
At this moment it is a closely guared secret. Only IO Tinker knows the full details of the complete process.
He is keeping it secret as it is not yet fully understood and also because in the wrong hands, it could form a serious threat to Warforged.
To safely and succesfully complete the process, a full understanding of the inner workings of Warforged is required. The actual process takes a few hours of pure concentration and has many intricate and subtle details. Any mistakes can result in a complete disfunction of the target Warforged.
The process was discovered by IO Tinker, not long after the Treaty of Thronehold came into effect.
When he tried to help the many Warforged that were looking for a new direction in life after the war, he discovered that with the right manipulations, the abilities of the Warforged could be adjusted and even completely changed.
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