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The Cults of The Nine Hells

Diabolical Cults

Cults dedicated to infernal beings are the foes of adventurers throughout the D&D multiverse. This section gives the DM ways to customize the members of cults dedicated to the powers of the Nine Hells.  
  • Every archdevil cult attracts a certain type of person based on the gifts the devil offers.
  • Every archdevil cult includes a list of signature spells associated with the cult and a cultist can cast the spells as warlock.
  • Every archdevil cult have traits that members and leaders can be given if the are of high enough level.

Devil Worship

One way for a mortal soul to enter Baator was for the mortal to be a devil worshiper. Worshiping a devil is a secure way to enter Baator on death without suffering the worst of the pain and torture that is the common welcome greeting.   Usually, devil worshipers dedicated themselves to a single archdevil or, less frequently, to a greater devil. These cults were a means for devils to further their agenda on the Material Plane. Such cults fell in to categories, the so-called revealed cults and hidden cults.  
  • A revealed cult was not necessarily a cult that acted in open public, but one whose members were fully aware that their object of worship was a devil, to be more precise and archdevil.
  • A hidden cult was one where only a high-ranking inner circle knew that their object of worship was a devil. Recruited people were molded bit by bit as they rose through the hierarchy and once they reached membership in the inner circle themselves, saw little reason or some form of obligation to remain with the truth that was revealed to them.

The Cult of The Nine Hells

Asmodeus demands the loyalty of all cultists who gain power and leadership in the cults of the Nine. His cult subsumes all the others from the nine hells.   Any NPC who leads a diabolical cult must acknowledge the power of Asmodeus. In return, the most worthy of those leaders gain traits.  

Level 16, Summon Bailiffs of Baator

Summon Bailiff of Baator: (Recharges after a Long Rest). This creature can try to summon an Pit Fiend the creature will know what is happening and can make a decision if it want to assist the cultist. The summoning do take concentration and it is a spell that the cultist is casting. The creature can only last on the material plane for one hour.

Level 12, Summon Lawyer of Baator

Summon Lawyer of Baator: (Recharges after a Long Rest). This creature can try to summon an Erinyes the creature will know what is happening and can make a decision if it want to assist the cultist. The summoning don't take concentration and it is not a spell that the cultist is casting but it is a magic.

Level 10, Summon Trustee of Baator

Summon Trustee of Baator: (Recharges after a Long Rest). This creature can try to summon an Succubus the creature will know what is happening and can make a decision if it want to assist the cultist. The summoning don't take concentration and it is not a spell that the cultist is casting but it is a magic.

Level 8, Summon Counselor of Baator

Summon Counselor of Baator: (Recharges after a Long Rest). This creature can try to summon an Cambion the creature will know what is happening and can make a decision if it want to assist the cultist. The summoning don't take concentration and it is not a spell that the cultist is casting but it is a magic.

Level 8, Contractual Fineprint

Contractual Fineprint: (Once). At the point when the cultist believe it will be captured or forced to betray the cult of the nine It triggers a killing curse on them. The killing curse fuctions the same as power world kill spell. Counterspelling, death ward or having enough hp to survive it is the only known way to survive.

The Cult of Asmodeus

  • Goals: Architect of order were the competent get their due.
  • Typical Cultist: The highly competent with low amount of empathy for they less skilled and talented.
  • Ability Score Adjustment: Charisma +4 or Intelligence +4
Asmodeus demands the loyalty of all cultists who gain power and leadership in the cults of the Nine. His cult subsumes all the others.

Level 16, Emissary of Hell - Legendary action, (3)

Emissary of Hell: Etc

Level 12, Architect of Ruin - Legendary action, (2)

Architect of Ruin: Etc

Level 10, Forfeiture of Inferiors - Legendary action, (1)

Forfeiture of Inferiors: This creature can choose one ally it can see within 60 feet of it. The chosen ally loses 15 hit points, and this creature regains the same number of hit points. If the target dies by this power when the cultist gain 30 hit points. If the creature is incapacitated, it makes no choice; instead, the closest ally within 60 feet is the chosen ally.

Level 8, Bravado - Traits

Bravado: While you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.

