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Martin d'Jorasco

Martin d'Jorasco (a.k.a. "Doc")

Martin is a mancow Of House Jorasco, whose bloodline dominates the medical trade with its Mark of Healing.   The dragonmarked House Jorasco maintains houses of healing across Khorvaire. The simplest service is the expert application of the Medicine skill. For those with desperate need and gold to pay, most Jorasco outposts can provide lesser restoration; the best healers can also provide greater restoration. In the finest Jorasco enclaves, it's even possible to raise the dead. - Martin had been studying to become a doctor at one of the houses of Jorisco, but he saw the healing houses unite under a single payer insurance company who began controlling which healing spells could be practiced under their coverage, and to whom they were allowed to administer. - Before long, the insurance company became more restrictive and exclusive, and those students of medicine who had learned enough to practice could find a lucrative side-hustle moonlighting in an underground clinic. - Martin took up the mantle at one of these health-carts and became overwhelmed by the callousness of the union between the medicine houses and the mutual insurance company, so much so that he became brash with his healing practice and forgot his discretion. Too many people found out about it and were breaking the first rule of medicine club. • When his medicine house found out he was going against the insurance company, they kicked him out. And they told him they are going to turn him in to the authorities unless he can pay for all of the services provided to his patients (the documented ones at least). o This may be why he is seeking payment from the party – payment for medicine services rendered either to them or to someone they know. • While he still had keys, he used them to sneak back in to the medicine house once more to raid the essential supplies to continue to help the public. Inside, instead of finding the well-stocked medicine larder he was accustomed to during his days as a student there, instead he found an anemic supply of insurance-brand health drams – another example of the corruption of the medicine houses, collecting ever higher tithing for insurance and providing ever lower quality and variety of care. They had begun preying to the ever shrinking god of margin. o Martin was caught destroying their supply of medicine, along with their records of debts. o ** alternatively, he could be seeking payment from the party to settle the debt of his medicine house damage and avoid becoming imprisoned or a felon. • Outcast from the medicine home and blacklisted from purchasing medical supplies to continue his business, Martin turns to other methods of medicine. He begins dabbling in darker arts in order to provide healing services. • Through the patients to his healing bodyega, he learns that many have similar stories of how they fell ill, all pointing back to a monster that lurks out from an abandoned asylum on the outskirts of town. • Those who fell ill were the lucky ones, as children have been known to have gone missing around that area as well. • The night Martin tries tracking down this beast, he finds he had been the prey and is abducted by a band of miscreants who turn out to be fellow medical workers from the house of Jorasco (and one drug cartel constable whose drug business took a hit when the medicine house conglomerate put a patent on his drug’s chemical makeup in their approved pharmaceutical.) • They tell Martin he’s a terrible hunter and could never catch up to his monster in a million years, but offer to let him join their underground cult so they may train him. • He becomes a blood hunter. He must give up any hope that he can return to a life of a doctor, but he must become the monster in order to hunt the dark purveyors of debt masquerading as a healing institution.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Minotaur, top half bull, bottom half man. Since he’s half-man and half-bull, he fell in and been raised by the half-lings.

Body Features

Dragonmark on his horns, which glow blue whenever Martin manifests the Jorasco mark, and emits dim light in a 5-foot radius for 10 minutes whenever used.

Facial Features

has eyes, snout, hairy areas

Mental characteristics

Personal history

While the public face of Jorasco is that of the healer, there are rumors that the house engaged in disturbing experiments during the Last War, working with House Vadalis to develop biological weapons and new creatures. A Jorasco heir has to decide if they want to investigate these rumors. • Martin does not believe these rumors or give them much credence. He is full in his opposition to their greedy ways and does not believe collecting high fees to practice magical healing it is to “preserve the house”. o Very likely that Martin is, himself, the result of one of these experimental new creatures.     Excoriate. When a dragonmarked heir defies their house, they might be cut off from their family. In the past, your mark would be flayed from your body. Although this mutilation is no longer practiced, such exiles are still called excoriates. If you're an excoriate, consider what you did to deserve this punishment. Were you a criminal? A charlatan? Or perhaps a sage who engaged in forbidden research? • He is perhaps an Excoriate who operates more like an Independent Scion.     Would you also consider, Jorasco halfling healers had become popular during the last war as they were most adept at medicine and therefore very valuable during the war. as the war came to an end, Jorasco was faced with the question of what to do with their newfound influence from the military funding pumped into their research.   As peace time emerged, the natural thought was to de-escalate and most healers returned to houses of medicine scattered throughout Eberron villages and cities -- but some Joraso managed to travel back to the military facility in karrnath to continue their research -- they have the belief that peace time could be fleeting, just waiting for rebellious leaders to recoup their losses and restock their ranks -- so these Karrnath Jorasco make ties with the military and have them convinced that the only way to stave off the next impending war is to fully control the practice of medicine -- if they can't heal, quelling a rebellion is much easier.   So they work with the military complex in Karrnath to develop new medicine, and use their ties with the military for official recon and liberation missions where they bring freedom to pockets of Eberron by releasing them from the bondage of their natural resources and wealth (so they are no longer the targets of piracy, of course) because it would all be much safer in their hands. They then use these resources to create new medicines and strengthening properties for their experiments, one of which is to create chimeras, powerful beasts for them to use in the next war -- Martin does not know it, but he was one of those first attempts but fuck those bitches! after being found out for practicing illegal medicine on patients without insurance, Martin goes back in to destroy their patient records and debts, he grabs a handful of files of those with debts owed to the Jorasco --- are these files on our party members????** perhaps!! did you guys ever have medical services rendered to you or your family by any one of the Jorasco medical houses throughout Eberron? And skip out on your bill? If so -- Martin wants to find those who owe money to his house, and find out how you plan on paying those Jorasco debt collectors. and if you plan on running from them forever and if you might instead let me convince you to help eradicate the corruption from the house there could be big money in intercepting Jorasco liberation missions


