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The Valaísian Empire

  • Inspiration: European France, Orlesian from dragon age.
  • Primary Species: Humans (72%), Halfings (6%), Elves (12%) and Other (10%).
  • Population: ~3 million.
  • Culture: Valaísian.
  • Form of Government: Centralized Hige Medieval
  • Executive Branch: (?)
  • Society: Centralized Feudalism
  • Trade: Regulated, (?)
  • Language: East Avanorian Common.
  • Technological Level: High Medieval.
  • Military: Levies, Retinues and Mercenaries.
  • Religion: Imperial Cult, Andarian Cult & various Heresies.
  • Legality of Magic: Regulated,

    Ranks and Priviliges

    Among the numerous noble titles conferred upon the valaísian citizens there remain several ranks which retain a specific function within the governance of the empire. While the meanings and grandeur of these titles may change over generations, the current government recognizes the following noble titles in is hierarchy.  
    • Duke/Duchess, is a hereditary title, and in the valaísian empire the highest one that exist. It denotes the right to a mandate of how their local territories should be managed.
    • Marquess/Marchioness, is a hereditary title, and in the valaísian empire. It denotes the right to govern their local territories towards the goal of they mandate of the royal family and have a mandate in organisation of the army and navy.
    • Count/Countess, is a hereditary title, and in the valaísian empire. It denotes the right to govern their local territories towards the goal of they mandate of the royal family.
    • Viscount/Viscountess, is a non-hereditary title, it is a administrative or judicial position. Its most of the time to goveren a town or special legal territory. However it can also be given to special individuals as a bribe as Viscount is still a noble rank as such with it one can dodge many taxes and laws.
    • Baron/Baroness, Is a hereditary title and denotes a ruler of a large village or small town with or in addition to a castle
    • Baronet/Baronetess, Is a hereditary title and denotes a ruler of a village. All Baronets are knights but all knight are not Baronets. This is because to keep the title a heir need to achieve the title of knighthood. Most of the time the baronet and its liege will have planned the baronets children's education long before they are born.
    • Knights, is a non-hereditary title
    • Mayor, A Mayor is the title used for an appointed official, a governor of a Town or village.
    • Lord Mayor, A Lord Mayor Is the title used for an appointed official, a governor of a Town or village as part of a title of viscount.
    • Castellan, A castellan is the title used for an appointed official, a governor of a castle and its surrounding territory referred to as the castellany.


    Valaís as a culture and people is famed for its extravagant aristocracy, wealth and fashionable clothing. Valaísian silk and tailored merchandise is widely desired by other nations, and nobles of any kingdom who pay close attention to the fashion of the world will agree that the Valaísian know their stuff. As a wealthy nation, thanks to its many ports and posts of trade throughout the world, and its many colonies, Valaís can safely be assumed to be one of the wealthiest and most powerful nations in the world.


    The nation is also home to great places of learning, particularly in its capital, where some of Avanor's most renowned universities find place. These universities are dominantly focused towards the general learning and gathering of knowledge. Foreigners, particularly of noble birth, often travel to Valaís to educate themselves and peruse the great libraries, where knowledge of a thousand years of history is safely kept and maintained by esteemed scholars and historians.

    Military & Navy

    In terms of military, Valaís rivals the naval might of the Thalonian trade fleets and the armies of the Imperium. Valaís has been through many wars, some of which were civil wars, and it has seen its fair share of successful conquests. It holds several vassal kingdoms under its influence.   The local elven natives of the estern forests have long been at odds with the Valaísian settlers of the land, as they believe the land to be sacred to their people, and thus do not appreciate the increasing settling of human towns.


    While the prospect of whoring is no unusual commodity throughout the world, the Valaísians have taken the idea to a classier and more esteemed level. Valaísian prostitutes of higher social standing, Blue Courtesans, are known for their extravagant techniques of seduction and sensual entertainment, and are typically only affordable to the most revered and wealthiest persons of the higher class. To have a Courtesan tend to a person's (or several persons') needs is considered to be a most valuable privilege that grants high stature amongst the nobility.   Unlike common whores Courtesans carry enough power in Valaísian society to have the choice of picking their customers, and not the other way around. As such attracting one of these ladies to one's bed is a matter of working diligently to earn her favour and interest.   There are several establishments dedicated to house and train these ladies of delicacy, most of which can be found in every major city within the Valaísian Empire. Each establishment is very careful in how they pick their girls, and while many women turn to the Blue Courtesans in the hopes of obtaining wealth and status, very few of these girls are able to impress to a exceptional degree where they can become one of the elite women of high class sensuality.


