The March of Daels
Short information about the The Daels.
The Daels, Military
Short information about the The Daels, MilitaryThe Daels, Politics
Short information about the The Daels, PoliticsThe Daels, Economy
Short information about the The Daels, EconomyThe Daels's Holdings
Short information about the The Daels, HoldingsThe Daels's Geography
Short information about the The Daels, Geography
Geopolitical, County / March
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
- The Barony of Crasten Hill
- The Barony of Domund
- The Barony of Douhr
- The Barony of Horn Hill
- The Barony of Lonely Hill
- The Barony of Owl's Rest
- The County of Dentron
- The County of Fairglow
- The County of Hjalmard
- The County of Hjem
- The County of Mayflow
- The County of Stahlen
- The County of Surmgarth
- The County of Wick
- The County of Windybranch
Notable Members
- Anders Aetós - Count
- Celesti Asina - Baroness
- Charon Pandora - Count
- Esmond Blake - Baron
- Gloria Reeves - Countess
- Marshall Averille - Baron
- Myles Silver - Count
- Patrick Mavelen - Baron
- Rachel Agosti - Countess
- Sarea Zinovia - Countess
- Sophia Bennett - Countess
- Theodora Slater - Baroness
- Tychon Dcento - Baron
- Vitale Rose - Count