The Healer's Guild provides a vital service to Khorvaire, and the Last War ensured there was great need for healers. The leader of the guild, Baron Ulara d'Jorasco, is much beloved in northwestern Khorvaire for her instrumental role in combating an epidemic in that region a decade ago, and Jorasco medics served in every nation's army during the war.   The guild runs schools that teach medicine, as well as houses of healing that provide both mundane and magical services. If it could save a life, it's probably marked by the House Jorasco griffon emblem, and it will come with a cost. If you have the gold, Jorasco healers can remove a disease instantly with lesser restoration. If you can't afford such a service, they will treat you with mundane techniques. House Jorasco is also the source of potions of healing. While many criticize Jorasco's demands for payment, the house maintains that it's not about greed; it's about ensuring the prosperity of the house, so they can continue to help future generations.

Morality & Philosophy

found a quote from the book that makes Martin despise the Jorasco health care system even more: “What's the price of a life? Well, I've got a rate sheet right over here. I'd be happy to discuss it.” — Bessi d'Jorasco, Fairhaven healer having turned on the institution, Martin becomes an Excoriate dragonmark of house Jorasco:   "Excoriate. When a dragonmarked heir defies their house, they might be cut off from their family. In the past, your mark would be flayed from your body. Although this mutilation is no longer practiced, such exiles are still called excoriates. If you're an excoriate, consider what you did to deserve this punishment. Were you a criminal? A charlatan? Or perhaps a sage who engaged in forbidden research?"

Personality Characteristics


“Doc” Martin Of House Jorasco, whose bloodline dominates the medical trade with its Mark of Healing The dragonmarked House Jorasco maintains houses of healing across Khorvaire. The simplest service is the expert application of the Medicine skill. For those with desperate need and gold to pay, most Jorasco outposts can provide lesser restoration; the best healers can also provide greater restoration. In the finest Jorasco enclaves, it's even possible to raise the dead.
  • Martin had been studying to become a doctor at one of the houses of Jorisco, but he saw the healing houses unite under a single payer insurance company who began controlling which healing spells could be practiced under their coverage, and to whom they were allowed to administer.
  • Before long, the insurance company became more restrictive and exclusive, and those students of medicine who had learned enough to practice could find a lucrative side-hustle moonlighting in an underground clinic.
  • Martin took up the mantle at one of these health-carts and became overwhelmed by the callousness of the union between the medicine houses and the mutual insurance company, so much so that he became brash with his healing practice and forgot his discretion. Too many people found out about it and were breaking the first rule of medicine club.
  • • When his medicine house found out he was going against the insurance company, they kicked him out. And they told him they are going to turn him in to the authorities unless he can pay for all of the services provided to his patients (the documented ones at least). o This may be why he is seeking payment from the party – payment for medicine services rendered either to them or to someone they know. • While he still had keys, he used them to sneak back in to the medicine house once more to raid the essential supplies to continue to help the public. Inside, instead of finding the well-stocked medicine larder he was accustomed to during his days as a student there, instead he found an anemic supply of insurance-brand health drams – another example of the corruption of the medicine houses, collecting ever higher tithing for insurance and providing ever lower quality and variety of care. They had begun preying to the ever shrinking god of margin. o Martin was caught destroying their supply of medicine, along with their records of debts. o ** alternatively, he could be seeking payment from the party to settle the debt of his medicine house damage and avoid becoming imprisoned or a felon. • Outcast from the medicine home and blacklisted from purchasing medical supplies to continue his business, Martin turns to other methods of medicine. He begins dabbling in darker arts in order to provide healing services. • Through the patients to his healing bodyega, he learns that many have similar stories of how they fell ill, all pointing back to a monster that lurks out from an abandoned asylum on the outskirts of town. • Those who fell ill were the lucky ones, as children have been known to have gone missing around that area as well. • The night Martin tries tracking down this beast, he finds he had been the prey and is abducted by a band of miscreants who turn out to be fellow medical workers from the house of Jorasco (and one drug cartel constable whose drug business took a hit when the medicine house conglomerate put a patent on his drug’s chemical makeup in their approved pharmaceutical.) • They tell Martin he’s a terrible hunter and could never catch up to his monster in a million years, but offer to let him join their underground cult so they may train him. • He becomes a blood hunter. He must give up any hope that he can return to a life of a doctor, but he must become the monster in order to hunt the dark purveyors of debt masquerading as a healing institution.