    As of recently, Valaís has begun to strengthen its positions in the colonies and its homeland, due to the rising threat of war between itself and the Imperium. Additionally, rebels of unrest have begun to appear throughout the vassal kingdoms of Varanos and Rivaire, and are causing a lot of inconvenience for the Empire's economic strength.   At the same time, Valaís has been forced to relocate some of its armies by its northern regions, to remedy the increasing barbarian activity along the mountain borders. While Thalaheim's clans and tribes have been docile for the past few decades, recent events have seen a new Barbarian Queen rise to power with the intention of raiding Valaís northern lands.   Even so, Valaís finds most of its valuable minerals from its northern territories, which are essential in supplying the homeland with valuables such as gold, silver and high quality iron ore and this new Barbarian Queen is putting its supply lines at risk for continued raids.


    Valaísian politics are precarious at best. It is a dangerous game between the nobility that requires a great deal of cunning and intelligence, where an individual's ambitions often enough chew over more than he can handle. Losing at Valaísian politics can lead to the end of an individual's wealth, House, or even his life. Spies and assassins are typically employed to enable possibilities of bribery, blackmail or simple elimination of an opposing political power. Among several things, Valaís is quite renowned for its spies and assassins, and is home to several covert organizations. A majority of these organizations lend their skills to anyone who can afford it.   Valaís previously had a strong presence in eastern Norrhan, where it originally held a lot of power in the Kingdom of Rivana. However, after Rivana broke free and became independent, Valaís has actively been trying to reclaim its Norrhani territories through subterfuge and politics. So far they have been unsuccessful, but acts of rebellion have begun to rise throughout Rivana, and it is believed that Valaís has had an active hand in funding the rebels.   Because of its close border to the Ashenwood, and because of the First Imperial March with the conquest of the elven kingdom of Daln Ashelaan, many elves (mainly wood-elves and in recent years half-elfs) now live in Valaís. However, a majority of these elves hold little actual power in the nation, and their stature as citizens are restricted from gaining official political power.   Valaís holds the second largest colonies throughout the world after the New Imperium. Additionally Valaís controls a few kingdoms as vassals, giving Valaís a fair amount of economical and military power.  

    Knight Orders

    The Most Prestigious Order of the Accord Unbroken.

    The Valaísian knights of this order undertake the duty to uphold the Caldum Accords witch is the founding document on sanctum Laws.   The Sanctum Laws, also known as the Eight Strictures, are the rules and guidelines written by the Arch Sanctum, and enforced by the Vindicators. These strictures were written to ensure safer study and practice of magic, so to avoid the possible dangers that magic can cause, as well as ensure that mages act responsibly and lawfully when using magic.   The Sanctum Laws are mandatory in all the governing Sanctum Orders, and most of the nations where their influence is widespread strictly enforce these rules to all practitioners of magic in their respective realms.

    The Most Faithful Order of the Divine.

    The Valaísian knights of this order undertake the duty to uphold the divine mandate witch is a list of creatures that should not be parlay with under any circumstance and should only be killed on sight or flee from to gather reinforcements.   The Divine Mandate are mandatory in all the territories The Nymerian Pantheon oporates in, and most of the nations where their influence is widespread strictly enforce these rules.

    The Most Honourable Order of the Imperial Army.

    The Valaísian knights of this order undertake the duty to act as a senior officer in the imperial Army.

    The Most Distinguished Order of the Imperial Navy.

    The Valaísian knights of this order undertake the duty to act as a senior officer in the imperial Navy.

    The Most Ancient Order of the Aprilis.

    The Valaísian knights of this order undertake the duty to act as the imperial families own hands and eyes.

    The Most Excellent Order of the Valaísian Empire.

    The Valaísian knights of this order undertake the duty to act as a s senior advisor to the state.   Most member of the order are old nobles that have served in the other orders and is continuing to serve the state in a more drawn back capabilities because of thire age and is viewed as a Honourable retirement.   It is also granted to individuals as a reward for remarkable deed to the state and it comes with a daily 20gp salary for the rest of your life.

    Race Relations

    Some humans in Valaís look down upon elves, much because of the elves from ashenwood who often raid the villages bordering the Ashenwood. In general, the Valaísians hold little respect for orcs, and especially so when it comes to goblinoids. They however do hold the halfling communities close to heart and a moderate good relation with the native forest gnomes and hill dwarves. There are only a few high elves native to valais and the vast number are moon elves traveling to explore the world and rumors of them being spies or thieves is common by the common folk.
    Founding Date
    Geopolitical, Empire
    Predecessor Organization
    Leader Title
    Head of Government
    Government System
    Monarchy, Absolute
    Power Structure
    Feudal state
    Economic System
    Market economy
    Legislative Body
    Legislative body
    Judicial Body
    The High order of Judicial duty   Magistrate
    Subsidiary Organizations
    Notable Members


    • 2,950,000

    Ethnic group

    • Humans (72%)
    • Elves (13%)
    • Other (15%)

    Articles under The Valaísian Empire


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