Tyr's Tavern

Looking out over the swiftly flowing Kynfesdal river, Tyr's Tavern is a favourite hangout amongst the Junior Fellows of the Natural Society. Situated close to the Branch but just far enough to feel outside of its immediate eye, the tavern is small but spreads its little garden out onto the river banks in true Taesáf fashion. Nevertheless Tyr, the tavern's proprietor, is a Kamyn and if asked would tell you that he is of the Keminsáf.
  Broad-shouldered and tall with a calm but open and cheerful demeanour, Tyr is never difficult to find in his tavern. He's friendly with the vast majority of his clientele and, not being much older than most of the Junior Fellows, he enjoys the tavern's reputation as their preferred stomping ground. Birthdays, completed research projects, acceptances into Full Fellowship, first dates and just life are celebrated by the young researchers there. Most of the other regulars of the taverns are those who live nearby and have a taste for the usually calm but occasionally intensely boisterous atmosphere of the tavern.
A roughly sketched floor map of Tyr's Tavern
by Menatith

  The tavern's kitchen and bar can be found in the streetside pavilion unless it's a beautiful spring or autumn day - in that case you might have trouble spotting it behind the folks crowded around it. Tables and stools spill their way across the grass and between the shrubs and flowers towards the river banks, where a row of low bushes protect folks from tipping themselves into the water. Tyr himself usually tends the bar and the tables, leaving any food preparation to Nudot, his chef. Recently two of Tyr's nephews have journeyed from Byrfenna to join him; a product of his writing too many letters as Tyr claims. They can often be seen rushing about the place, holding an open competition to see who is the best at his task. There are several low-stakes betting pools amongst the regulars as to who will win for the evening, month or overall.
But I know how to make you folks feel at home. And that's a true Keminsáf value, that is.
— Tyr
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location

Cover image: by Menatith


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