    Contacts & Relations

    Leader: Ulara d'Jorasco “What's the price of a life? Well, I've got a rate sheet right over here. I'd be happy to discuss it.” — Bessi d'Jorasco, Fairhaven healer Headquarters: Vedkyar Enclave (Vedykar, Karrnath)

    "Doc" Martin, minotaur dock master seeks one-hour martenizer for some doc martens.

    View Character Profile

    Dear Arty (second message in a bottle)

    Dear Arty, you still ain't called or wrote, I hope you have a chance I ain't mad, I just think it's fucked up you don't answer crew If you didn't want to talk to me outside the tavern, you didn't have to But you coulda signed an autograph for Eenie, That's Moe's little brother, man, he's only six years old We waited in the blisterin' cold for you, for four hours, and you just said, "no" That's pretty shitty, man, you're like his fuckin' idol He wants to be just like you, man, he likes you more than I do I ain't that mad, though I just don't like bein' lied to Remember when we met in Starkwood? You said if I'd write you, you would write back See, I'm just like you in a way: I never knew my father neither He used to always cheat on my mom and beat her I can relate to what you're sayin' in your songs So when I have a shitty day, I drift away and put 'em on 'Cause I don't really got shit else, so that shit helps when I'm depressed I even got a tattoo with your name across the chest Sometimes I even cut myself to see how much it bleeds It's like adrenaline, the pain is such a sudden rush for me See, everything you say is real, and I respect you 'cause you tell it My captain's jealous 'cause I talk about you 24/7 But she don't know you like I know you, Arty, no one does She don't know what it was like for people like us growin' up You gotta call me, man, I'll be the biggest fan you'll ever lose Sincerely yours, Martin—P.S. We should be together too

    The time I rescued Sandara Quinn, Medicine Woman (and therefore rescued everyone she ends up rescuing)

    Begin writing your story here...STILL IN THE FIGHT! Barrigan found a catch-a-ride and finally made it to the fight. Lackeys coming in! Led by more Found sandy below deck in 1 of 8 cages. Room behind door forward of ship. Who locked her in there? Older lady with white hair. Martin got hurt trying to unlock cage with his horn. With the lackeys cleared out, we got sandy out of the bilge and went up and found timothy! We also found an orc but he got squished by stalactite. Barely made it back down to the boat as this shit is crumbling. No apparent other way out, need to turn the boat and get the f out. Sandara creates wind to push the boat as soon as it’s righted to point out the cave, same time a huge stalactite falls into the office building and creates a HUGE splashwave that the ship rides out of the cave, almost hitting the rowboat that is barely yoinked out of the way and onto the ship by martin and crew. INTERROGATION of the lackey number 4 (Mortimer “Mort” Scrivenshadow) - Rumors o People getting sick down south o Ships being stopped o Person secret super spy lead spy wing of big pharma. VP of espionage “M” is in town.  She might have been on the ship that we spotted out on the horizon. (O___ V___) • Was M the older woman with white hair that locked Sandy up?? - Island owned by big pharma – dist center of lahazar principalities, manufacturing of healing and distribution. They were bringing them in, then paperwork taken out to go back to home office. - The other 48 potions are TurdPurge Tonics. o Turdpurge Tonic: Introducing the Turdpurge Tonic, your ultimate relief from the Curse of the Unyielding Exhaustion! Say goodbye to sluggishness and hello to renewed vitality! Our tonic tackles the root cause, allowing you to regain full hit points and enjoy uninterrupted nights of restful sleep. Bid farewell to unexpected restroom breaks during crucial moments and embrace confident composure in social encounters. With the Turdpurge Tonic, coughing fits and compromised stealth are a thing of the past. Reclaim your control and conquer every challenge with poise and grace. Don't let the Curse hold you back—seize the day with the Turdpurge Tonic! The potion that ensures an uninterrupted journey, granting the user respite from the pressing need to answer nature's call. Say goodbye to inconvenient pit stops and bathroom breaks, and embark on your adventures with peace of mind, free from the burden of bowels. Just a sip of this magical elixir, and you'll be well on your way to an uninterrupted and poop-free experience. Limited Quantities Available. - Lackey has been inoculated for something “to keep him healthy against disease” o Why are all the LiMu employees inoculated?

