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The Andarian Sect

The Andarian Sect is a pantheon of good aligned gods whose focus is on freedom from tyranny. The Andarian Cult is less human focused when The Imperial Cult but is still mostly human focused as the biggest population bracket. It was started by a demigoddess named Andaria.  

The Andarian Followership

The gods that is believed to have challenged Archanatyr and sided with Andraia in her revolt against the The Avanorian Empire.  
  • Amor, (The God of Love and Passions)
  • Athras, (The God of Heroism and Sacrifice)
  • Cynthia, (The Goddess of Hunting and Challenges)
  • Jhunal, (The God of Knowledge and Teaching)
  • Selene, (The Goddess of Stars and Guidance)
  • Helios, (The God of Suns and Ambition)
  • Andaria, (The Goddess of Liberty and Compassion)

The Andarian Temple

The Andarian Temple are built in a greek style where the entrance is a rectangle and leads in to a decagon. In a Andarian temple the are usually separated by 3 floors.   In the decagon room multiple statues of the gods will be acting as support pillars holding up the roof of the temple.   The priests or acolyte will spend time on the underground and top floor so not to disturb the worship of the guest, with a few of them holding rituals and ceremonies in the decagon for the pious.   Its they acolyte duity to perfrom humanitarian deads in the area of the temple, many of them take care of orphan homes, free clinics and food kitchen for the poor.   The acolytes that dont ascend to priests of the Andarian Temple will many time become teacher and doctors travel the land to help the less educated and healthy.
Religious, Cult
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations


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