Level 6, Baleful Interdict - Traits

Baleful Interdict:   Hellsight

Cult of Mephistopheles, 8th

  • Goals: Magical skill and power, backed with the will to use it to crush rivals
  • Typical Cultist: Archmage, cult fanatic, cultist, mage, priest
  • Ability Score Adjustment: Wisdom +2, Intelligence +2
As a master of the arcane arts, Mephistopheles finds eager recruits among those who study magic. Any monsters that use spells, such as storm giants and oni, might follow him, and wizards' guilds and conclaves of sages are the most likely to come under his influence.
  • Spell Shield. This creature gains advantage on saving throws against spells. If it succeeds on such a saving throw, it gains temporary hit points equal to the spell's level.
  • Spell Leech. As a bonus action, this creature chooses one ally it can see within 30 feet of it. The target loses its lowest-level spell slot, and this creature gains it.

Level 16, Unkown - Legendary action

Unkown: Etc

Level 12, Unkown - Legendary action

Unkown: Etc

Level 10, Unkown - Legendary action

Unkown: Etc

Level 8,Unkown - Trait

Unkown: Etc  

Cult of Baalzebul, 7th

  • Goals: Restoration of honor and respect, at the cost of those who stole it
  • Typical Cultist: Any NPC or monster that has suffered a fall from grace
  • Ability Score Adjustment: Charisma +2, Strength +2
Baalzebul typically recruits individuals rather than cults. He offers hope to those whose failures drive them to seek redemption. He grants a boon, the Path of Baalzebul trait, that allows a favored cultist to look good in the aftermath of an ally's failure.
  • Path of Baalzebul. As a bonus action on its turn, this creature can choose one ally it can see within 30 feet of it. Until the start of this creature's next turn, it gains advantage on all ability checks and attack rolls, while the chosen ally suffers disadvantage on all ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws.

Level 16, Unkown - Legendary action

Unkown: Etc

Level 12, Unkown - Legendary action

Unkown: Etc

Level 10, Unkown - Legendary action

Unkown: Etc

Level 8, Unkown - Trait

Unkown: Etc      

Cult of Glasya, 6th

  • Goals: Power gained by turning a system against itself, yielding power that isn't only absolute but legitimate on a cultural and legal basis
  • Typical Cultist: Bandit, bandit captain, cult fanatic, cultist, knight, noble, spy, thug
  • Ability Score Adjustment: Charisma +2, Intelligence +2
As an expert in finding loopholes and exploiting the law for her own good, Glasya is a patron of thieves and other criminals, especially corrupt nobles. Her influence is supposed to strengthen family bonds, but she has taken a liberalinterpretation of that and offers gifts that can be turned against family members. Goblins who risk insurrection against their hobgoblin masters make pacts with Glasya, as do kenku who form criminal gangs.   Glasya grants the Step into Shadows trait. Cult leaders can also gain the Infernal Ring Leader trait.
  • Step into Shadows (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). As an action, this creature, along with anything it is wearing and carrying, magically becomes invisible until the end of its next turn.
  • Infernal Ring Leader. As a reaction when this creature is hit by an attack, it can choose one ally it can see within 5 feet of it and cause that ally to be hit by that attack instead.

Level 16, Unkown - Legendary action

Unkown: Etc

Level 12, Unkown - Legendary action

Unkown: Etc

Level 10, Unkown - Legendary action

Unkown: Etc

Level 8,Unkown - Trait

Unkown: Etc

Cult of Levistus, 5th

  • Goals: Survival and eventual revenge against those who wrong them.
  • Typical Cultist: Assassin, bandit captain, cult fanatic, cultist, mage, noble, spy, thug.
  • Ability Score Adjustment: Wisdom +2, Dexterity +2
Levistus has no cult in the traditional sense. Instead, he offers favors to those who are desperate to escape a seemingly inevitable fate. Drow are sometimes worshipers of Levistus, as their cruel society often pushes them into situations they feel they can't escape.   Levistus usually grants those who pledge their souls to him a single chance to escape from danger, but some cunning folk strike a deal with Levistus, pledging their souls to him in return for escape at a future date.
  • Path of Levistus. This creature magically teleports to a location of Levistus's choice within 1 mile of its location. Using this ability also restores all of the creature's hit points. This ability can be invoked as an action by the creature or when the creature would die. Once the creature uses it, the creature can't use it again.

Level 16, Unkown - Legendary action

Unkown: Etc

Level 12, Unkown - Legendary action

Unkown: Etc

Level 10, Unkown - Legendary action

Unkown: Etc

Level 8,Unkown - Trait

Unkown: Etc

Cult of Fierna, 4th

  • Goals: Control over the emotions of others, turning them into puppets and playthings
  • Typical Cultist: Acolyte, archmage, bandit captain, cult fanatic, cultist, knight, noble, priest, spy
  • Ability Score Adjustment: Charisma +2, Dexterity +2
Fierna is a master manipulator. Mortals who desire success in love or who seek to become beloved leaders at the head of a band of fanatics are drawn to striking bargains with her.