    Copy of a Minotaur's Memoirs at sea (Original journal was left by Arty-soggy-britches in the dirty nyxes)

    WELCOME TO EBERRON!!! Session 1 1/5   Vivienne is older sister to L3 - Owes money to me for getting caught stealing items from house jorasco - Helped anonymously pay for L3’s med treatments o Eye bought on dwarvish black market On the ship! Climbing contest to become rigger – magnus won Boat named Wormwood Iron cage over the side of the boat, occupant unmoving. Parrot perched on top. Wheel resembles kraken’s head. Master scourge Mister buttplug A dozen more on deck. About 16 or so on deck including us. Master scourge is constantly talking down to M. Martin is assigned as cook’s assistant. Cap’n Barnibus harrigan     2/2 Day 5 Killed some bilge rats. Today I was supposed to catch turtles for the meal plan – cook got shit faced. Tried to catch turtles and master scourge threw me over with a rope. Twice. Found no turtles. Night action – had words with Chef then told me I could have used the rats for the stew. Gonna be a good chef yet. Fight night! MOE BEATS OWLBEAR!! WINS 180GP!!!!   4/6 Shit work all day, viv gets the lash anyway even though we all worked diligently Lash breaks Scimitar breaks Then l3 talks back and gets beat and put in the bilges He uncovers a new conspiracy by fucking Big Portfolio – commodities traders. Nix gives a rousing speech after mag and I already rouse them The speech rouses 17 of the crew! And we take that opportunity in the present to incite the mutiny poste haste The fight starts! DMX – rough riders + whoa Black Betty Magnum turned into a big ass sea-woof! Murder! 6 seconds of mayhem! Cap’n chuck viv! Choice: continue to regalport to sell boat. Or we can go to other port First mate artemis Surgeon martin shipwright l3 Cook krupp Gun master moe Navigator magnum   Need 20 standard crew to run a ship Daily wages - 5 copper per person = shitty - 5 silver per person = decent - 1 gp per person = good Acquisitions Incorporated - Acquisitions Incorporated - 5etools Read chapter 3 player options   4/13/2023 What’s your character hate the most? • Mo: high elves and their shirt wearing jerk faces • Nyx: responsibility • Viv: pretentious people • Magnum: scurvy and that time when people slip on the poop deck and hit their head • Martin: the jews. *spent an inspiration to change it to BP moneygrubbing doctors.   4/27/2023 We pursue a 3 master we saw on the horizon There IS such a thing as a mimic ship, but it’s not this boat. As night falls, sickly green essence begins emanating from within, filling the portcullises with cannons. Martin killed a shark for a shark-cuterie platter to offer the boat, but since it turned out to be a ghost ship we kept it ourselves. - Turned out it was a baby shark do do do do do o Both awakened and not awakened at the same time. Shroedinger’s shark. o Tossed it overboard as an offering back to the sea gods. Heard SEAGULLS.  Why? Were we close to a ghost island? • Between lightning strikes moe sights an island that wasn’t there before. - The Phantom Queen o Ambrose knows of her o The legend goes that she’s the most deadliest ghost ship on the ocean. o Small seaside town of grey harbor – said she was a beautiful woman betrayed and murdered by her husband.  Ghost haunted, sought revenge on men.  Sailors sheltered in a cave, heard a wailing from the sea  Tattered cloak and crown of seaweed.  Summons storms  … she… named the boat after herself? Bad luck… o Tam Tate got the unlimited PTO who told others and now everyone knows. Was ambrose the one who loved and lost the phantom queen?? - Rolled a 1. Of course he wasn’t. - Gave him the last shark meat as apology. o HE KNEW IT TASTED OF AWAKENED MEAT.  Ambrose has tasted awakened meat before. SUDDENLY a growl is heard and the ocean begins to swell. Lightning flashes – sounds of crunching behind us. - We see massive creature made mostly of teeth. Engulfed in darkness as the body arises from below o HUGE BIG POINTY TEETH MONSTER o Ate the ghost ship. o THE MOTION OF THE OCEAN tosses us on a different course toward the island and WE ARE BEACHED ON A GHOST ISLAND 3 sqmi. - Massive stone something on the far side of this 3 mile island o Looks a bit like nyx. o She feels the monster watching us from afar, telling her to go home. - Mountain range with a female crying face in the middle - Crew o One using UPTO tomorrow for injuries. - Team believes the monster wanted us here on this island. - No dead. Sails raise and are lashed to the bows to stop. Martin and Sandra set up med stations on deck - Nothing too bad. One arm injury o Martin has discussion with that one, giffer tibbs, about how if he gets treated for this injury we’re going to have to alert insurance and drug test him.  He said he won’t pass that test! The last ship forced him to drink, and drinking is drugs??! So he won’t pass  He already told Martin, so he couldn’t un-hear it. And since he let me know he was forced by his prior company to drink against his will I needed to file a report with the capn and make sure they have a 1:1 before giffer is able to go back to work again. No pay while he’s not working. Plus, we have to cover his medical bills – so we’ll just take it out of his future pay and not to worry. • he sounded worried.  