BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Ariawyn Kennyraear is a half-elf with the Mark of Storm dragonmark. She was born and raised in Aundair, where her family was well-known and respected for their expertise in controlling weather for sailors and fishermen through their affiliation with House Lyrandar. As the eldest sibling in her family, Ariawyn was expected to take on the family business and follow in the footsteps of her mother and father.   Ariawyn excelled in her training at House Lyrandar and quickly rose through the ranks. She proved to be a skilled navigator and an excellent manager of resources, and soon she was placed in charge of her own crew of Raincallers. With her sister Gwyn by her side, she helped to establish a new Raincallers' Guild outpost in the Lhazaar Principalities, where they hoped to extend House Lyrandar's influence and secure new business ventures.   However, everything changed when Ariawyn was approached with a secret mission from House Lyrandar. She was asked to infiltrate the Wind Whisperers, a notorious group of pirates that had been causing havoc in the region. The Wind Whisperers were led by Koulton Brightwind, a former member of House Lyrandar who had been exonerated but had turned to piracy.   Ariawyn saw this as a great opportunity to prove herself and advance her standing in House Lyrandar. She was confident in her abilities and believed that she could easily complete the mission. She said goodbye to her family and friends and set off for the Lhazaar Principalities, where she would begin her work.   Things did not go as planned, however. Ariawyn was quickly discovered by the Wind Whisperers and taken captive. She was tortured and interrogated for weeks, but she refused to reveal her true identity or her mission. Finally, Koulton offered her a deal: she could join their crew and become one of them, or she could be killed. Ariawyn saw no other option and reluctantly agreed to join the Wind Whisperers.   Over time, Ariawyn began to see the true nature of the pirates and the cruelty of their actions. She grew disgusted with Koulton's leadership and began to plot her revenge. She bided her time, waiting for the right opportunity to strike.   Finally, the day came when the Wind Whisperers launched a particularly brutal attack on a group of innocent civilians. Ariawyn saw her chance and struck. She led a mutiny against Koulton and his loyal followers, and after a brutal battle, emerged victorious. She took control of the ship and set sail for Aundair, where she hoped to deliver justice for the Wind Whisperers' crimes.   Since then, Ariawyn has been working in secret to dismantle the remaining members of the Wind Whisperers and bring them to justice. She has become somewhat of a vigilante, taking justice into her own hands when she feels that the authorities are not doing enough. She is driven by a strong sense of justice and a desire to make up for the mistakes of her past.


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