Level 16, Unkown - Legendary action

Unkown: Etc

Level 12, Unkown - Legendary action

Unkown: Etc

Level 10, Unkown - Legendary action

Unkown: Etc

Level 8, Loyalty beyond Death- Trait

Loyalty beyond Death: (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). As a reaction when an ally this creature can see is reduced to 0 hit points, that ally is instead reduced to 1 hit point and gains temporary hit points equal to this creature’s Charisma score + half its number of Hit Dice.

Cult of Mammon, 3rd

  • Goals: Wealth, Secured not only to promise personal comfort and power but to deny wealth and its benefits to others.
  • Typical Cultist: Bandit, bandit captain, cult fanatic, cultist, noble, spy, thug
  • Ability Score Adjustment: Charisma +2, Intelligence +2
Mammon's greed overwhelms everything else. He deals with mortals who desire material wealth and provides them with the ability to spread that greed like an infection. The greedy duergar and even some dragons are prone to falling prey to Mammon's temptations, and merchants and trade guilds are vulnerable to his bargains.  
  • Grasping Hands (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). As a bonus action, this creature makes a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check contested by the Wisdom (Insight) check of a creature it can see within 15 feet of it. If this creature succeeds, one hand-held item of its choice that it can see on the target magically teleports to its open hand. The item can't be one that the target is holding, and it must weigh no more than 10 pounds.
  • Promise of Wealth (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). As a bonus action, this creature chooses one creature it can see. Up to five allies of its choice become convinced that the target carries great wealth. Until the end of this creature's next turn, those allies gain advantage on all attack rolls against the target.

Level 16, Unkown - Legendary action

Unkown: Etc

Level 12, Unkown - Legendary action

Unkown: Etc

Level 10, Unkown - Legendary action

Unkown: Etc

Level 8,Unkown - Trait

Unkown: Etc  

Cult of Dispater, 2nd

  • Goals: Power gained and used in secret, influence exerted via blackmail, control of people and organizations through knowledge of their weaknesses and shames
  • Typical Cultist: Acolyte, bandit, bandit captain, cult fanatic, cultist, mage, noble, spy.
  • Ability Score Adjustment: Charisma +2, Wisdom +2
Dispater trades in secrets, offering them in return for a creature’s soul. His cults typically trade secrets to devils in return for other information. They often hatch conspiracies aimed at toppling and replacing governments or religious orders. Renegade mind flayers sometimes strike pacts with Dispater in search of the secrets needed to forever escape an elder brain’s domination.

Level 16, Unkown - Legendary action

Unkown: Etc

Level 12, Unkown - Legendary action

Unkown: Etc

Level 10, Unkown - Legendary action

Unkown: Etc

Level 8, Unkown - Trait

Unkown: Etc

Cult of Zariel, 1st

  • Goals: Conquest, glory in battle, fame and fortune derived from military victory
  • Typical Cultists: Berserker, cult fanatic, cultist, gladiator, guard, knight, veteran
  • Ability Score Adjustment: Strength +2, Constitution +2
Zariel's cult offers martial training and talent. It flourishes in areas wracked by war. Refugees with the will to fight but lacking experience are drawn to Zariel, as she can provide them with the skills needed to survive. Established warriors looking for an edge are otherwise her most common recruits.   Knightly orders, fighters' guilds, and mercenary companies are the most likely to come under her sway. Hobgoblins sometimes turn to her, but only if they have escaped the influence of Maglubiyet and his priests.
  • Ferocious Surge (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). When this creature hits with an attack that isn't a critical hit, it can turn the hit into a critical hit.
  • Infernal Tactics. This creature has a keen eye for seizing a tactical advantage. Immediately after rolling initiative, it can choose itself and up to three allies it can see if it isn't incapacitated. It can swap the initiative results of the chosen creatures among them.

Level 16, Unkown - Legendary action

Unkown: Etc

Level 12, Unkown - Legendary action

Unkown: Etc

Level 10, Unkown - Legendary action

Unkown: Etc

Level 8,Unkown - Trait

Unkown: Etc
Religious, Cult
Parent Organization


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