Martin assured him that the minutes were made publicly available below deck and if he would have only read them that he would have known that there was ample opportunity to contest the ruling regarding halt of pay and medical procedure, and that he had already missed the filing date for opposition, and that failure to submit comments does not constitute reasonable re-opening of o Patched up 4 people in an hour BIG HOLE BELOW DECK! DAMAGE! WATER FILLING IN! - L3 works with Owlbear to patch the hole o Owlbear suggests they start at the bottom of the hole.  L3 gaslights him into thinking it doesn’t matter and top down is fine. - L3 left in charge on the boat. o He wants people to come down once they’ve been treated  Moe comes up to tell me to get them down to help patching up the boat when fixed, but Martin lets him know there might be a sliiiiiight problem. • 2 of the 4 won’t be able to come down. Once the official incident was recorded they must pass a drug test and have their meeting with the captain before they’re allowed to get back to work full time but we’re able to hold their pay • L3 is mad about the hr dept. he’ll have to make a complaint about it if he wants.  The 2 injured get put on bucket duty anyway. NYX AND VIV AND GO ASHORE - They find a path, could be his place was travelled. - They encounter 3 stinky women with soiled poopypants!! o Undying!!!  Lorelei  Ophelia Heiney  Undine o The girls turn tail and RUN AWAYYYYYY  Back to the boat, they dispatch one on the way and arrive with two in tow. FIGHT BACK AT THE BEACHED BOAT - We see the girls run up yelling that they need help! - Magnum readys the crew to arms and we prepare for the fight o He sends Ratscalibur on the first wave of attack of the twisted sisters - Viv knocks Ophelia down - Martin hits Lorelai with the grappling hook and ties it to a rope, hits the lever to drop a sail and it pulls her up up up into the air and she’s clawing in the air at us and …. Lands on her feet on deck! o She claws back at Martin and he is paralized! - Magnum sees a few members of the crew of the last ship! o Crawling out of the water at us o Magnum gives the sharks the kill order on the other side of the ship o Apparently he’s been collecting rat turds this whole time. This whole. Time.  HE TRIED TO USE HIS RAT TURDS AS SHARK BAIT TO CALL HIS SHARKS TO HIM. - The team fights valiantly - Nyx is not ready to go home! She wants to be left alone! o She goes down! - [viv and mag take off for the night] - Martin came back to it and swung off the ship to horn-dive into the maiden o Whiffed! Right into the soft beach the foot beneath the waves – little hooves kicking out in the air - Mo axes her, nearly done - Martin goes down! - Viv kills her! Slashed her up and inigo montoyaed her face and slashed a V on her chest - Mo unhooks martin from the floor and cures his wounds Drown maiden disappears into a black goo in the water. The other ghouls that got knocked out have already washed out to sea. Another ghostly figure comes out of the water now who looks just like Nyx, but ghostlier. 2     5/4 L3 still dealing with massive crack on the boat White spectral – elven – comes out of the water – feminine – looks like Nyx Deliberated for 3 fucking days then decided we’re going to sleep Kroop said the water barrel is busted. Ratscalibur found denim scraps on his night hunt, makes supreme capris pants We finally awake and go searching. - Black sand beach. Trees and stuff but they’re all fucked up. - Fresh waterfall - Nyx approved magic writing - In darkness I'm hidden, but with light I'm revealed. My shape may change, but my essence stays sealed. I am opened with a key, though it's not of metal made. Only those with a keen eye will find the right shade. o In the shadow of the mountain there’s an archway and near it is a rock formation that looks like a key.  Nyx has a mirror that reflected enough light to shine the key on the arch and the shadow hit – crumbling away the stone to reveal wood. • When the shadow is removed then the rock comes back.  I asked if there was a nearby way to create a light source but he said no, but then nyx said is there a nearby light source and he gave her some series of mirrors. - We get in - Sarcophagi, sacrifice, she tells them what to do - You enter a dimly lit rectangular chamber, its walls lined with rows of shelves, displaying an array of weathered books and cryptic tomes. In the center of the room, a large stone sarcophagus sits imposingly on a raised platform. The lid of the sarcophagus appears to be tightly sealed shut, and there are no visible handles or hinges to suggest how it might be opened. As you approach the sarcophagus, you hear the faint sound of scratching emanating from within. It's difficult to tell whether it's coming from the inside of the tomb or from somewhere else in the room. The name "Captain Flintlock" is etched into the stone above the tomb in bold, ominous letters. The air in the room is cold and musty, and there's a sense of foreboding that permeates the space. In life, I ruled the waves with my might, Feared by all, I sailed through the night. Now in death, I rest within this stone, My secrets hidden, my power unknown. My coffin sealed, my body still, But don't be fooled, for I have will. Solve my riddle and earn your way, To witness the undead captain's final display.   