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The Hall of Golden

The Hall of Golden is one of the majestic halls of the mountain dwarfs. The youngest of the grand dwarven halls, it has only stood the test of time for a puny 12.000 years, something that the dwarfs from the Goldenhall are very sensitive about.   The Golden Hall evolved from a major mining settlement under the authority of The Hall of Don-Barak. After the fall of the once grand hall to an unknown enemy at the time but today known as mind flayers.   The beginning of The Hall of Golden started with a refugee crisis that gathered together in The Thaig of Golden while asking for help from the other dwarven halls and attempting to rebuild their government.   The thaig was renamed to Goldenhall and declared as a dwarven hall 8.000 years ago but only acknowledge by the end of the giants invasion from Aesudarh 5000 years ago.   A common insult to a dwarf form The Hall of Golden is that their hall is only as old as the human species on the continent.

Mountain Dwarven Government & Society

The mountain dwarven society and government function with clans controlling aspects of the government by purchasing the right to run part of the halls and extertorial territories with rulership charter. As such it can be viewed as a constitutional plutocratic clan republic with a elected monarchy.   One can also say that their government only works because they are dwarfs and dwarves being dwarves. Most outsiders only have a vague understanding of the bureaucracy that is fundamental to mountain dwarven way of life.

Mountain Dwarven, Caste System

Royal Cast

The King or Queen with their Royal Clan sit at the top of the dwarven social hierarchy and its members are the rulers. They are considered first among the lord's or lady of the clans however the leadership is not hereditary and thus the Royal clan can be replaced by the assembly of law.

Noble Caste

Noble cast own a majority of dwarven settlement, business and industry. For a clan to be uplifted to noble cast they need to pay % of taxes decided by the assemblies as well take on additional duties for the benefits of the hall they are nobles of.

Gentry Caste

Gentry cast runs and organizes a majority of dwarven settlement, business and industry. For a clan to be uplifted to gentry cast they need to pay % of taxes decided by the assemblies as well as become a shareholder in a settlement by buying up a charter and taking on additional duties for the benefits of the settlement they are gentry of.

Common Caste

Common cast work and toil for the majority of dwarven society, in multiple businesses and industries. For a clan to be uplifted to common cast they need to pay % of taxes decided by the assemblies as well as owning property in one of the settlements.

No Caste

No cast clans don't own any property and are not taxed and are viewed with scorn. They still work for other clans with menial duties, but are unlikely to be granted much responsibility. Most of the time clans that break the laws will be forced to pay fines and most populations of no cast are part of a clans that betrayed the hall or settlement they are part of.

Surface Caste

Surface cast Is the same as No cast but without the scorn but still not viewed with much respect. Most surface cast are Hill dwarfs that are doing business with the mountain dwarfs. Technically all travelers and none dwarfs are viewed as surface caste
Founding Date
-8000 IF
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Golden, Dwarf
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Major Exports
Major Imports
Food, Spices, Lumber
Legislative Body
The Assembly of Tradition and Rights

The Assembly of Tradition

The Assembly of Tradition introduces new laws and revok old or failed ones. The clan assembly is voted in by the gentry and the noble clans and has an elected chancellor.

The Assembly of Rights

The settlements under the authority of the kingdom have their own local representative. This is in the form of the Assembly of rights. It manage the settlements and local governance of an settlements and oppose the other branches if their decision would be of harm to the settlement. The assembly is voted in by the common, gentry and noble clans of the settlement and has an elected position of Seneschal functioning similar to a governor.
Judicial Body
The Assembly of Law and Ethics

The Assembly of Law

The Assembly of Law" is the The judicial branch in the mountain dwarven society, it mostly deals with legal and contract disputes and interpretation of the law and the spirit of it. The Assembly is elected by the noble clans and has an leading elected position as king or queen.

The Assembly of Ethics

Function as the executive branch and is made up of the elected King or queen, and the chancellor with all seneschals.   In time of Great need the can choose to make a motion to ascend the king or queen to high king or queen and granting them next to unrestricted political power for the next 2 years.
Controlled Territories


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