Blight Mesmerism

Blight mesmerism is a magical technique still currently being developed by the IMP's Natural Society in order to protect barley against the devastating blight that recently so ravaged the crop. The research is being done by a team of eight people, purely focused on this technique alone. They are led by Myñot, a famed researcher within the Natural Society, whilst Soren, one of her mentees, is a junior member.   The track they are currently pursuing, the one that seems the most viable, is focused on deceiving the fungus about its environment - both blocking the chemical reactions that would normally cause the fungus to develop and confusing the fungus' "mind" (the exact nature of this perceived mind is uncertain, they're actually not sure whether it's a type of consciousness or the fungus' inherent magic) into thinking that it has landed on something unsuitable like a barren rock.  


This protection is a composite of several spells - certain plants need to be burned and their smoke drawn into an object. This object is then used to draw the arcane circle in the earth where the barley will be planted. Upon activation of the circle, if all is done correctly, one can see smoke briefly rise from the ground and then sink swiftly into the lines as though sucked into the magical markings. Then the barley to be sown needs to be brought into the circle together with someone with sufficient skill in communicating with plants. They will attune to the barley and then use the connection to weave a dream for the barley where they tell others they are rocks and barren earth. After this, the barley can be brought out of the circle again, but it will need to be sown within a few days of the ritual.  

Further Research

These steps described above are now performed with reasonable success - there is most certainly still a lot of work to be done to increase success rates but the basic principle has been demonstrated to work. One of the ideas being pursued is to imbue the barley with the same smoke as the circle and thereby possibly strengthening the connection to yet more effectly block the chemical reactions that allow the fungus to develop. An impediment to this in that there are many concerns about how to do this while still remaining sure that the barley is both safe to eat and continues to taste good. A following step that is being pursued is to reach the inherent magical consciousness of the fungus itself if it is found in the barley and to further convince the fungus directly that it cannot flourish here.
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Cover image: by Menatith


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