L3 cuts some blood into a bowl and it opens Captain Flintlock’s tomb – he comes out swinging and hungry but one look at Nyx and a barked order from her turned him docile. Martin swapped the black blade with his own from the tomb right before flint lock got shut back in there!!!!! New weapon!!   5/11/2023 Has your character ever lost someone close to them? Exploring the tomb! These are three pirate tombs!! You enter a rectangular room with smooth stone walls and a high vaulted ceiling. The room is in impeccable condition, as if it has been perfectly preserved for centuries. In the center of the room are four large, ornate sarcophagi, each adorned with intricate carvings of Nyx and her followers. At the foot of each sarcophagus is a small altar with offerings of candles and incense. On the southern wall, there is a religious altar with a statue of Nyx holding a staff, surrounded by flickering candles. As you approach the sarcophagi, you notice that they are each marked with a skull and crossbones symbol, indicating that they belonged to followers of the Cthonic Goddess. The carvings on the sarcophagi depict scenes of sacrifice and ritual, and there is a sense of reverence and solemnity in the air. The room is quiet, save for the faint sound of dripping water coming from somewhere in the distance. The air is cool and still, and there is a distinct feeling of being watched. You can't help but wonder what secrets and mysteries lay hidden within the tombs.   As you enter the room, you immediately notice the deep alcove on the southeastern wall, reaching up towards the ceiling. The rest of the room is spacious and rectangular, with high ceilings and stone walls. On the northern side of the room, there are two large stone tables, one of which has a dusty skeleton resting on it. The other table is bare. As you move further into the room, you see the remains of several skeletons scattered about, as well as a mummified figure propped up against the wall. The smell of decay hangs heavily in the air. Your attention is soon drawn to the alcove on the southeastern wall, which extends twice the height of the room. You see that there are eight stone sarcophagi inside, each with its lid smashed and shattered fragments scattered around. The alcove is dark and shadowy, and the air feels cold and stale.   In the shadows deep, where darkness dwells We gather here, kobolds of the underworld's cells. With reverence and fear, we worship the dread, Undead Dragon God, with scales of deathly red. Oh mighty Skeleflame, ruler of the crypts, We offer our devotion, in hushed and quiet whispers. Grant us your power, great skeletal beast, As we scuttle and slither, your servants, the least. Grant us your bony embrace, your necrotic might, And we shall scurry, with frightful delight. In your name, we shall raid and hoard, From mortal realms, our treasures stored. Raise your skeletal wings, oh mighty undead, As we praise your glory, with each little kobold head. Grant us eternal unlife, with scales dark and cold, And we shall sing your praises, with voices brave and bold. Oh Skeleflame, we humbly pray, Guide our claws, as we venture through the fray. With your unholy presence, our fears shall fade, In your shadowed realm, forever we'll wade. So hear our prayer, great Skeleflame, we implore, Bless our tiny hearts, forevermore. In the darkness we dwell, loyal and true, To the Undead Dragon God, we pledge our due.   ¬¬ 5/25/2023 We’ve vanquished the foes and are locked in the cave. Magnum caught a special pig, named BB, 4 Home Page - Projects ( There was a luau!! Top deck is now called luau deck – reeks of bacon PEPE the pig (bebe) wears overalls front two legs only Order of the Brethren - Sounds like rickety squibs is potentially joined up with this brotherhood - What they do is fight against big pharma Green flag means come in Red flag means go out Don’t look at who’s on the dock or you get killed. L3 is the master of the bait. Apparently Artemis says I gave him a list of things I need Sharty waffles Mother coconuts Jabreakit juboughtit Hercules balls Gnarly ratsack B1 is main deck B7 is capn’s cabin B6 officer’s quarters B5 ships boats B8 middle deck and armory B9 crew births B10 galley Boyonce is popular singer B11 cook’s quarter B12 main hold B13 district in movie / secure storage   Rickety Hake is who we found on the squibs palace.   6/8/2023 Port blackwater – OUR port headquarters - 3 days float to blackwater from rickety squibs     6/29/2023    7/27/2023 Got our new boat! Found a 90ft trader ship, the Wicked They had textiles, and cocaine bricks. Then we fight! Leeroy Scoggins is the captain L3 got drugged when testing it, knocked out a few rounds and woke up with vibrant colors and he feels lost in the sauce. Dc13 consav, fail = unconscious 1d4 minutes, paralyzed 1d10min, 1hr float in spaghetti sauce 8/10/2023 Martin got 4 more days Mo Practice while travelling to Blackwater. Saw fireflies on the horizon- turned out to be lanterns dancing on the breeze. Approach blackwater Khorvaire in DM Aconyte's Eberron| World Anvil On the approach, docking gas lights draw us into the dock. On the dock, we see a MINOTAUR with DOC MARTENS on wearing a vest and tie, waving a torch to bring us in. - Construction being done in the cove between cove and dock. Not sure what it’s for. o Between other docks and cove entrance o There are yellow construction boats. We dock at Dock #3 (The Minotaur Dock) - South side of the dock. - 5sp/day We have 5 plunder to sell - Can sell 1 a day - Crew gets paid first from plunder. Viv meets the dock master – his name is Charles Manson - Scottish. - Spectacles Cap’n REDGRAVE Doc Marten’s store 12 to 2 in the town square for LEGENDARY SHOES *Erasers haven’t made their way to Blackwater yet, though they have heard of them. Half-Orc tells viv they’ve taken over the old Hennessey Building – (could be haunted) – for the Brotherhood. - The brotherhood has recently moved into the haunted Hennessey building. Charles Minotaur dropped some gold coins in the water off the dock by accident. (viv gave him more) Timothy Orciphant – half orc - He’s our MAJORDOMO - L3, arty and I show him the red sauce. o And the textiles - New clothing brand in town SUPREME might buy the cloth. SHIVIKA IS RACIST – used to trade in slaves - Shivika and owlbear and luna stay on the ship. “did you say a raven burger?” “yeah, ravensburger, like they cook the birds” “huh, that’s puzzling.” • Forms needed for insults from viv and gwyn to Mo for asking Tim about the brotherhood pto policy. Dock #3 has a 10x10 shack that’s a giraffe dock3 dock marten location, one of many. Dock district is mostly well lit. Large lavish building – Capn’s quarters inn - High brow,large windows, a few stories tall with inn rooms up top. 6th street is party street in town, bars bars bars Main street is Sailor’s Wharf. Other side of capn’ quarters inn looks like large freight elevator, bringing things/people “up”town where government area is. Guilds, caretakers Busy city – open drinks allowed – street bard playing in the road – gets fuckin hammered during the day – brooming up fish gut slurrey – smells as bad as Artemis’ mom’s house – Magnum doesn’t have a nose so he doesn’t smell – - All licensing and documents go through the department of moving vehicles in the gov section. Not the fastest. Sloth dock five. ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COVE – BUILDINGS BUILT INTO THE CLIFFSIDE – A LITTLE WEIRD NOBODY KNOWS QUITE WHAT’S UP. Brian told us about a coconut rum stand that’s GOOD. 1sp for 4oz cup. Cheers is 3 doors down. Quiet there. Krazy Kook Kobald shops – sell occult paraphernalia CHEERS IS FUCKING WEIRD Doom-sayer in the street says start with Chapel of the Olympians – they are the ones to help fund to fight ligma. A man passed us who shit his pants. He could have been patient zero but the team don’t care a good goddamn and let him go. *next morning* We get loaded up onto the freight elevator, owlbears are chained to the gears and whipped to make them go --- REMEMBER TO SAVE THE ELEVATOR OWLBEARS Two inns- the cliffside, the dead-man’s drop Two guild halls – the engineers guild, the architect’s guild Wealthy part of town and residences with columns and nice lanterns and good shit up this hill Past gov district, shit more run down and all tall+skinny townhomes. New area, hit with puff of smoke in this area, factory smokestacks. Lots of really large double wide alley buildings so carts can get through. Cart traffic and bustle. WE ARRIVE AT THE HEN S E FACTORY. 8/17/2023 “ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK?” Factory is adjacent to a bakery. Front stony fascade, 2nd story is flush (no overhang) 2 story building, several windows up there, no windows on first story (double door, single door to the side of that) - Large sign hanging lower than it should, angled, falling apart, HENNESSEY FACTORY, graffiti on it, a ghost flying out of the E or something like ghostbusters logo. *we brought the cleric with us. STRONG alcohol fumes – FIRE HAZARD Freight elevator back left wall (to 2nd story) Several doorways east and west, general open area looks cleaned. Timothy cleaned up the first floor! ( he didn’t go upstairs) Bakery still in action! Russian sounding making kolaches and paczkis We’re leasing the building - Last year estimated $1000gp value for tax assessment - Leasing 3gp a month - Vacant for 3 years now - Would sell to us for 500gp - We could set up a hot yoga studio in the 2nd floor o If we exercise in here the ghosts might leave. o DM “YEAH, YOU KNOW, IT’S GOOD TO DO YOGA EVERY NOW AND AGAIN TO KEEP THE GHOSTS AWAY” Elevator takes 10 rounds to go between floors I get stuck on 2nd floor with mo and arty while the rest of them went down in the elevator, it SNAPPED and broke through to a SECRET TUNNEL in the basement. <MARTIN works up a form to document the elevator not being OSHA compliant> <team building forms: once a month exercises for everyone> Everybody jumped down and left martin alone with his quasit stuck behind the locked door with a goddamn ghost. They’re gonna die by spider though. So it’s ok. Backdoor peggy will eat their butts. 8/24/2023 Paistries and Pastissitries – the alliterative baker Got like 100 dozen cookies for 1 gp and 8sp Sandy fucking loves them and don’t eat a fucking pb one or she’ll kill you. Tim finally came back and brought the terminator to get rid of the bugs but finds out it’s for ghost spiders and that’s not in his area.. Everybody on the ship drunk under kroops charge. Rosy was pissed and left for 6th street. Sandy found out priest of apollo at the temple can do light magic on spooks. - Poseidon worshippers recommended . 50gp as tithing to church (after discount applied) Sandy found flyer for Quentin Togglepocket’s casino that just opened – Sandy knew him a while back and they were partners in some deal, she thought he died, but here he turns up again a doublecrossing cur. We gon def burn that motherfucker down. LIBERTY MUTUAL sells auto insurance, home and property, life insurance (night actions) Ladies want to go shopping. Guys want to go casino. Quentin togglepocket’s casino = “the afterlife casino” where fortunes are won and lost. Devi face rolling dice 6’s. entrance is a gate to hell. Flyer says it’s somewhere to the north. ~girl shopping scene bought coats and shit~ __casino 2 guards checking people on the way in. Two girls smell magnum and call him mr man and ask him to step away. One named becky. Arty’s mage hand and tricks make them think it was each other. We go in – tunnel leads to cavern , torches around the walls, hear water, several docks and boats, lanters fixed to front, all have robed tiefling with a stick thing they are pontooners (like gondoliers). 2sp a piece to ride a boat across the river styx. We all go and are navigated through the underground channel. River winds through canino floor, cheers of excitement opportunity and excess. Boat docks. ~~back to girls – SHOE SHOPPING - The lady made some suggestions and has uggs and when asked if they’re so hot they’ll make our feet sweat, the saleswoman said she doesn’t know because she CAN’T AFFORD THEM – WE NEED TO HELP RAISE THE WAGES OF THE PEOPLE IN THIS TOWN. Casino! Patrons or something like bars? Dis (east) – Avernus (south) – minaurous (west) – bar malbulge (north) Placards near the docks read: - Stay out of river - No chat - Don’t accost or threaten - Weapons sheathed - Green trimmed doors only - Win win win. DIS - Penny slots. - 5 life/death tables. 1cp 5cp 1gp 10gp buy-ins o A few high rollers stand out, fancy schmancies and have crowds.   Games - Three-dragon-ante - Life - Slots - Racing game like minaurous o Narrow racing track, shouting and cheering. Rats scurry on their lanes to race. Tieflings wearing devil masks managing.   Bars - Brimstone gulp - Cigars - INFILTRATE THE DEALER FIND THE SUPPLIER - JOSE is the supplier - 1200 to bar then 100 bags of a kilo sells for 2000gp - We convinced him we need to meet the security to make sure the place is safe enough to become the new Sauceier. Johnny Bravo. Wants try stash, bring dock 1pm tomorrow. Grand minarous tournament going on tomorrow anybody can buy in 50gp. 8/31/2023 Several pirates (wearing shirts) playing games at the casino, some girls in frilly collars. Some fancy folks in fancy attire - 3 dragon ante o Table drawing a crowd. o THE GREAT GAMBINO  Real good at cards  Here. o NIGHTSHADE  Female tiefling  Won tourney over in CERN back when it was still around o RUTHIE SWIFFARD  Female human  No crap from anybody.  Poker face. - Gnomish guy walking casino floor, a dozen bouncer attired tieflings, black suits, red skin, cool look o Gnome is 2ft, male pattern baldness, mephistophellian aspect to his appearance. o IT’S QUENTIN TOGGLEPOCKET Casino is NEW. Mo cooks up a quick plan to become Zhan Zhazzio, ziomon zeurga a rich man with valuables to stow away while he’s away on business. Asks togglepocket for a secure vault – the floor manager says he’ll talk about a vault after Zhan spends 10,000 gp to invest in the casino. New moustache. MARTIN GOT QT’S AUTOGRAPH We found out the floor manager used to know a banker named HANS GRUBER, but he recently died by falling out the nearby Nakatomi building. Legathozian spa and delicatessen. Phlegethosian spa & Stygian Baths Back at the boat – we ask the ferryman if he saw arty and he has an hour ago - Becky is there with her friends AGAIN and magnum farted on them   • No idea why but Arty is now Barragin????   9/7/2023 WHAT’S YOUR CHARACTER’S USELESS TALENTS?? 9/14/2023 The party planned a casino heist. For > 2 hours. Then we decided to go to the casino today anyway, to scan ahead of the heist we’ll do in 2 days during the tourney Magnum’s secret compartment can hold 2 gallons of cum. Magnum let’s ratscalliibur ride on martin’s head, steering Martin by the horns and throwing hand signals with the barkeep on the way in about the drugs. Ratscallibur throws the same hand signals that Martin does as they walk in. Rats has a cape that matches Martin’s pocket square. Drug deal in the laundry room. 9/28/2023 What’s your char’s pet peeves? Nyx – backhanded compliments S.S. Remedy Runner – sneak into cove where they are keeping the Turkish owl. • Mo causing distraction with viv carrying him across the water to the docks. • The rest of us hanging with the rental tucking in the dark • Docks got no railings, no hardhats, no reflective tape o A nightmare. • The dockworkers are NAZIS • Mo tries to play a foreman, he’s quickly discovered and chased. • Viv runs up on the water and shouts at them to lay off the little guy.